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Dreaming of Home sweet home

Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2021 @ 1:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

931 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Wayne family quarters
Timeline: MD3

Ariana sat staring out at the stars. The downside to going to the First Federation was that she was once again parted from Stacie and Cameron. She was going to take some leave time as soon as possible to spend with her family, to make up for time away from them both. Her mind drifted back to the time she’d spent time with Cameron before she’d departed.

~ 48 hours ago ~

Ariana returned home, it had felt like a very long day back at work. She’d cut her hours back some and given another five weeks or so she’d be on maternity leave anyway. “Honey I’m home!” She grinned.

It had been a busy time at the shop between the gift for the admiral and the many other runabouts and shuttles he was repairing he had never been busier or happier. He rounded the corner just as Ariana entered their quarters he even heard her greeting and decided to have a little fun. He tapped a couple buttons on his armrest to turn off the gravity in the living room just as he opened the door and rolled in.

Seeing her floating there without a top on had his mind going wild he never imagined she would throw off the top as soon as she closed the door. "Well well what do I have here looks like I caught me a commander." Said Cameron with a chuckle and a grin as he released the strap holding him in his chair and footed up to join her.

Ariana grinned. “Hello yourself! I certainly hope you know how to get me down safely. I’m not used to free floating around our quarters!”

"Well considering that the last time we did this was I think when that little guy inside you was conceived I am not surprised. If you will come over here and give me a kiss I think we can get both of us down but it might take a few minutes." Said Cameron with a chuckle.

Ariana grinned as she worked out how to get across to Cameron. Floating gently into his arms she gave him a loving kiss. “If I remember correctly, you did say you wanted a big family, and we did have lots of fun.”

" I did and I do though right now I happen to be sweaty, I must reek, and frankly I am exhausted. The best part of the day though is coming home and seeing you though I will admit the topless part is a nice touch." Said Cameron as he wrapped he arms around her. " Computer restore one tenth of standard gravity increase by one tenth every 30 seconds to standard." Said Cameron as he change position around so it looked like he was sitting and pulled Ariana until his lap as they gentlely sank to the couch and soon found themselves sitting comfortably.

“Now this is what I love” Ariana smiled as she looked into Cameron’s eyes. “Being here in your arms” She leant toward him and gave him a gentle loving kiss before leaning back a little. “It’s hard to believe I’ll be on maternity leave in another five or so weeks, this pregnancy seems to have flown by. You’ll soon have your son around to show all your ships off to. Speaking of children I’ll have to collect Stacie from the nursery in a little while.”

"I can only hope that things slow down at the shop so I can spend more time with just the 4 of us. It is nice to be busy and I admit the money has been great but if I am honest there is no place I would rather spend my time then right here with you and our kids." Said Cameron softly

" Now though you have to go get our little girl and I honestly need a shower so bad I can feel the dirt and grim crawling over my skin.". He added as he let her up and then turned on the antigrav belt that would allow him to get to his chair.

“Actually ... I have enough time if you’d like some help scrubbing off that dirt and grime?” Ariana grinned as she looked at Cameron.

"you little minx I suppose I could use a little help at that." Said Cameron with a chuckle and a wink.

“Well what else is a woman to do?” She grinned. “I can’t have you covered in dirt and grime now can I?”

"Very true honey after all how can you show off your dashing fiance if I am all covered in dirt." Said Cameron lightly as he headed for the bathroom.

Just as he was as he was about to enter the door chimed. "Honey are you expecting anyone?" Asked Cameron after all it was not exactly normal for someone to just drop by unanounced.

“No I’m not” Ariana looked at Cameron concernedly.

"If your not expecting anyone and I am not expecting anyone then I wander who it is." Said Cameron as he slipped the old phaser from it's compartment and put it in his lap where no one would see it. After all he knew he had some enemies and he knew that there were possibly people who did not like Ariana.

( OOC: to be continued )

~ Now ~

Ariana sighed as her thoughts were interrupted. She wanted to be at home, but right now she was where she had to be. She’d hopefully be home soon, and it couldn’t come quick enough.



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