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Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2021 @ 1:50pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD
Edited on on Mon Jan 25th, 2021 @ 1:50pm

3,449 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01 1600PM


Many years ago, a fellow physician and a mentor for many many years, had advised you could tell much from a touch.

Often without the advanced equipment surrounding them now, William Corrigan knew the truth of those words well. Emerging into a bustling corridor, William Corrigan reached out to take hold of his daughter's arm and guided her towards the adjacent empty room fully prepared to endure her wrath. Before she could complain, he touched her forehead, confirming his suspicion.

"You are running a fever," he observed, a frown revealing his concern. Unlike her sister, Caroline was rarely one to feel unwell.

"I am -"

"Carolyn please," he interjected firmly as to fingertips moved to the side of her neck, "I have been a doctor since long before you were born. Your skin is clammy to the touch, your heart rate is up and you look exhausted..."

"I just need to sleep," she told him. "Dr Kelley checked me over just yesterday, I promise."

"Why were you checked over?"

She rolled her eyes, "Dad..."

"I am your father, it is my job to worry," he countered before her look reminded him of exactly how tenuous his defence was. "Your mother never had easy pregnancies," he added in a gentler, more persuasive tone, "perhaps I can help."

"I'll ask Dr Hades to check me over again before he leaves. I already had to cancel lunch -" she broke off as a cry of pain escaped her lips and as he reached out she grabbed hold of his arm as the world spun around her. She reached for her com badge but the words she wanted to say never left her lips, instead a single name escaped on a breath.

Years of experience made him recognise the signs and stepping closer, William caught his daughter in his arms as she blacked out. "I need help in here!" he bellowed as loud as he could.

Hades had been on his way to the promenade with word of a medical emergency reached him, one of his doctors. Something cold washed over him. He hurried and only to find that it was Carolyn. "What happened?"

“She was running a fever,” William Corrigan said absently as he studied his daughters vital signs, “Dr Mendez is running some blood work. She’s unconscious now... she was asking for someone. Harris? I think that is what she said. The readings are erratic but if I were to guess, some sort of infection. Anaemia certainly. She was in pain but she passed out before I could ask -“

"Harris son. Her husband."

Blue eyes, identical to his daughter and his mother, met his for a moment. Realisation dawning. "You are Dr Hades," William said finally. It was not a question, merely a statement of fact laced with a heavy Dublin accent.

"Yes." He walked over to Carolyn and gently pushed back a lock of hair. He gently kissed her forehead. "Mendez!" Hades barked.

Within a heartbeat they heard footsteps rushing towards the room and then the physician came barrelling into the room as fast as his legs could carry him. "Yes," he breathed, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, "Dr Hades?"

He nodded towards William, "Dr Corrigan..."

"What the hell is going on. I let you all take care of Carolyn and she's here!" He rounded the bed. "Now see here. Get me a natal scanner. I want blood work, I want to find out what's going on. Did any of you idiots take into account that she's pregnant with a child whose father is Romulan and Vulcan and El Aurian mix? Did anyone test if this is related!"

Mendez paled. He had almost forgotten the extra gusto to Hades’ wrath at times like this. “I have a provisional blood panel,” he offered meekly, before admitting, “I’m struggling to make heads or tails of it. The readings are contradictory and confusing. I paged Dr Kelley, she had a consult with Carolyn just yesterday because the nausea wasn’t easing up. I can’t see any blood work was done then so I can’t compare. But I’ll get the scanner right away.”

"NOW!" He grabbed the PaDD and started going through it. He watched Mendez run out and hid a smile. He could still make them jump. He looked over at the man called Doctor Corrigan. "You are Carolyn's father?"

“Yes, I am,” William nodded.

"I promise you, she will be well."

He nodded. “I am sure you will do your best.”

As he spoke Mendez returned, with a scanner and Dr Kelley trailing in his wake. “Look who I found,” he announced, making it clear the woman had been far from eager to join in this consultation.

“Dr Hades,” Kelley said with a nod. “I’ll get the scanner set up...”

"You damned well better. She had unending nausea and you did no blood work, not scanning." He gently touched her belly. "Did you even do a hands on exam? What about the fact that her stomach is slightly larger then a woman in her trimester?"

