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Security Follow up

Posted on Sat Jan 23rd, 2021 @ 8:45pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Xalanth

544 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 1545hrs


Xalanth having now recovered from his injuries at the loss of the ship moaned slightly as he moved on the circular couch at the center of his quarters. Even more, paperwork to do which never seemed to be ending. Even with Fulvia helping him it never seemed to end.

The sound of the door alarm made him lookup. Dam it, he'd lost track of time. He said he'd debrief the Admiral on the Throlian situation he'd dealt with. Picking himself up he walekd to the door. Pausing one moment he activated the sound dampening field onto the main bedroom where Fulvia lay sleeping. His people didn't have doors in between personal rooms, but he didn't want to wake his pregnant mate.

After his meetings with Tom, Splendora, and Doctor Hades, Mike figured he'd go to Xalanth's quarters instead of remaining in his office.

After pressing the chime, Mike waited for the door to open.

The door slid open as the lizard appeared in the doorway. " Hello, Admiral it's nice to see you again. I have the after-action report of the incident with the Thorilians ready for you. Would you like something to drink?" He said as he beckoned the admiral inside.

Mike stepped inside. "No thank you."

Once the door shut Mike looked back, "How are you feeling?"

" Like my guts have been kicked out sir. " The lizard replied honestly. " I don't even want to know what Fulvia was feeling when she heard the ship was lost and she had no idea if I'd made it."

Mike nodded as he flashed a reassuring smile. He understood. "Get some rest, return to duty slowly."

" I'll try sir, but I'm one of those people that worries if I'm not walking. Comes with the species. " He said as he picked up a padd on the center table. " I have the full after action report on the throlians and the pact stay behined teams. "

"Thank you." Mike said.

The Admiral paused a moment, then added, "Commander Solomon is planning to take the new USS Ark Royal out for a formal shakedown cruise. I'm sure he'll want to put the tactical systems through their paces. Would you be interested in going along?"

" If he'll have me, sir." The lizard replied after thinking for a second.

"Very good, I'll let him know." Mike replied.

" Thank you sir." the lizard replied before pausing and looking over to the room were Fulvia lay asleep. " Be honest with me Mike do you think this peace will last? The last thing I'd want is to bring my next daughter into the universe only for them to sneak attack us." he said with an honesty only a father could have.

Mike thought about it for a moment. The members of the Typhon Pact were in a bad way after lost thousands of ships, some bases, and millions of casualties. The Cardassians had suffered greatly. The Klingons had probably suffered the most, next to the Romulans. And, the Federation, they were weary of war and had suffered tremendous losses. He took a deep breath before replying, "I do."

" I hope so sir. I just wish my gut would belive that." The dragonian said letting out a light sigh. " Here's hoping it's wrong this time."



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