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Eyes Wide Open

Posted on Thu Feb 17th, 2022 @ 3:57pm by Commander Namia Grian & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell & Commander Sarah Rodgers & Lieutenant Samuel Carrington & Lieutenant JG Dustin Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Aubrey Miller
Edited on on Thu Feb 17th, 2022 @ 3:59pm

1,402 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Thanatos system & Cestus and Bellatrix along the Gorn border,
Timeline: Current

As the Bucaneer and the Falcon broke formation, Grian leaned back in her command chair. The Buccaneer and Falcon were off again and she thought back to the last mission the ships shared together........


Location: USS Falcon

"Mister Carrington, have we reached our first set of coordinates?" Ezekiel asked, as he looked to his chief helmsman. He was very proud of his helmsman. He had come a long ways since they first met, a couple of years ago. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was dating the first officer. She was a very good influence on Sam and on Ezekiel as well. He wanted to recommend her for promotion, but feared loosing her.

"Aye sir, Lieutenant Miller should be ready to launch the first buoy." Sam said, with a big grin.

"I am ready, Captain." Aubrey replied. "Just waiting for your orders, Sir." She had a smile on her face as well. Aubrey was happy to be off the base and out doing their jobs.

Ezekiel jumped up from his seat, with excitement in his eyes. As he walked over to the helmsman station. "By all means launch the buoy." Ezekiel called out, as he looked to the main viewer.

"Yes, sir." Aubrey replied. She immediately did as ordered and sent out the buoy, watching as it successfully launched. "The buoy has been launched, Captain."

"Number One, get Commander Grain back on the line." Ezekiel called out with a big grin on his face. They could move to phase two of their mission. Now they got the buoy's in place.

“Yes Captain.” Sarah replied. She turned and hailed them. “USS Buccaneers, Commander Rodgers here, Captain Bagwell would like to speak to Commander Grian.” She waited for an answer and turned to Bagwl. “The Commander is on the line, Sir.”

Location: USS Bucaneer.

We see the USS Buccaneer cruising at impulse continuing her patrol of the Thanatos system. The crew were still coming around from the Christmas festivities that were held in the ship's mess hall over the last few days. Grian was sat on the bridge in her chair with a synthahol mulled wine. Everything was running smoothly and, with disappointment for some, nothing remotely interesting was going on in their patrol area.

As they continued their patrol, an object came in to sensor range. The science station notified Grian.

"Captain, there is an object coming into sensor range. Sensors indicate it to be spherical in shape and roughly 5 meters in diameter and appears to be solid. "

"What is is made of? " Grian enquired.

"Looks like an alloy of duranium and titanium. " Science replied.

"So basically its a 5 meter diameter solid metal ball? " Grian replied.

"Yes sir."

"In coming hail from the Falcon captain. " another officer piped up.

"On screen." Grian replied.

"Are you sensors detecting this?" Ezekiel asked, wondering why and more importantly how a solid looking metal sphere was just floating in space. He assumed her sensors were detecting the item as well.

"They are. What do you make of it? It appears to be a solid metal sphere." Grian added. A science officer passed her a padd. " Further analysis suggests, based on scorch marks on the sphere, it maybe a projectile that has been fired but some time ago. "

"Maybe its a probe of some sort. A way for the occupants of this device to test us, to what end I am not sure to what end. My sensors are detecting very low power emissions. No communications signal emanating from it. he based that on simple observation, that the sphere was in their direct path." Ezekiel called out to Grian.

"Would it be safe, do you think, to bring it aboard one of our ships for further analysis?. Grian asked Ezekiel.

"We could bring it on my ship. We need to find some answers." Ezekiel offered putting his own ship into potential situation. He hoped it was nothing, a simple communications array mishap.

"Very well but take very precaution you can think of. It may look harmless but we have had countless examples where that first impression is holy inaccurate. " Grian replied.

"Agreed, you might want to keep a safe distance, incase this goes sideways." Ezekiel called as a precautionary measure. He did not have any intuitions that it would, be was just being cautious.

"Understood." Grian replied. She nodded to her helmsman who began to move the Buccaneer to safe distance from the Falcon.

"We are at a safe distance Falcon. You are good to go. We will keep a close watch." Grian signaled.

"Thanks." Ezekiel said, as he looked over to Sam. "Sam bring us in closer." He called out as he waited for his helmsman to carry out his orders.

"Aye sir." Sam said, as the Falcon, started to inch closer to the round solid sphere. Intially there was no reaction. Sam was ready to alter course, at the first sign of trouble.

The Buccaneer was monitoring the object with intense scrutiny. As the Falcon closed in, all seemed quiet. But as the Falcon got Within 1000 meters, a claxon sounded at the science station and a voice piped up.

"Sir, we are detecting an energy build up in the object. "

Grian nodded. Tapping the coms "Buccaneer to Falcon. Energy build up in the object detected. Caution. "

The object started to glow, gradually getting brighter. As it did so, it began to send out a signal that could now be detected by both ship's. The signal, when filtered through the universal translator, came out garbled except for the words 'contact', 'proximity' and 'message'.

"Buccaneer to Falcon. Are you getting this message from the object?"

“Falcon to Buccaneer.” Commander Rodgers replied. “We are picking up the message as well.”

As the Falcon moved a little closer to the mysterious object, its power output increased until it seemed to be at is maximum. The object now had a slight glow and seemed to be vibrating. The Universal Translator activated once again, only this time, made considerably more sense.

#Contact established, Proximity sufficient. Sending message. #

Both ships then received a message which appeared on their respective viewscreens.

#This Data Orb was launched 3000 years ago. Our race, the Canruktah, no longer exists, The data contained in this Orb are all that remains of our people. Remember us. The Orb belongs to you know. #

The message ended. The orb powered down and was now inert.

"Grian to Bagwell. Kind of sad that really. I think it is safe to bring it aboard and study it further. Better complete our mission as well. "

"Number one, go to the bay, I want you to assemble a team of scientist, and get us some preliminary results." Ezekiel called out as he looked over to Sarah.

“Yes Captain.” Sarah headed off, already contacting science to have them meet her there.”

Location: Shuttle Bay

"I'm already working on an interface, Commander." Aubrey said, probably getting a little ahead of herself. She was trying to sync the data pad to the probe like device. Currently they were receiving a signal from it. But she wanted the ability to see more. She had no doubt that Sarah would too.

“Good work!” Sarah acknowledged her quick thinking. “We need to get information to the bridge as fast as we can.” She walked over to Aubrey. “What can I do to help?”

"I could use your help with getting the interface to work. I need the two computers to talk to one another." Aubrey suggested to her superior.

Sarah went to work on the other computer. She knew it was critical for them to get information to the captain. "I think we are connected now." She said to Aubrey. "Yes we are receiving data." She pressed her comm badge and called the bridge. "Captain." Sarah said. "Lieutenant Miller and I were able to communicate with the orb. Preliminary results indicate we will be able to collect some valuable data from it. "

Ezekiel had a big grin on his face, as he called out. "Transmit your findings to the Buccaneer and to the Falcon. Two crews are better than one." He said, as the scene starts to fade with data coming back from the probe.

Grian smiled to herself. She was always happen to work together with Ezekiel and the crew of the Falcon.



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