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Marine Meeting

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2013 @ 6:58pm by Colonel Danny Lennox & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx

1,717 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Marine Operations - U.S.S. Sutherland
Timeline: Current
Tags: All

After the Sutherland launched, David mad his way to Marine ops. Sitting down at his desk, he decided to brief his Marines as to the upcomming mission. Tapping a button on is console that opened the ship-wide comm, he said, ''This is Lt. Col. Hurd, i need the following personnel to report to Marine ops for a briefing, Major T'Lyn, Captain Lennox, Master Sergeant Duval , Gunnery Sergeant Ermey, and Gunnery Sergeant Agtx.

Duval sighed softly as he looked at the semi naked form of his Vulcan wife as she danced for him, she knew it was his birthday so she made him a rather adult movie for his eyes only, she never ceased to amaze him after twenty eight years of marriage, he smiled as he watched her graceful form.

"T'Nae. You my love.... are a tease." he then heard the com request, requesting his presence.

He rose to his feet as he lifted his uniform jacket, he then slipped it on as he turned off the movie and his wife's form was consigned back to cyberspace as he sometimes hated his job.

He walked out the door and ten minutes later he looked at the gathered marines. "To what exacly do I owe the privilege of your company this fine day sir?" he commented in his polished English accent, clearly sounding like he was from London, England.

T'Lyn was close by when she got the comm to report to marine ops, she walked down the hall and entered. "Reporting as ordered," she said with her hands behing her back and now show of emotion on her face.

Lennox came in a short time after, followed closely by Agtx and Ermey. They all took their seats and set their attention on the Colonel.

Looking at the Marines assembled, Col. Hurd said "please be seated everyone" As they took their seats, Hurd looked around the room once And then said, "Before we get started with the mission brief, i want to know any concerns you have about our upcoming mission, and our duties during the mission."

Duval raised an eyebrow. "I have two questions sir."

Col. Hurd looked at Duval, and said, "Go ahead."

"What exactly am I doing aboard ship, I was originally to be the Chief of Security then I got reassigned when that assignment was handed to someone else." he paused. "Now I think I'm the General's Chief of Staff but I'm not a hundred percent sure... I just want some clarification on that sir." he smiled, indicating it wasn't offensive to him or bothersome. "The second question is are there any Typhon Pact ships in the area around DS14 that are not spots to be there?"

Col. Hurd cracked a thin smile and said, " To awnser your first question, the reason you are here is because i requested you because of your experience." Pausing for a moment to look at a padd on his desk, he looked back up and said, "No Typhon Pact ships have been sighted in the area around DS 14."

"Why are the marines going in this mission instead of going with the Pegasus on the blockade think this is a waste of our jobs." T'Lyn stated with no show of emotions but yet was a bit irritated deep down about there mission.

Hurd looked at the Major and said, "We will be there because of the chance that outright combat and violence could break out, and to ensure the peace is kept at the conference."

Duval's question hadn't been answered to his satisfaction. "Sir... with all due respect. what exactly is my post so I know what I'm doing aboard ship sir." the mid fifties or so Master Sergeant inquired. "I was supposed to be chief security but that went to someone else... so I'm still asking... sir."

Col. Hurd replied, ''Master Sergeant, I understand how you feel, but i have awnserd your questions to the best of my ability.''

T’Lyn stood there hands behind her back and didn't say anything else at the moment. She just felt it was a waste but she wasn't going to try to argue the point with the Colonel.

Glancing at the Major, Col. Hurd also added, ''Major, is there a problem?''

She stood there, "No problem sir," she stated.

Col. Hurd replied, ''Very good then, are there any other questions?''

Lennox sat up in his chair a little more, then asked, “Colonel, looking at the mission briefing, we’re supposed to provide VIP Security and protection to the General’s Staff and delegates during the peace conference. Has DS14 sent us their internal security preparations?”

Duval was curious about the response to this question as he turned his head to observe Hurd carefully.

Col. Hurd looked down at his desk, and then said, ''According to the information i have here, they have.'' Tapping a button on his desk, the screen on the wall behind him lit up, showing a schematic of DS14, and an overlay of the internal security arrangements.

