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Part I: Second Contact Discussion

Posted on Sat Jan 23rd, 2021 @ 2:06pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

1,376 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 109 - The Dust Settles
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 1500hrs


Admiral Rogers paced the confines of Bremer's office. He'd asked Bremer to summon Tom Vercetti to this meeting. So much hinged on this, especially now that a blemish had appeared on Starfleet.

He looked at the time and paced the small room. "Where the hell is he!"

Mike sat in his chair, watching Rogers. It was too early for this mess. "He's a civilian, a business man. He has to make sure his business is in good hands before he just leaves. Besides, Mister Vercetti is, well he's is own man. He'll be here when he can."

Another few minutes passed before Tom walked in. "Apologizes, we has an issue in the kitchen." He looked around for a moment, "What's going on?"

"About time!" Rogers bristled. He motioned. "Have a seat. I'll be brief. The Vulcans, the Andorians, and several others are on our ass! Have either of you seen the latest reports from Earth?"

Tom stood, eyeing the crabby Admiral. He crossed his arms, "No, I haven't. I'm not Starfleet."

Mike spoke up, "Why don't you explain Admiral Rogers."

"It's all over about project Rebirth. They see us as....well I don't want to say. Anyway we have to make things right." He huffed and sat down on the edge of Mike's desk. "Now. Starfleet intel tells us that there is a colony of those who were part of Rebirth but there is a problem."

"Where's the colony?" Mike asked.

Tom looked back at Mike for a moment, then back to Rogers. 'Rebirth' had his interest, even if he didn't know why he was in on the meeting yet.

"The First Federation. As we know they have always been....closed sine Kirk visited them." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Rumour is that the colony is there. Apparently the technological advancements are in part due to those who settled there. These people are angry, they've left our alliance for the First Federation and we see this as a dual opportunity. Get those people back into the fold and make inroads with the First Federation...especially since the Romulans are doing the same thing.... or rather trying to."

Mike's head started hurting. "The Romulans?"

"Yes. They have made contact with the leader of the Colony and a council member. Rumour is he's very sympathetic to them as they have delivered several of the scientists responsible for Rebirth to them. You know what can happen if the get their hands on technology greater then ours." He turned to Tom. "That's where you come in."

"Me?" Tom asked, confused.

Mike put his hand up, "Wait. The First Federation is in the Alpha Quadrant, Starbase 514 is the closest Starbase. Why not run the operation out of there?"

"Because they don't have Splendora Sage. We want her you can manipulate her." He told Tom. "We need to get information out of her as soon as we can as to who this leader is, how do we get to him, how to find the colony."

"No one can manipulate her." Tom replied. "Look, if you just want me to try and use her for your little fun, then you can just go back to wherever it was you came from."

"Admiral, have you tried to talk to her? Ask her to help?" Mike asked.

He sighed. "Not yet. But she's devoted to you. We've done our homework. She's head over heals. She'll tell you, you'll tell us...everyone wins."

Tom stared at Rogers for a minute. "I'll talk to her, but you need to ask her to help."

Tom looked back at Mike, "Call her up here, let's talk to her now."

Rogers growled. "Fine! We'll try it your way."

Mike tapped his comm-badge, "Fleet Admiral Bremer to Splendora Sage, please come to my office. Tom Vercetti is already here."

Dora was silent a bit and then responded. "Okay...I'm on my way." Ten minutes later Splendora strolled in having just finished her shop reopen and the Bounty Hunting shop updates. She stopped by the doors her eyes narrowing. "To paraphrase an old Earth character. Tension I sense." She walked over to Tom and placed a hand on his shoulder needing his strength to ground her."

Mike looked at Rodger, "Admiral Rogers, Splendora Sage."

"Admiral." She gave a nod.

Rogers looked at her. "Miss Sage. I understand you recently had a run in with someone....who was not so friendly. On behalf of Starfleet I apologize."

Splendora tensed a little. "You do realize you're apologizing for Section 31."

He was silent. "Yes. Well...We have a lot to atone for. We nee your help." Her eyes narrowed.

Roger looked at Mike and Tom for help. He wasn't good at this and the lady had her guard up.

Tom let out a breath, "Just hear him out. If you don't want to help them then you don't have to."

"He's right." Mike added, "Starfleet needs your help. I have to tell you tough, this also involves the Romulans and another government known as the First Federation."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I see." She had a feeling that she knew where this was going. "Well?"

Rogers sighed. "We wish to reach out to all those who... have been affected by Rebirth."

"You want the colony."

"We want to talk. The word is that you... may know who the leader is and that he is high on the First Federation council."

Tom slowly sat on the sofa.

Splendora studied him and then looked at both Tom and Mike. "I know who he is. In fact my new bounty hunting business has a contract with the First Federation and the Romulans."

She walked over and plopped down on Tom's lap, not caring it was not professional. She smiled at him. "Well if I have to listen I might as well be comfortable."

Tom smiled. "Then I recommend this not be a Federation mission. We can take the Cercatore di Tesori. I'll get Vito to come along, and if any Starfleet personnel is needed then they need to be out of uniform and be willing to take orders from me."

Mike looked at Rogers for his reaction.

Rogers thought a moment. "The Romulans are openly pursing relations. Starfleet has to pursue it too. I want you there Mike." He said.

Mike shook his head, "I won't be in a position to attend." Mike replied. "In the wake of this war, it might be best if the Federation's attempt to pursue is from citizens and diplomates instead of Starfleet. We don't want them thinking we're trying to recruit them as warriors."

Rogers considered it. "Alright but there will be a Starfleet presence. Whether in plain clothing or uniform. " He turned to Splendora. "Well. Who is he?"

"No dice, as Tom would say. I will put it to Armand but something to consider. Section 31 has hunted his people and him and me so tread carefully." She stood. "Now if you will excuse me." She leaned down and kissed Tom. "Admirals." She gave a nod and left.

Rogers looked at Mike. "Before any of this happens I need all the information you have on Splendora Sage and is there a way we can monitor her communications on station? I want to know who we are dealing with here."

Tom stood. "You go that route, looking over her shoulder like you don't trust her, then she'll pull back and refuse to help. Either you let us work this, and report back to you, through Mike, or this just isn't going to happen."

Mike looked at Rogers, "He's right. You came here for help, without Miss Sage this isn't going to happen. I trust Tom to make sure things go well, and I'll have a couple of trusted officers go along to help her. Even after all she's been through, she's loyal to the Federation. Don't ruin that with red tape."

He sighed. "Alright. This is vital to us. With our allies in arms now that Rebirth has come to light we have to ensure a smooth second contact."

"I'll talk to Splendora, see when she wants to leave. I'll also send you a list of personnel we'd like to go with us Mike."

Mike nodded.



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