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"A Few Moments"

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2013 @ 6:11am by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

411 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"A Few Moments"

Captain Jake Yamaguchi
Lt Commander Torilla Tamaguchi

***** USS Venator - Commanding Officers Ready Room *****

The Fleet had been on station for about two days,

Husband and Wife were sharing a few mnoments chatting
over a cup of hot coffee each, the one in his hand was
a jamacaian blend and the one in hers was of a Klingon

"So... Torilla. Hows life commanding a ship of the line?"
Jake inquired as he looked at his wife with a smile on
his face.

"Ahh, you know how it is... So far... not much happening
here.." Torilla replied evenly. "Mostly just watching
over empity space..." she paused. "Keep your eyes peeled
for security breaches through, we did have one incedent which
I'll explain when we get it sorted out..."

Jake Yamaguchi sipped his coffee as he regarded his wife with
his eyes, knowing fully well that trying to pry things from
Torilla was at times, next to impossible and that she would
tell him when she was good and ready so he didn't bother.
"Okay, fair enough..." he responded. "I expect you'll make
it well worth the wait?"

"Assuming we don't explode from this terrorists actions, yes."
Torilla replied evenly.

"So what are you going to do with the man?"

"I'm not sure..." she admitted as a notation came across her
desktop, it was from medical regharding issues with the computer
software as she picked up the PADD after transfering the short
breifing from Doctor Tressa Brislan as she lifted the PADD to
read the short but intresting breifing. "Looks like the old
ball and chain is calling." she sighed softly. "I'll deal with it

"Whats going on?" Jake inquired.

"Medical telling me the EMH is glitched." she commented with
a smile. "this ship needed a prper shakedown before embarking on
this mission." she added.

"Lovely, sounds like you got your hands full."

"You dont know the half of it." Torilla responded. "I beleive
is the human term." the Halanian responded evenly

"Alright... I'll tell Neban you said hello.." he smiled at
his wife as she chuckled. "Neban is something else..." she
finished her cup of coffee. "I'd bets go.... I need to tend to

Jake nodded. "Till next time." and with that he hang up on her,
as the screen went back, she rose to her feet and came around her
desk as she marched out the door.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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