Lennox looked over the plans. DS14 was massive, an Immense Type Starbase. "Will their security force be under our command?"

The Colonel replied back, '' Insofar as i know, they will be.'' ''However, that information may be subject to change, so i want you all to prepare for that possibility.''

Lennox nodded, "Yes sir."

T'Lyn spoke up yet again, "what will my duties be here on the ship while you are on DS14?" She asked looking at him, she wanted to know what was planned.

Duval looked over the plans before him as he raised an eyebrow. "So worse case scenario is we have a conflict of interest with Deep Space Fourteen's Security forces, the interservice rivalry will not help here.." he commented.

"We will need to keep an eye out for infiltrators and ships suddenly showing up and leaving... also we will want to prevent unexpected transporter usage." he explained. "I have some Counterterrorism experience during my time on Mars." he added. "Typhon Pact will try something, they would be fools if they did not..."

Col. Hurd replied, with a wide smile on his face, "Duval, that is the exact reason i requested you."

She looked at him, she was completely ignored. She shook her head and walked to her desk and seemed to ignore the rest of the meeting. She had enough of this and just wanted to get this mission over with.

Duval blinked as he decided to move on. "Well... Counter Terror ops is my thing, its always been my thing..... so is there anything else we need to discuss?" he inquired.

Col. Hurd replied, '' No, Duval, think that just about covers it.'' Looking around the room, he noticed Major T'Lyn looking kind of dejected. Standing up, he looked straight at her and said, ''Major is there a problem?''

"yes there is a problem, I asked you a question and I was completely ignored." she stated as she looked at him. "I am trying to understand this mission and when I ask a question I hate being ignored." she added.

Duval raised an eyebrow, the Major did raise an excellent point, he too had been ignored when he had asked what his post was supposed to be and he wanted to see what the Colonel would say to this. "So for now, I'll assume I'm assigned to Tactical and plan accordingly..." he raised an eyebrow in a very Vulcan fashion. "Unless you wish me assigned somewhere specific.?" he inquired

Col. Hurd looked at the Major and replied, ''Major, i apologize about not answering your question.'' '' We are going to the conference because, as i sated earlier, There is a high probability of violence, and besides that, we are Marines, and they need the extra experience and muscle.'' Turning to face Duval, he added, ''Duval, i want you, and your experience, assessing and planning counter terror and attack security measures.''

Lennox watched the interaction between the Colonel and Major, and the Colonel and Sergeant. He thought Hurd handled things well, he just hoped the questions wasn't the start of any discord within the unit.

Col. Hurd arose from his desk and walked to the front of it, looking at the Marines before him. He cracked a short smile, and said, '' Marines, i know this upcoming mission has placed us all under stress, and you all have concerns about it.'' ''But i know you will preform your duties to the best of your abilities.'' Pausing for a moment, he added, ''Also there are two things i would like you to know, the first, is that unlike some Commanding Officers you may have had, i encourage comments, suggestions, questions, and criticism, the second, is that i will always fight alongside of you, that i will fight, bleed, and if necessary die for each and everyone one of you.'' he thought for just a split second, and then remembering an old earth Marine slogan, he threw a salute, he said, ''Semper Fi, Marines!!!''

Duval did not need to be told that the Colonel would fight alongside him, for he already knew that as he had read the man's file the previous night while chatting with T'Nae. "We will succeed.."

Looking around the room, Col. Hurd said, ''Alright Marines, orders are as follows, i want full equipment inspections and readiness reports on my desk in 24 hours. Turning to face Major T'Lynn, he said, ''Major i want a full series of combat drills ran, with attention placed on personnel protection, and response to attack, both conventional and terrorist.'' Pausing for just one more moment, he said, Duval, after the meeting is concluded, i want you to remain behind for a few moments.''

Duval raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Yes sir." he replied evenly

She just nodded and looked at him, "understood." T'Lyn replied looking at both of them.

Duval found that his job now was meaningless since someone else had been assigned to what his normal job skills was, counter terror operations,
as he simply dismissed the thought and decided to deal with the Colonel as if he was about to be relieved of duty then he would find other things to do.



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