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Posted on Fri Mar 5th, 2021 @ 1:02pm by Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Splendora Sage & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Tom Vercetti

958 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: First Federation Space
Timeline: MD 03


The hours of travel passed quickly for the group, or what seemed like quickly. Splendora had tried to sleep but it eluded her. Just when she'd found a small bit of it the coms beeped advising everyone that they were crossing into First Federation Space.

Splendora stood washed her face and headed to the front of the ship. Tom was seated in his command chair. She walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.


"As ready as we'll ever be." Tom replied as he made adjustments to his holo-controls. A moment later the Cercatore di Tesori dropped out of warp.

Ariana walked onto the bridge, she’d slept more out of tiredness from her pregnancy than really wanting to sleep. Feeling better for it she headed over to her seat.

Stepping onto the Bridge, Carolyn hovered out of the way. She was not here as crew and was perhaps more of a hinderance than help but she wanted to be here. Her last trip into First Federation space had been so very different.

Just as they crossed into space Tom's man at helm sounded the alert. "Sir! We're surrounded! Some forms of.... light beams...devices. They are warning us to turn back."

"This is where the fun begins right." Tom said with a smirk.

Splendora tensed.

“Not again.” Ariana sighed. “Does Hades have plans to meet us? If not we’ll need you Carolyn, you are Lord Hades daughter-in-law. No one would dare harm a hair on your head, or Splendora’s for that matter.”

"I'm sure Hades made all the arrangements for us to get there safely," Carolyn said quickly.

"Sir the light beams the ... device it's emitting some form of radiation."

“Radiation!!” Ariana was immediately alarmed, this wasn’t news either she or Carolyn needed. It would put the lives of their children at risk.

"Can you isolate the type of radiation?" Carolyn asked calmly, before offering Ariana a reassuring smile, "scary as it sounds, it doesn't necessarily mean it is harmful."

Ariana nodded. “You’re right, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound alarmist.”

Splendora spoke up. "Destroy them." She looked at Tom. Trust me destroy them what ever happens next keep your shields up and weapons down."

"Hey Sparky." Tom said to no one in the room. A moment later a hologram appeared. He was a non-descript looking fellow with brown eyes and black hair.

"Okay, okay...targeting, firing." Sparky said as he tapped in a few commands on a holo-interface. A moment later two phaser beams lanced out, destroying the emitters.

Tom tapped a command on his holo-panel.

"I didn't even get to say he..." Sparky vanished.

"Shields are down, weapons back offline." Tom said, nervously, wondering what was next.

Ariana was pensive at first as they all waited to see what was going to happen, a nagging voice at the back of her mind was telling her not to be such a wuss and to toughen up. Perhaps taking Rol’s advice and not being afraid was the best way to go. Closing her eyes for a moment she relaxed and let that part of her that she was holding at bay the freedom to become part of her whole self. The feeling was one of freedom as she opened her eyes, she felt more comfortable and less afraid which was something. She stood quiet waiting to see what was going to come next.

Suddenly several ships decloaked. "Tom Transmit the codes."

"Done." Tom replied after a brief moment.

There was a moment of tense silence before the fully armed ships started standing down. "Income hail." Someone said.

Splendora looked at Tom. "Let me talk to them."

Tom tapped a holo-panel on his left, then 'threw' a holo-screen toward Splendora.

Splendora watched the screen shimmer into an image that seemed plucked from the bowels of history. They looked like Earth's little grey or green men. They were gray, elongated heads, big eyes. "I am Splendora Sage of the Verdari. Sister to Lord Hades of the great council of the First Federation. I bring with me Carolyn wife of Harris son of Hades and her child. We are friends of Lord Hades."

There was silence as the screen flashed off.

Ariana stood arms folded. “Now we wait ... again.”

Splendora sighed. "It's not that simple. They will need to verify what I've said. That will be a scan...a very uncomfortable one at that."

An alert beeped, "There's a build up of power in their forward sensors." Tom said as he took a breath, trying to relax. "They're initiating scans."

As the scans began Splendora said, "Everybody stand perfectly still. You'll feel a heat and then nausea for a second." As she finished speaking the scan hit her. She felt a wave of dizziness and then as the scan left her she swayed a little. She felt Tom's hand on her. "I'm alright."

Ariana stood holding onto the nearest chair as the scan made her head spin and her stomach queasy. “Ohh now that’s not a nice thing to do to pregnant women!” As the scan finished she took a few deep breaths grateful it was over.

"No one puke on my ship!" Tom shouted as he tried not to throw up.

A voice boomed through their communications. "Shut down your engines. Prepare to be taken aboard our tug ship."

Splendora sighed and let out a breath that she'd been holding. "I guess that means we're in." She looked at the group. "Ready for an adventure?"

“Sure” Ariana nodded and offered a smile.

Tom tapped in a few buttons and powered down the engines, then leaned back in his chair, letting out a deep breath.



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