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Not Your Average Shakedown Part 3

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2021 @ 1:11pm by Commander Namia Grian & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: USS Buccaneer
Timeline: MD3

Last time aboard the USS Buccaneer...

"We have less than 50 minutes, people. Are we any closer to getting away from here?" Grian asked.

“Possibly Commander” Kah’lyn nodded as she motioned the CO and XO across to where she sat. “The Last readings we had before the system went haywire put us here ..” she pointed to the chart on her screen. “If we could backtrack so-to-speak, to that point then we’d be away from the fringes of this system.”

"Fantastic. Can you extrapolate the co-ordinates and get them to the helm station so we can get moving?" Grian asked.

“Doing it ... now.” Kah’lyn looked towards the Officer on the helm.

"I have the co-ordinates Captian. All plotted and ready" Helm advised.

"OK everyone, cross your fingers and toes," Grian advised all on the bridge.

"Helm, engage the slipstream drive and get us out of here," Grian ordered.

"Gladly Captain." the helmsman replied. He taps the console.

We see the Buccaneers nacelles tilt to their slipstream position and with a brief surge of dazzling brightness, the Buccaneer lurched forward at great speed, disappearing in a distance blue flash. "We have less than 50 minutes, people. Are we any closer to getting away from here?" Grian asked.

“Possibly Commander” Kah’lyn nodded as she motioned the CO and XO across to where she sat. “The Last readings we had before the system went haywire put us here ..” she pointed to the chart on her screen. “If we could backtrack so-to-speak, to that point then we’d be away from the fringes of this system.”

"Fantastic. Can you extrapolate the co-ordinates and get them to the helm station so we can get moving?" Grian asked.

“Doing it ... now.” Kah’lyn looked towards the Officer on the helm.

"I have the co-ordinates Captian. All plotted and ready" Helm advised.

"OK everyone, cross your fingers and toes," Grian advised all on the bridge.

"Helm, engage the slipstream drive and get us out of here," Grian ordered.

"Gladly Captain." the helmsman replied. He taps the console.

We see the Buccaneers nacelles tilt to their slipstream position and with a brief surge of dazzling brightness, the Buccaneer lurched forward at great speed, disappearing in a distance blue flash.

And now the final part and conclusion

"How long do we have to be in slipstream for before we reach the co-ordinates? " Grian asked.

The helmsman checked his display. "Another hour. " He advised.

"Ok folks, sit tight and keep those fingers crossed," Grian replied.

As the hour approached, the Buccaneer reached the co-ordinates extrapolated by Lieutenant JG Chiara. The helmsman taps the console. "Dropping from Slipstream in 3, 2, 1 "

We see an area of space, not unlike the previous one, they all look similar unless there some clearly defined phenomenon. From a distance blue flash, the Buccaneer rapidly appeared and came to a full stop. Her nacelles lowering back to their sub-light position.

Unknown to them, and not spotted when the co-ordinates were looked at on the chart, they were in for a surprise.

"On screen," Grian requested, holding her breath.

The screen came on. She stood up slowly from her seat and walked towards the screen. Pointing to a faint structure in the distance, she turned to her XO.

"Please tell me that is what I think it is. " She asked.

Grayson checked the sensors. "Yes, Captain." he paused. " Deep Space 14. " He advised.

A cheer erupted on the bridge with applause. "Helm, full impulse to DS14, please." She asked,

"Gladly" helm replied.

Grian walked over to where Kah'lyn was sitting with a smile on her face.

"Lieutenant.... well done. Please can you contact DS14 and advise them of our need for system repairs and can you also drop a line to SB400 as well. I bet they will be wondering what the hell is going on."

“Yes Ma’am, and Thank you” Kah’lyn grinned. Tapping the console she relayed a message to Deep Space 14 letting them know of the navigational problems that needed repair. That done she also relayed to SB400 letting them know a brief synopsis of the journey so far. “SB400 has acknowledged Commander, they’re relaying our situation to Admiral Bremer now.”

"Good. He is going to love that report but he will probably what the whole kit and caboodle in my report when we finally get home." Grian replied with a smile.

Within the hour, USS Buccaneer was docked at DS14 and their engineering team was already aboard assisting the Buccaneer's resident engineering team in sorting out the navigational issues. Instead of fixing it, they opted to install a new navigation system which was assured to be fault free and then they would take the time to analyse the faulty one and report back to Commander Grian.

It eventually took four hours to install the new system, which allowed the crew a brief period of much needed R&R. After which, the crew reassembled back aboard the Buccaneer for her journey back to SB400. It was at this point that Lieutenant Grayson reminded Grian that they had not tested the cloaking device.

"Oh, with all that has been going on, I am not surprised we have forgotten." She replied. She turned to Kah'lyn. "Can you ask DS14 if they would mind helping us test the cloaking device? Advise them that once we undock and clear the station, will engage the cloak and we need to know from them, whether or not they can detect anything from us whilst cloaked or not. " She asked.

Kah'lyn nodded. “That I can do” she tapped the comms and explained Grian’s Wishes. “DS14 say they’ll help us with that Commander.” She smiled as she thought about her brief shore leave on the station, she’d found a store selling all manner of baby and maternity items. She was returning with a box full of goodies she’d purchased including maternity clothing.

"Very good," Grian replied. She sat comfortably in her seat. "Helm, seal off the airlocks and release all docking clamps. Then take us away from the station, roughly 4000km and hold the position. " Grian commanded.

Turning her head towards Kah'lyn "Once we engage the cloak, we will remain cloaked for 5 minutes. Let the station know to conduct their scanning tests during that period." She advised.

Kah’lyn was already way ahead with the request, relaying everything the station would need to know. “Already on it Ma’am”

"We are now in position captain. " Helm replied.

"OK, Engage the cloaking device," Grian commanded.

We see the Buccaneer slowly disappear in a shimmering wave-like pattern till she was no longer visible.

“DS14 reports we’re no longer visible Commander” Kah’lyn looked across at Grian. “Their sensors aren’t detecting our presence either so it looks like we’re good where the cloak is concerned.”

"Excellent. Disengage the cloak. " Grian requested. Buccaneer reappeared for all to see.

After exchanging pleasantries with DS14, the Buccaneer set course for SB400 and made her way there.


END OF THE STORY. Thanks for reading.


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