Kelley’s eyes narrowed marginally but she kept her voice calm and composed. “As for the nausea, there is family history in that regard,” Kelley began as she continued to set up the scanner, “and, in any pregnancy, some women simply experience it more than others -“

“Her mother had horrendous pregnancies,” William agreed quietly. “It is why I insisted no more children.”

Kelley flashed him a look, clearly not caring for the interruption. “As for the baby’s development, a routine scan was not due for two weeks and as you are aware, the baby is something quite unique in terms of genetics.”

It was Mendez who interjected this time. “So why the consult yesterday?”

This elicited a sigh, “hardly a consult, it was a brief discussion. About nutritional supplements. Due to the nausea. She was called away to a surgical consult before we could go into detail and I have had patients coming out of my ears. Unless you want to help with the influx of pregnant women we seem to be having, Dr Mendez?”

Beneath Hades hand there was an unmistakable kick.

Hades jumped. "The baby kicked! Get the scanner!"

Kelley wasted no time in thrusting the scanning device into his hand as she turned the monitor to face him. “All set to go,” she nodded.

Turning on the scanner he watched. A smile spreading on his face. Even though he couldn't see the baby he grinned. "Ha! I knew it."

“Knew what?” It was Mendez who had spoken, coming up beside Hades. He wouldn’t leave, he had been too invested. “What did you know?”

"She's going to be as beautiful as her grandfather is handsome! Look at that development!" Still grinning he continued to scan.

William peered around at the screen, speechless.

“So the baby is healthy?” Mendez queried. He shrugged as he added, “this was never my field... Doc, there are some bruises. Is that from the baby kicking?”

Kelley stepped around, considering. “It could be, if clotting factors are off. But that would be almost impossible unless... copper? From the babies blood?”

Hades' eyes bugged out. "Yes! And here." He pointed "Placenta leak." He increased the magnification. "Hot damn! Look at that."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen as Kelley made some adjustments to enhance the image. Kelley frowned, "could this account for what you saw in the blood work?"

"Yes. The child she's going to take after the Vulcan and Romulan side. The ears, the forehead, the size, the blood. Carolyn's in shock. Her system is fighting the child's." He sighed. "Alright. Solutions?"

"What about healing the placenta and dialysis," Mendez suggested. "I know dialysis is old school but it is safe for the baby."

"Good." He sighed. "We start with that."

"Do you want to move her?" Mendez asked, "we can bring in what we need and set up a sterilisation field instead?"

"I would recommend as little movement as possible, the tear is not extreme right now but it could easily enlarge and then you will see a bigger risk to the baby," Kelley spoke up.

"She's lost a baby before, she wouldn't want to do anything to risk another," William said quietly, squeezing his daughter's hand. "If it can be done safely without moving her, she would want that."

"We do that." Hades was frustrated. He'd give his right arm for First Federation Technology. He looked at William. "She'll be alright."

Needing no more than those three words of confirmation, Kelley and Mendez hurried from the room to make preparations. "He's going to have me out an airlock," Kelley whispered to Mendez as they disappeared out of sight.

"Anaemia, nausea, mood changes," William sighed as he brushed a lock of hair from his daughter's face, "all common in any pregnancy. I don't think anyone would have assumed copper toxicity just on that. But with fever, passing out like she just did..."

He sighed, taking a cool wipe and brushing it over her forehead. "Dr Mendez already gave her something to bring the fever down but it isn't making much difference," he observed before he quietly added, "I am sorry about your son. To get through the brick walls she put around herself, he must have been something special."

He smiled. "Thank you. He was. He adored her." Hades walked over to William and put a hand on his shoulder. "Your daughter is pretty special herself. She'll be alright. If I have to move heaven and earth both she and our granddaughter will be fine."

William nodded his thanks. "Thank you. I haven't been the best example of a father as of late. Especially when my wife was finally ready to let go... but I had hoped to be able to try and build some bridges. I'm sure you've heard such delightful things. And apologies. For my mother. She is... there are no words."

"Your mother is down right scary but I can handle her." He smiled. "Where the hell are they? Mendez! Kelley! Move!" he grinned at William. "Got to keep them on their toes."

William gave a little laugh, although it sounded hollow even to his own ears. "May I stay? I promise to stay out of your way. I was never much of a surgeon."

