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Wedding plans

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2013 @ 5:23am by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

1,256 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade

Lee and Alex where aboard heading for the next mission. He was sitting there in their quarters going over a datapadd about the details.

Alex walked in and saw Lee sitting down. "Hey you." Alex had taken a break from the bridge for a while, "Are we having fun yet?" She smiled at him.

He looked up at her and raised an eye brow:"Oh yea am having so much fun can hardly contain myself. Are you having fun?"

"Oh, lots." She chuckled as she got herself a cup of black coffee, "I was falling asleep at my station so I thought I'd take a coffee break. She sat down, "Whatcha doing?"

Lee sipped at his coffee and put the datapadd down:"Oh am just looking over the details of our next mission."

"Ah." She took a sip of her coffee, "I hope this mission goes smoothly and ends quickly. I hear that there is going to be a wedding when it's over." She watched his expression, "I hear that it is going to be a major event."

He looked at her and gave her a knowing smirk:"Oh yea a wedding huh when the mission is over? A major event even? Woa better making sure to dress in Fleet dress uniform."

"Hmm, I don't know. I think that Fleet dress uniforms are overrated. I was thinking about you wearing" She smiled at him, "Nuq DaHar?"(What do you think?)

He smiled at her:"Ghobe' qab tlhlngan vaD wa'Dlch poH(Not a bad job of speaking Klingon for the first time)"

Alex only got a couple of words, "Um, thank you?"

Lee then stood up and walked over to her:"jlH muSHa' SoH wlj(I love you my Imzadi)" He then placed his hand on her cheek.

Alex smiled, "You do that very well. I had always meant to brush up on my Klingon but you know how that is. Now I wish I had."

Lee took hold of her hand and lead her over to the couch:"It's ok Imzadi, you can brush up on it during your time off on this mission."

"As long as you help me. I'm terrible when it comes to pushing myself to learn something."

He sat down on the couch:"So shall we do some wedding plans?"

"Let's. I know how much you want a Klingon wedding and from what I've read, it sounds intriguing."

Lee nodded and smiled:"It is intriguing and to me honorable as well."

"Good. So let's have ourselves a Klingon wedding."

"So who do you want for your side of the wedding party? Also what kind of food do we want to serve?"

"I was thinking Deela but I don't know if that is appropriate to ask her. Then I guess Torilla and her daughter. I really don't have anyone else on this ship that are even close to being a friend. As for the food, I guess we should have traditional Klingon food and Terran food. Maybe you could help me with the menu."

"Why wouldn't it be appropriate to ask Deela about being in the wedding?" He gave her a look.

Alex shrugged, "I don't know. I guess because she is a Vice Admiral, Starbase XO and my boss." She thought for a moment, "I'll ask her anyway. The worse thing she could say is no."

He gave a knowing smirk:"Just to let you know General Torg is bringing fresh gagh and a few cases of bloodwine with him."

With sarcasm, "Mmm, yummy." She wasn't a fan of either. Something about seeing her food move was just not appealing.

Lee gave a short laugh:"Gagh is something you have to get use to and it isn't bad when you do. Was also thinking we could have a buffet with Klingon, Terran, Vulcan, Betazoid food and maybe a few other types too what do you think?"

"I like that idea. It'll make everyone happy." She took a sip of her drink, "So who are you having? And are you going to do that Kal...Kal, um, you know, the Klingon version of a bachelor party?"

"You mean a Kal'Hyah? I was thinking about doing it, why?" He looked at her.

She shrugged, "I don't know, just curious I guess. Who are you asking to stand with you?"

"I am for sure having Maal stand with me, and depends how many you want to stand with you. Probably my cousins Joe,Jack and Sartak."

"Ah, I see." She sat there for a moment, thinking, "Have you..." she paused, "...thought about maybe..." she paused again, "...asking Paul? He may not want to but I think it would make him at least feel like he is a part of this."

Lee sat there dumbfounded for a moment:"Holy crap I never even thought about asking Paul if he wanted to be in the wedding party."

"You might want to."

He shook his head:"I tell you what, I will have just Maal and Paul stand up with me."

Alex nodded, "Okay but ask him first before you make a decision."

He chuckled:"I kind of figured would ask him first and see what he says."


Lee gave her a lop sided grin:"So where shall we go on our honey moon?"

Alex thought for a moment, "I thought about places like Risa or somewhere exotic but that is not at all me or you. So, I was thinking that we could go camping. Maybe do some hiking, horseback riding among other things." She smiled at him.

Lee sat there thinking for a moment then nodded:"Camping and hiking work for me. Where do you want to camp at?"

"California maybe. The Sequoias are beautiful there."

"So we just going to have it be you and I? Or we gonna make this a family affair?"

Alex gave him a double look, "Just us. I love my son but I think we need time to ourselves."

Lee busted out laughing:"You mean you don't want to bring Paul, Maal and Saith?"

Alex didn't even have to think about it, "Oh God no!"

He laughed even harder.

Alex playfully hit him in the arm, "Be serious. What do you think?"

Lee grabbed his arm for a second in mock pain."Camping in California to see the Sequoias are fine with me Imzadi."

Still smiling, "Good. Then that's settled."

He looked at her:"If you want and Paul is ok with it while we are gone for the honeymoon, Maal is willing to stay with him."

"I don't see a problem with that. In fact, I think that it's a good idea. Especially now that he has a love interest."

Lee nodded:"Shall we have Maal stay at our place or have Paul stay with Maal and Saith?"

"Paul would feel more comfortable in his own bed. So if he doesn't mind."

"Maal won't mind, he'll just probably sleep on the couch." He gave her a smirk:"So are you excited to get married?"

"Very but I keep worrying that we aren't going to get to that point if we keep getting called away on assignments like this one. It's getting a bit irritating." She frowned.

He nodded:"I know Imzadi it can be a bit frustrating but we will get married here soon. I will contact our families when we get back from this mission and then there will be a wedding."

"Good. I can't wait."

Lee smiled at her:"I can't wait either Imzadi."


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