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Shaking down the Venator

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 @ 10:13am by Captain Jack Solomon & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan & Ensign Anthony La Baron & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Sergeant Maal son of Torg
Edited on on Wed Sep 25th, 2013 @ 5:15pm

1,810 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator - Main Bridge
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission
Tags: Everyone. Pike


Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi - CO
Captain Pike – XO/Intel
Captain Harrison – ChTac
Dr. Brislan – CMO
Lieutenant Quan – CEO
Lieutenant Archer - Bridge Officer
Sergeant Maal – Marine CO
Lieutenant JG Murphy – Flight Controller
Ensign La Baron – CSO
Lieutenant Commander Roebuck – Sec
Lieutenant JG Baratan – ChSec
Lieutenant JG Solomon - COps

Music Soundtrack: The Lord of the Rings - Natures Reclamation

***** Main Bridge - USS Venator *****

Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi decided she wanted to shake this girl down some and work out where the bugs were nesting and where the gremlins needed to be fleshed out. "Alright folks... Lets use the transit time to shake this girl down, I want the Venator to become a well oiled machine when we get to where we're going and she has a lot of new stuff aboard, new computers, new weapons and a new drive system..." she explained, clearly settling into the center seat easily.

"Yes, battle drills, crisis drills, if you can think of it, I want it done." Torilla looked at Harrison as a smile crossed her lips as she tapped the display on the arm of her chair. "Engineering?"

"Quan here, Captain"

"We're going to shake this ship down Lieutenant, find me the gremlins, I know they are lurking... big, black and shiny...."

"Oh we know they are here, Captain." Quan smiled as he spoke. the bugs in the starboard engine software being testament to that.

The turbolift door opened and Tressa walked onto the bridge. "Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi," she said with a smile and a nod as she took a seat next to her.

"Ahh Doctor. I was just thinking of you... you must have heard my telepathic summons to the bridge." she commented with an easy smile, clearly this was someone who had an easygoing style of command. "I'd like for you to shake down the medical systems of this ship, how you do that I will leave up to you but... make it creative and memorable if you please?" the older woman inquired as she smiled at the Doctor.

The doctor looked thoughtful for a moment. "We should put the EMH through its' paces, but they're Starfleet Medical's newest baby so I'm certain we won't find any glitches," she said, wide-eyed. Then she rolled her eyes and grinned.

Yamaguchi returned her grin with one of her own. "Test it anyway... We need to be completely sure..."

Tressa chuckled to herself as she stood. "Well then, let's see how they've programmed this puppy," she said, nodding to the Commander as she left the bridge.

After checking his bags in his quarters on board the Venator, Jack Solomon made his way up to the Bridge to report to his CO Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi and to take his post as Chief Operations Officer during this mission.

During his catch-up on the way to SB400, Jack was made aware that the Venator was due a shakedown and he was looking forward to seeing what the ship could do.

He arrived on the Bridge and reported to his CO.

"Sir, Lieutenant JG Solomon reporting for duty. I'm your Chief Ops Officer, sir," he explained as he stood to attention in front of the Lieutenant Commander.

Yamaguchi looked up at the new arrival as she rose to her feet, topping out at her impressive six foot even. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant, I heard that you might be coming with me on the mission." she commented. "You're my new Chief Ops officer right?" she inquired

"Yes Captain, I'm your man. I've been looking forward to a chance to get to grips with a Prometheus Class Starship," replied Jack, trying to keep his excitement in check.

"Excellent, you timed your arrival rather well. I need help shaking this ship down and I want to work out all the kinks in the system. That's where you come in.... do you have any questions?" she inquired

"No, Captain, I'll get started on some level one diagnostic checks straight away on the sensor arrays and sensor pallets," he explained before taking up his post at the Operation Station.

Jack had been waiting with eagerness to get his hands on the Venator, having served on older classes of starship before. Once he'd logged in and checked the safety's were in place, he began the diagnostics and waited for the results to come back...

(In Security)
“You’re so rude,” the young man in the brig said. The remaining Security personnel laughed and looked towards Lt. Cmdr. JG Saith i-ki Baratan. She laughed with them, “I am serious. I am not going to let you out, you have to find your own way out. What better way to test this brig and your ingenuity?” She grinned. The officer locked in the cell shook his and reiterated, “you’re rude,” as he began to search around the cell. She walked away, “you have one hour.” '

Meanwhile, back on the bridge. Anthony made his way to the bridge of the Venator. In his brief tenure aboard Starbase 400, Anthony had spent most of his time hopping from starship to starship. Still, he didn't have to complain about boredom, which pleased him slightly. Silently he began running diagnostics and taking inventory of the ship's probes.

