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Arriving at DS14

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2013 @ 10:14pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

872 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Space around DS14
Timeline: Day Two, 1012 hours, Following 'Just a few loose ends to tie up...'


With a flash of light and a blur, the Pegasus dropped out of warp on final approach to DS14...quickly followed by more and more flashes as the rest of the fleet also dropped from warp.

USS Pegasus

"Hail DS14, let them know we've arrived." Mike paused, then added, "Advise the Sutherland to proceed directly to DS14, the rest of the fleet is to head for their assigned blockade positions. Once all vessels have checked it, I'll report to SB400."

K'Temoc nodded as he started typing away on the small display dedicated to the ship's XO.

USS Venator

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi watched as the fleet arrived at DS14, as she had the USS Venator maintain her position within the truly enormous formation of ships from the various powers. "Now, we see but through a glass darkly"


"Nothing Ensign, please proceed."

"Yessir." came the reply as Torilla looked at DS14 on the screen before her.

"Captain, were receiving our orders, we're to proceed to the designated section of the line that our force will be patrolling."

Torilla simply shifted her weight in her chair, ever so slightly, partly to restore circulation to her legs and partly to do something other then sitting here, doing nothing. "Very well, Helm set course for our destination and Hail the ships in our Wing, inform them of our orders and tell them to form up on us."

"Aye sir.... they answer affirmative."

"Good. Helm, once everyone is in position, take us to warp six."

"Ready to roll sir." replied the young woman at Conn.

Torilla nodded her head. "Engage."

Starbase 400

Sevlek was in his office, reading the latest reports, edicts, laws and allowances to his fleet when Colonel Andrenicus stepped through the door, "Admiral, the fleet has arrived as Deep Space 14."

Sevlek nodded as he stood and began walking to the situation table. An advanced piece of technology that could display the battle field in standard 2D, or the more preferred 3D, formats. That is, as long as the data uplink to the Gladiator remained constant. The Vulcan flag officer spoke, "Status of the communication link with the Gladiator?"

An engineer at a console spoke up, "Sir, the link is holding at 100%. The new communication arrays are transmitting via slipspace without hindrance at the moment."

Sevlek nodded and looked to Andrenicus, "Inform me when Admiral Bremer or Captain Zandusky initiates communication."

Andrenicus nodded.

Vice Admiral T'Lar was in OPS keeping on eye on things when she received word that the fleets had arrived to their destination. "I'll be in my office awaiting contact from our ships."

USS Pegasus

As the mighty ship turned and headed for her assigned area with the rest of her group, Bremer exited the Bridge and entered his Ready Room. As he took a seat at his deck, he activated his monitor and tapped in a security code. A second later, Sevlek and T'Lar appeared on the screen.

"We've arrived at DS14, and the Fleet is breaking up and heading for their assigned blockade positions. We detected no vessels in route, but that was to be expected." Mike reported.

Starbase 400

Deela nodded, "Good to see that you all made it safely. We've been monitoring the Federation and Klingon borders and so far, nothing."

Sevlek nodded at the other Admirals, "Strategic Intelligence reports that a force of vessels is 12 hours from the blockade."

USS Venator

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi watched as her tactical wing of ships all formed up around her and behind her. "Is everyone accounted for?" she inquired.

"Yessir. All ships are present and accounted for." came the response.

"Good..." Torilla replied. "Our enemies grow strong.... its time for us to stick our opposition on notice..." she waved her hand forward. "Helm, maintain our course to our destination...."

USS Pegasus

After several minutes, Mike returned to the Bridge. “Report.”

“Fleet is moving out to assigned positions.” K’Temoc replied.

Mike nodded, “Put Captain Zandusky, Leget Evek, General G'Tar , and Captain Riker on screen.”

After a moment, the subspace channel was opened and the screen showed the other four Officers in a quarter of the screen.

“Gentlemen” Mike started, “all systems go?”

G’Tar was the first to reply, with a grunt, “Hmm, my section is ready. I’ve also spoken to all Klingon Captains, and all vessels are ready.”

“I’ve spoken to all Cardassian commanders, and they report all ships are operational as well. Also, my section is ready.” Evek replied.

“Our section is ready as well. Captain LaForge reported a minor problem with the Challenger’s short range sensors, but they believe it to be a minor problem and will have it corrected within the hour.” Riker replied confidently.

Mike nodded, “Understood. Our section is also ready and ships are moving into position. The Pegasus Task Group should be in position with the hour.”

"All ships report ready. Intra-fleet communication links are at 100 percent. Communications with all assets is also at 100%."

Mike nodded, "Good, let's hold the line gentlemen." With that, the screen flashed back to the stars and ships in front of the Pegasus as the fleet moved out into their positions...



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