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"Just a few loose ends to tie up..."

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2013 @ 10:44am by Captain Jack Solomon

587 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator
Timeline: Durimng current mission
Tags: Lt. Commander Torilla Yamaguchi

Since the Venator had rendezvous with the rest of the fleet at the co-ordinates, Jack had been kept busy by monitoring the various power systems on board. He was well aware of the fact that the ship had not been taken through a shakedown cruise and during a fleet movement was the worst time to have any major failures.

Before leaving SB400, he had run system checks and diagnostic checks on the main power systems and backup systems and also made sure that the redundant backups were in working order as well but issues were beginning to arise now that the ship was underway. A typical occurance once ships set sail from port.

One of the problems he was trying to sort out were the Bio-Neural Gel packs on the Secondary Hull. Since the ship was underway, for some reason the secondary hull was draining power from the main and tertiary hulls. A Prometheus Class Vessel was able to seperate into 3 fighting vessels in its Multi Vector Assault mode and if combat were to take place, he wasnt sure that all three hulls would operate independently as required.

He looked over at Crewman McWatt who was finalising the details on the Tactical Display working on the back wall of the Bridge. He called him over to his position at Ops.

"McWatt, I need you to go down to deck 8 and check on the Bio-Neural Gel Packs operating capacity. I don't like the readings I'm getting back from them," he ordered.

"Sir, what am I looking for?" asked the young crewman.

"Anything that doesnt look right," answered Jack and with that McWatt left the Bridge.

Jack kept checking the readouts and saw that more power was being drawn to the secondary hull and hoped that this wasn't a serious problem to hamper the ship. He also checked the logs on the work that was taking place on the ship before it left the starbase and confirmed that all the Gel Packs were accounted for with the Engineering crew keeping up to date logs.

His answer came a few moments later.

"Lt Solomon, this is McWatt," requested the young crewman over the comm.

"Solomon here, what have you got?" Jack replied.

"Sir, you had better get down here to see this," replied Crewman McWatt.

"On my way," Jack answered, picking up a kit from under the Ops station and calling Ensign Maloney to take his place at Ops. He headed to the turbolift and took it to deck 8 to find the crewman.

However the answer was obvious when he saw 3 maintenance access ports open and the dors on the floor.

"Sir, we may have a problem here," explained Crewman McWatt. Jack knelt down to look at the maintenance hatch and saw that the Gel Pack was missing. He looked at the other two areas and saw that there were Gel Packs missing also. Jack pulled out a tricorder from his kit and began scanning the deck that they were on. Deck 8 alone was missing 6 Gel Packs and Deck 7 was also showing at least 4 Gel Packs missing.

"Oh, brilliant. This is going to go down well. Have you checked to see if there are any spares on board?" asked Jack.

"There are adequate Gel Packs to replace the missing ones sir, but the inventory shows that the ship was fully stocked when we left SB400," answered McWatt. Jack nodded as his hit his combadge.

"Lt Solomon to the Captain. Sir, I need you to meet me on deck 8," he requested...


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