Torilla made herself comfortable in her command chair as ever, her thoughts turned to her last remaining child in her care as she hoped that Rachael was okay, as she looked around the bridge, the caught the same look on Alex's face.


Lt Quan and the rest of the engineering team were busy working on the engines. the fact that the same configuration hadn't worked on both main engines surprised Quan. He could accept a minor discrepency between them, but this ship was supposed to have been overhauled, so this was shoddy.
He walked over to where his second in command was working, "How is it going Lt?"

Lt Avery didn't look up, it's a nuisance, sir. The engines are less aligned than when it went into dock. Still I've just about got it licked".

Quan slapped the engineer on the back, "Well done.. Let me know when you are ready to up load to the starboard systems".

Avery looked up and smiled, "How about now, Sir".

Quan tapped his comm badge, "Engineering to bridge. We're now going to upload new configuration to the starboard engine system. There may be a slight pause in the engines as we do it."

Tag: Bridge

Quan nodded to the engineer and watched as the software upload displayed on the main engineering viewer.

Across the ship it was like the ships heart missed a beat, then it was up and running again.

Quan smiled as he tapped his com badge again, "Quan to Bridge. That's it Captain, you have full warp power"

Tag Bridge.

A very tired looking Aidan Murphy exited the turbolift, stepping onto the bridge and taking a sweeping look around. "LTJG Aidan Murphy reporting." He announced, making his way to the flight control console and parking himself in the seat.

After a few moments, the inventory of the ship's probes was complete. Anthony arched his eyebrow at a discrepancy.

"Commander," Said Anthony, turning to the CO, "The ship's computer is reporting that one of the probes is missing. I know she hasn't been taken out for a while, but station staff should've stocked it a long time ago. With your permission I'd like to take a physical inventory."

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "Inventory is missing.. Yeah, go take care of it." Torilla replied evenly. "I hate surprises."

Lee raised an eye brow at the mention of a probe missing then stood from his chair:"I'll assist you with the inventory check Ensign."

Saith frowned over the report. Deciding she had plenty of help at her disposal, between her staff and the mariines, that she could spare some if need be. Hitting her com badge, “Baratan to La Baron. I have people to spare if you would like a few more seekers?”

She smiled to herself as she heard Mark banging around in the brig cell. He had at least quit swearing and set about trying to break out. It was a good test. She had several people testing things in the Security office, and around the ship. She was in the main Security office monitoring her personnel monitoring the alarms and systems as they went off, or didn’t. She was determined to know how well everything worked on this ship, Security wise anyway. She listened to La Baron’s response to her query, and nodded, “Okay. Baratan out.”

"I'd appreciate the help, Lieutenant." Replied Anthony to the Romulan officer, "Have your team sent to main torpedo bay. You're more than welcome to join us, orders permitting of course."

Both Archer and Roebuck, stayed to the side, watching the rest of the Bridge crew during the time. Archer had been 'booted' out of the Operations Station when Solomon had arrived just before the ship launched, and while he didn't mind, he was feeling a little unnecessary right now.

Roebuck on the other hand was taking mental notes on how the crew interacted with Yamaguchi, and vice-verse. So far, even under the minor stress so far, Captain and Crew were working well together, and he waited until he was needed.

Yamaguchi looked over at Lieutenant Archer, she knew his record and she decided to make him useful instead of wasting his talents. "Mr. Archer, I'd like you to go over the computer core of this ship, find the gremlins we know to be lurking there, if you'd be so kind..."

Yamaguchi then noticed Lt Commander Roebuck also standing around as she decided to make him useful as well. "Commander Roebuck. How much command time do you have?" she inquired.

She smile only widened. "Good enough for my needs... take a bridge crew and head down to the secondary bridge, shake the various systems down and run some readiness drills, use your imagination and when you finish with that bridge, move onto the third bridge... we're two days away from DS14 but I want it all down by then... you okay with that?"

"Alright, on your way.."

Jack finally managed to get the diagnostics programmes finished as Engineering confirmed the ship had full warp power and he was glad that the sensor pallets and arrays registered as fully functional. After the confirmation of regular warp power, the level one diagnostic on the power flow and power distribution systems that he ran came back clear also. He looked up and over at Lt. Commander Yamaguchi.

"Captain, all diagnostics check out on the sensor and power systems, the ship is running well and true from my end," he reported.

re: this will be a simple shakedown cruise but... lets make this interesting.


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