As he spoke, Mendez entered followed by a couple of medical technicians. All of them wielding trays of equipment which were quickly arranged. Finally Kelley returned, carrying another device. "To monitor the vital signs of the baby more closely," she advised.

"Good. Doctor Corrigan will join us." He looked at his team. "Scrub in and I want you all spotless and sterile! This is my granddaughter and daughter in law. The airlock is prepared."

Nobody dared argue, Mendez holding back so he could walk William through the process. They moved quickly, Kelley holding back so she did not have to face Hades on her own and rather all three emerged at once.

"Tell us where you want us, Doctor Hades," Mendez said with a nod, having no doubt who would be taking the lead. They could argue it would be unethical, yet it would be time they couldn't really afford to lose.

Hades surprised them all by saying, "Kelley you take the lead we'll assist." He would watch her like a hawk but ethically he should not be taking the lead.

Kelley’s jaw almost hit the floor. “Alright....” she nodded to Mendez, “administer localised anaesthetic while I set up. Doctor Hades if you could monitor the baby’s vital signs. Doctor Corrigan if you could, well, monitor Doctor Corrigan’s vital signs. And Mendez, have a NICU team on standby.”


“Covering my bases,” Kelley said calmly. “I’d rather not be left scrambling around if there are unforeseen complications. Airlocks, remember?”


The question came from the open doorway. With her hands in her back pockets, Skye stood in the corridor, staying clear of the temporary sterilisation field around the doorframe.

Hades smiled. "Hello Skye." They hadn't started yet and the equipment was getting set up. He walked over to her before he finished scrubbing in. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, “I’m fine. We were going to have lunch, I got worried is all.”

Her blue eyes peered past him, “what’s going on?”

"Carolyn and the baby are in danger. We have to help her." He looked at Skye. "I have an idea. Do you know the Mind, Body, and Soul Spa on the promenade?"

“Yeah,” she nodded, having passed it just half an hour before. Although it had been closed up. Not that such things ever stopped her. “What do you need? Anything. I’ll get it.”

"Go there and speak with Splendora Sage. She is your aunt. My half sister. She wanted to meet you so much...or if you want you can stay here to support Carolyn."

“I don’t need a babysitter,” the teen said with a roll of her eyes. “Can this Splendora help Carolyn?”

"First off she is not a baby sitter. She is your aunt. Splendora can, yes. She has teas that will help with her condition."

“Tea? Okay. Then I’ll bring her. What should I tell her? I’m guessing not any old tea will do?”

"For the healthy development of a Vulcan Romulan child...and a Human mother." He gave Skye a hug. "As soon as I'm sure she's alright You and I are going to the colony."

“I’ll be back before you know it,” she promised before pulling back, turning on her heels and sprinting away.

“Doctor Hades,” Dr Kelley approached him. “I’m ready to start. I need you to call out if you think the baby’s vital signs deteriorate too far. With her physiology I have no real baseline comparison although I have calibrated for a Vulcan child rather than human. Are you ready?”

"Romulans are similar. Let me scrub in." He was quick to re-sterilize and then joined his team. "Vitals coming in normal. Ready to begin."

With a quick review of both patient vitals for herself, and confirmations a NICU team was on standby, she began. A silence fell, punctuated only by the regular rhythm of monitors tracking vital signs. At the first sign of trouble they would give audible warnings and she willed them to stay silent as she made a tiny incision directly above the site of the tear in the placenta Dr Hades had identified.

“She is an active little one,” Kelley observed with some consternation as the baby shifted, cursing under her breath. “The tear is widening with each move.”

“Any more anaesthetic might calm the baby but it would overload a human physiology,” Mendez piped up. “This May sound weird but wouldn’t the baby kind of know something is wrong? Or is it just Betazoid babies that have that kind of link with their mother?”

Kelley rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"Vulcan children too however the Romulan...element is difficult. I can try an empathic link," Hades said.

“It’s unorthodox but if it might buy us a minute or two, then please,” Kelley said with a nod.

Hades closed his eyes and concentrated. The baby shifted and then stilled almost moving to allow for better access.

Kelley did not waste the sudden opportunity. She worked quickly, healing the damaged tissue and allowing some additional passes to ensure the repaired tissue held before she began to extract some of the blood which had built up around the site.

“I’m going to close up,” she said quietly after a final scan confirmed her work was done.

