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Travels to remember

Posted on Mon Mar 1st, 2021 @ 4:00pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Commander Namia Grian

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: The Buccaneer
Timeline: Current


Kah’lyn stood looking at the PADD that contained her report about her time on the Buccaneer. She’d enjoyed helping out onboard for the shakedown, it had made a change to her normal duties. She smiled as she thought back to her first meeting with Grian.

~ A couple of days earlier ~

Kah’lyn has been going over another ship docked up at the Starbase when the Buccaneer had arrived. The ship caught her eye and out of curiosity, she popped back when she had a free moment to see the owner.

Commander Grian was by the ship's main airlock that connected the Buccaneer with Starbase 400. She was presently ensuring everything was going smoothly for the transfer of cargo and the movement, to and fro, of personnel. Starbase 400 was now the home base for the Buccaneer. Grian noticed a young Lieutenant standing just outside the airlock peering in.

"Can I help you, Lieutenant?" Grian asked.

“Apologies Commander” Kah’lyn offered an apologetic smile. “I’m Kah’lyn Chiara, I saw your ship dock up earlier and I thought I’d drop by and see if you needed anything from Operations? If you do I’m currently free so I could sort it now for you.”

"Well then Kah'lyn, you could help me. " Grian handed over the padd she was holding. " Any chance you could see if you could arrange some of your renown engineers to help our engineering team with some refits to the impulse engines?" Grian asked.

Kah’lyn looked at the PADD as it was handed to her. “I don’t see why not, I’ll get this PADD to Commander Croesus for you. He’ll organise the engineering people you need.” She smiled warmly.

"Thank you very much. We were supposed to get the refits done this month but our new assignment here changed things so we were unable to start them. " Grian replied. She then tilted her head to one side for a moment with a distant expression. "You are half Betazoid aren't you Kah'lyn? and congratulations are in order I sense as well. I am half Betazoid myself, on my father's side. " Grian added.

“On my mother’s side for me” Kah’lyn smiled. “.. and Thank you. I’m only just about three months so I have a while to go yet.”

"That is true. Plenty of your pregnancy to enjoy. I don't have children but my sister, Deena, does. Twin boys and what a pair those two are. They both love anything to do with starships and so when the Buccaneer visited Betazed two months back and the fact that there are only 10 Interceptor class starships in service, seeing one is rare. My father remarked that his grandsons behaved like 20th-century trainspotters." Grian said with a smirk on her face.

“Sounds like fun to me!” Kah’lyn smiled. “My mother died when I was young, I was raised by a Human foster family. I don’t have any siblings.”

"I am sorry to hear that Kah'lyn. Although, most of the time, having siblings is a good thing, but sometimes they can be such a pain. I was going to ask if you wanted a tour of the Buccaneer but as Starbase 400 already has the Falcon, I am guessing you have already seen all there is to see aboard an Interceptor. " Grian replied.

“Actually ... I’ve never been aboard the Falcon.” Kah’lyn smiled. “I’d love a tour if you have spare time? I’m curious, to say the least.”

"I am sure that we can arrange something " Grian replied.

“Excellent, thank you” Kah’lyn grinned. “I take it you’re part of the crew here now and you’re not just passing through? With so many comings and goings it can get confusing from time to time.”

"Yes, that's right. I and my crew are now part of the family here at Starbase 400. The traffic of people coming and going must be quite busy for a Starbase of this size. " Grian replied.

“It is” Kah’lyn nodded. “We have our regulars, then there’s those just looking for a quick stop or an overnight stay. It can be a pretty busy station. It keeps us on our toes!”

"In these uncertain times, anything that keeps us on our toes has to be a good thing." she paused. "I like to keep my crew on their toes as well. It keeps everyone motivated and ready for whatever this crazy galaxy we all live in, will throw at us next. I have to go back aboard to pick up some things, would you like to join me for a quick look as I retrieve some items? " Grian asked.

Kah’lyn nodded. “Please, just let me know if I’m in the way at any point.” She grinned.

"No problem," Grian replied. She leads the way back aboard the Buccaneer through the airlock that took the pair directly onto Deck 5. "We will need to go up to Deck 2 where my quarters are to get the bag I need." she advised as they headed for a turbolift.

Kah’lyn had never seen such a blue carpet before, normally any carpeted surfaces in ships tended to look worn and dull but this ship was gleaming! The newness of the ship was amazing to see and it even smelt new. “Wow! I’ve never seen a ship sparkle like this one does, I take it she’s straight out of the shipyards?”

"Sort of" Grian replied stepping into the turbolift making sure Kah'lyn was in before the doors closed.

"Deck 2" she commanded. "Her construction was delayed initially and then before I took command she had some refit work done which is why she has such a newness about her, almost everywhere," she added. They arrived on Deck 2 and were soon outside the captain's quarters.

The doors opened to reveal a spacious living area. "Come on in and take a seat while I find the bag I need. "Grian advises.

Kah’lyn nodded and smiled. “Thank you” She looked around in awe of the size of the living area alone. “This is impressive, I’ve been aboard a few ships but this one has to be one of my favourites.”

"It is when you consider the size of the ship. She has the same level of fit and finishes as an Intrepid-class but she is about the same size as a Nova class. " Grian replied coming back out into the main area of her quarters with the bag, she had been looking for, in her hand. "Got it," she said.

“Has the ship been out for its shakedown as yet?” Kah’lyn looked at Grian curiously.

"Not yet, we are leaving in a few days time. Would you like to come along for the ride? " Grian asked.

“Would I ever!” Kah’lyn smiled and nodded. “Sorry, that’s a yes please Commander.”

"Granted. We leave next Monday at 07:30 hours. My father says the 0 stands for Oh My God its Early." Grian replied.

Kah’lyn grinned. “Believe me that’s not early! I’m normally up and around by 0630 at the latest. I’ll see you then.”

~ Now ~

Kah’lyn picked up her padd, she was happy with the report and she hoped to have a chance to accompany Grian again sometime. Right now it was back to her normal duties, that and unpacking the things she’d brought on their temporary layover.



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