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Technical Difficulties

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2013 @ 4:53pm by Commander Tressa Brislan
Edited on on Sun Oct 13th, 2013 @ 7:00pm

204 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Venator Sickbay

The doctor watched as the technician scrolled through the Emergency Medical Hologram program. It was all Greek to her, the seemingly endless lines of numbers and symbols. She was checking the latest preparation reports on her padd when the tech looked up with a triumphant grin.

"There's the problem, doctor. It isn't reading the Medfiles correctly, they are coded for the EMH differently than for the ship's computer."

"You're telling me that Starfleet Medical's newest EMH upgrade reads the Medfiles in a different system than Starfleet Medical?" Tressa asked slowly.

"Well, sort of, yes. Starfleet Medical organizes the files alpha-numerically, but the EMH adds an additional classification, the location of individuals on the ship. If there is a fire or explosion or something the computer knows where everyone is so everyone can be accounted for. But the timing is a little screwy, so when we ran the test with a simulated explosion in Engineering the program looked for the last known people on that deck. The engineer EHM was looking for hasn't been assigned to this ship in over a year."

"So you can fix it?"

"Absolutely, I'll have you up and running in minutes."

Tressa nodded and sent a brief to Captain Yamaguchi.


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