Hades ended the link. "Alright." He looked at the monitors. "Stable." Turning to Dr. Corrigan he said. "How's Carolyn?"

William frowned, “readings are still erratic, we should start the dialysis.”

"Kelley?" He asked differing to her.

“The copper already in her bloodstream needs to be removed,” she said with a nod. “We’ve ensured it won’t get more extreme but the longer the copper already there is in her system, you won’t be able to counter the effects. It will take an hour to run a complete cycle and then simple enough treatments will heal any liver or kidney damage.”

"I have everything standing by to start," Mendez advised them all. It was a straightforward procedure, merely somewhat time consuming. Although, in comparison to how it was for people centuries ago, it needed not much time at all. Movement near the door caught his eye, "I think you have visitor's Dr Hades."

"I brought tea," Skye said from the doorway, "and Splendora insisted on coming."

Dora smiled "This tea will continue to neutralize all the copper if it forms." She looked at Kelley. "I made a list of ingredients to ensure it doesn't interfere with any of her vitamins and meds."

Hades gave a nod. "Doctor Kelley you will review it all."

“Of course,” Kelley nodded as she neatly packed away her equipment and went to clean up. What was with this man and tea?! “I’ll leave the scanner her just for a few hours.”

“If it tastes like the last tea you gave me you can let Mendez drink it,” a familiar voice murmured softly from the bed. William gave a sigh of relief, squeezing his daughters hand as he aimed a grateful smile in Hades direction.

Mendez rolled his eyes as he activated the dialysis machine. “Not a chance,” he countered after ensuring all was working properly. “Give this an hour and you’ll feel a million times better.”

“Just rest,” William urged, seeing her trying to open her eyes.

Carolyn shook her head, “the baby?”

Hades turned. "The baby is fine. Inherited a lot on the Romulan Vulcan side. Copper blood."

"Oh." She didn't ask anything more. If he said the baby was fine, she knew it would be the truth. He would never lie, not about his granddaughter. "I'm sorry. We were supposed to have dinner before you left..."

"We can bring dinner here," Skye piped up brightly. It was something, she was sure, Kalani would have suggested. "That'll be alright, yes? We have time."

He smiled. "Indeed. I'll go with you and Dora to get food." He turned to Carolyn. "I am well aware of not coming back without chocolate."

He gave a nod to Corrigan wanting to give father and daughter some time.

William offered him a smile before sitting down on the stool Mendez set down for him. "I feel your obsession with chocolate is my fault, for banning it in the house," he commented as he squeezed Carolyn's hand.

"We had a secret stash, everywhere," she told him.

"I know," he grinned. "Your nana was always resourceful like that. She would really like to be here, you know, when the baby is due?"

"I'd like that," Carolyn agreed with a tired smile.

Hades, Skye, and Splendora walked towards the promenade "'re in danger," she said.

Walking slightly ahead, Skye turned sharply, "he's what?"

Hades raised an eyebrow. "Your aunt is being dramatic."

"I am not! Admiral Rogers is here, asking about the leader of the Verdari and the First Federation and the council. He wants to establish talks but I sense he has ... more sinister plans."

Hades sighed. "I see."

"He approached Bremer and Tom and a mission is to be mounted to the First Federation. You are in danger."

“I thought they couldn’t go into First Federation space,” Skye asked. “And who is this Admiral?”

Hades sighed "They can't go to the First Federation space." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Dora, get me what you can on Rogers. For now...I need to think." he turned taking Skye's hand. "Still ready to go to the Colony?"

Skye smiled brightly, “very much.”

He looked at Splendora. "Alright. Let's get some food, Skye and I will say goodbye to Carolyn and then we leave." He smiled, "A new adventure."

Skye fixed him with a look. “Should I buy some tissues?” She asked. “You know, if we eat slowly, maybe Carolyn could come with us? It’d save you planting devices everywhere to keep an eye on her. And before you deny it, I’ve already found nine of them. She asked me to check her quarters.”

He sighed. "You are so like me it's scary."

“I am what I am,” Skye shrugged before putting her hands in her pockets. “Though I’m a much better thief.”

He smiled. "Alright. Let's get back."



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Comments (2)

By Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne on Mon Jan 25th, 2021 @ 2:09pm

Brilliant post! Enjoyed reading it.

By Commander Hades,MD on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 3:07pm
