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Support Fleet Pt2

Posted on Sun Jan 10th, 2021 @ 1:16am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Robert Harper & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy

5,025 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: Various Ships
Timeline: Timeline: MD1 - 1945hrs


USS Enterprise-E, Bridge

"We're within visual range of the battle" Draven reported.

"On screen." Mike said.

Draven tapped a few commands. The screen flashed and a wide screen view of the battle appeared. Allied and Typhon Pact ships were interlocked and moving quickly.

"Report from the Yorktown, they've destroyed the comm relay and dry docks." Draven added. "I haven't heard from the Steadfast or Falcon yet.

"Can we get through their damping field now that we're closer?" Mike asked.

"Negative." Roebuck said.

"How long til we're in range?" Mike asked.

"Less than an hour." Branson replied.

Mike tapped the comm, "Enterprise to Lexington and Ark Royal, we need to find a way to punch a comm signal through that damping field around the fleet or a way to detect their probes so we can neutralize them and eliminate the field that way."

"Enterprise, Stark here. We'll focus on locating the probes if the Ark Royal can work on getting comms up to the fleet." Stark replied.

USS Ark Royal-A bridge

Jack nodded as he heard Starks idea about getting comms back up with the rest of the fleet. Already he had a few ideas to get some form of communications up and running again.

"Solomon here, you get on locating the probes Stark, we'll work a miracle on comms and get them back up from the Ark Royal-A, leave it with us," Jack answered as he looked over at Quan, who was already working away at the engineering station on the Bridge.

USS Luna bridge

Lee was sitting in the command chair listening to all that had been going on "Contact Admiral Bremer and see what type of help we can offer them."

USS Essex Bridge

Croesus eyed the centre seat from the ops station behind the centre seat awaiting orders. The Essex was not fully repaired but crews work frantically on the essentials.

Kah’lyn looked across at Croesus then towards the centre seat and T’Lar. “Your orders Admiral?”

Deela was also watching the screen. Upon hearing Kah'lyn, she glanced over at her, "We wait." She knew that if Bremer needed their help, he would ask. "Notify the Enterprise that we can help if need be."

Kah’lyn nodded and tapped the auxiliary console sending the message to the Enterprise that the Essex stood ready to assist.

Croesus had been briefed that comm channels were being recyphered to prevent being intercepted by the enemy. He looked to Kah'lyn.

"On the comms set access security file Navaho 1. It is an encryption file security has been working on aboard the 400." Croesus advised her.

"Thank you. Proceed." She was a little bugged that there wasn't anything for them to do. She continued to wait for the Enterprise and the Ark Royal to accomplish their goal..

USS Steadfast

Lieutenant JG Shrok finally got communications back and was able to contact the Enterprise. Captain Alex Harrison looked over at her OPS officer, open up communications with the USS Enterprise."

He did as told. Alex exhaled, "USS Steadfast to USS Enterprise. Sorry for our tardiness. We have successfully taken care of Cratteris and their comm relays." She waited for further orders.

USS Ark Royal-A bridge

Jack moved over to where Quan was sat, who was already working away at the engineering station on the Bridge. Once he made his way over there, he looked over at his friend, colleague and also the Ark Royal-A's Chief Engineer.

"So what do we have?" he asked.

"Well, as is typically normal for the Typhon Pact, they aren't making things easy, however, I think I have figured out a way to jam the enemy comms network," Quan answered as he completed his work. "If we send out a rotating EM Pulse, scrambling the frequencies every twenty seconds, we can also use the main deflector dish to send out a powerful Theta band pulse, matching it to the EM Pulse rotation."

"With the main deflector dish tied in, and both pulses being aimed at Typhon Pact vessels and any of their allied vessels, we can then knock out their comms traffic," Quan explained as the display played out the plan he had in mind. "I can also make sure that the Support Fleet is made aware of what these frequencies will be so that we don't jam the comms traffic on our side as well. If we use secure frequencies, we should be ok and then we can go in and assist the Allied ships within the combat zone."

Jack smiled as he stood up and made his way forward. "Very good, Mister Quan, make preparations to bring your plan online. I'll send a comms packet to Admiral Bremer and appraise him of your idea," he said as he moved towards the singleton helm station.

"Lieutenant Raven, bring us alongside the Enterprise so that we can send this on a secure frequency." Once Jack gave the order, the Vesta Class starship slowly moved forward within the fleet before the secure comm packet was sent to the Admiral.

About fifty minutes later the Enterprise and her group dropped out of warp, just out of range of the Typhon Pact's sensors. The battle raged ahead of them.

"Enterprise to Ark Royal and Lexington. Solomon, send out the pulses. Stark, tell me you have something for those probes." Mike said over the comms.

