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Emotional reunion

Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2021 @ 7:48pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

699 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Croesus quarters
Timeline: MD1


Kah’lyn stood at her station in Ops going over the latest reports and requests for anything from cargo comings and goings to requests for repairs. A day in Ops was never boring aboard the station, she smiled as she ran her hand over the small, barely noticeable bump that was staring to form she was around 12 weeks now and life was going great. Her mind drifted back to her reunion with Croesus ...

~ After the Romulan ship returned the saved crew ~

Back on the station and with medical clearance and plenty of questions from security later, Kah’lyn arrived at Croesus’ door. She’d been dying to be reunited with him since she’d gotten back onboard but this was the first chance she’d had.

With access already arranged to his quarters Kah’lyn walked straight in, pausing by the door as her eyes met Croesus’ before rushing across straight into his waiting arms. “Am I glad to see you!!” She held onto him her head against his chest. “Floating out in space after the explosion, all I could think was I’d never see you again!”

Croesus was stoically unemotional but broke norms to run and kiss and hug Kah'lyn.

" I thought you were dead?"

Kah’lyn shook her head as she held onto Croesus, hugging him tightly. “You don’t get rid of me that easy!” She looked up at him, her eyes meeting his. “All I could think about when I was drifting out there was that I’d never get to be with you again, and that our child was going to die with me!”

" I have waited all my life for you. Were you injured by the Romulans?" Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn shook her head. “No, they ... saved us! All of us, or at least those they could.” She paused for a moment. “The Romulan Commander Terrh ... he said he’s my father!” She still looked doubtful. “All my life I’ve hated my own kind because they killed my mother, and now I’m being faced with a whole different story! I just .... I don’t know what to believe anymore!”

Croesus prepared a rebuttal but paused.

" Ironic that one minute they're blasting the hell out of us and then they're our saviours. Kah'lyn just be careful. We don't have all the facts." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn nodded. “I know that!” She sighed and massaged her temples. “The Admiral wants Doctor Hades to do a dna test to prove Commander Terrh’s claims.”

" What about you. Have you been seen by a Doctor from the station? I trust Romulans about as far as I could throw one," Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn shook her head “The doctors were busy with the other crew members. I feel fine, if I thought there was anything wrong I’d see a doctor. Besides I have to go for the dna test so I’ll be seeing Doctor Hades soon enough. I just ... wanted to be here with you.”

Croesus backed off with his retoric as he opened his arms.

" You and our child will only know of our love and commitment. You have my solemn vow."

Kah’lyn smiled warmly, “I promise you that I will honour that vow. I will be true to you Croesus. All I do know right now is that I love you with all my heart.”

Croesus exhaled slowly as they embraced. His Klingon side could not trust the mention of Romulans but he trusted Kah'lyn.

" Come over to the bed I will give you an examination you won't soon forget." Croesus urged.

Kah’lyn grinned a wry grin. “Oh really?! Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse!” She walked with him through to the bedroom, pausing by the bed to give him a very passionate kiss.

~ Current time ~

The beep of a console snapped Kah’lyn out of her daydream, her father’s ship was requesting confirmation of orders from her father who was staying aboard the station. She wasn’t sure yet just how to feel about that, but she was curious about learning more about her mother and the circumstances of her own birth.



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