Onboard the Ark Royal-A, Jack looked over at Quan and gave the nod to get the pulse systems underway. Once he gave the thumbs up that the pulse system was online and emitting, Jack pressed the comm button on the arm of the Captain's chair and responded back to Bremer.

"Admiral, the combined pulse system is online and underway, aiming at all ships affected by the enemy own jamming system," he said. "This should give us a break quite soon in the combat area so that we can assist the rest of the fleet."

As he watched the Tactical readout on the main viewscreen, it soon became obvious that there would be one ship emitting the Typhon Pacts defense and this made Jack wonder if this would not show up as a hot target.

"Admiral, does the Lexington have a target itself to locate and take down that will also help with the probes?" Jack asked.

"We do. Mister Wayne isolated the data link frequency the probes are using. They're being controlled from this ship." A tactical image of a Romulan Type-C Warbird appeared in the lower right corner of the Enterprise's viewer. "We destroy that ship, the network fails, the probes decloak, and they can be picked off."

USS Enterprise-E, Bridge

Mike stood and walked over to the viewer and eyed the target ship. It was the same one that all but destroyed the Pegasus-B.

"Time for some payback," Mike said as he returned to the Captain's Chair. He typed the comm button again. "Enterprise to all ships, we're warping in, dropped out just on the edge of the battle. We're going in guns blazing. Warp on our lead."

He sat down and looked around for a moment, "Red Alert. All hands to battle stations. Engage."

Branson, Draven, and Roebuck smirked.

The Enterprise, followed closely by the other ships jumped to warp and seconds later dropped out of warp on the edge of the battlefield.

"Fire!" Bremer said.

Phaser beams lanced out at the Romulan ship, followed by a spread of quantum torpedoes, as the Enterprise passed several photon torpedoes fired from the ship's aft launchers. As the Romulan ship turned she was met by the Lexington who also rained fire on the Warbird. Turning again the Romulan ship was met by heavy fire from the Laffey and Tyr. By then, the Enterprise had turned back and was again firing on the Romulan vessel. The intense phaser and torpedo barrage from the four Federation ships broke through the Warbird's shields and finally, the vessel exploded in a blaze of white and yellow.

"We have comms!" Draven said.

Mike tapped the comm button, "This is Fleet Admiral Bremer of the Enterprise, I'm taking command of the fleet. All ships form on us, we're pushing through!"

USS Ark Royal-A

As he watched from onboard the Vesta Class starship, Jack along with the rest of the Bridge crew saw the Romulan vessel take damage and then eventually be destroyed by the number of weapons that were fired from the Enterprise, the Lexington and the others.

As soon as it was clear, Jack stood up. "Red Alert. All hands to battle stations, Helm, take us into the combat zone!" he commanded as the crew moved to where they needed to be. Looking over at Ensign Samuel Korso at the Security/Tactical station, Jack smiled.

"Mr Korso, it's your time to shine, target the nearest enemy ships and open fire, you may then continue to fire at will," Jack said, turning back to face the viewscreen. Seeing the various weapons arrays form the Ark Royal-A open up, Jack felt pride about being able to give some back to the enemy after losing the previous Ark Royal.


Croesus allocated the power to shields which allowed the Essex to join the battle.

"Shields at full power."

“Engineering reports ready, damage control teams are on standby” Kiara looked at T’Lar and then at Croesus. She never thought there’d be a day when she’d be worried about going into combat, but now she was with child she had that life to think about as well.

"Very good." Deela took her eyes off the screen just for a short moment. The Essex was hit before she could spout out orders. The ship was already on red alert, "Mr. Xalanth, return fire!" The fight was on.

Croesus resupported the port shields as they neared a barrage of weapons fire.

" The disruptors are weakening our shields Admiral."

Kah’lyn looked up from her station. “Damage control are reporting problems with the backup shield generators Admiral, they’re saying they requested upgrades but they didn’t arrive in time.”

"And they just now informed me?" She cursed under her breath, "Transfer all power to the shields."

Kah’lyn paused for a moment before looking to T’Lar “Request permission to go and help out where I can Admiral?”

"Permission granted." She felt a moment of Deja vu as she glanced around the bridge crew.

Somewhere nearby

“Commander reports are coming in that your daughter’s ship is under fire”

Terrh nodded. “Understood Subcommander. We’ll keep our distance, for now, keep an eye on that ship and let me know if they need any assistance.”


“You heard my orders Subcommander! I’m not planning on leaping us into a battle with the Federation but there may come a time we can ‘assist’ so I can get my hands on one of our own! The Federation are bleeding hearts Subcommander, two can play at that game. If I’m to retrieve Kah’lyn, and you are to have your future wife then we must ... play along for a while.”

“Very well Commander. We will, as you say, play along.”

Terrh nodded. “Now all we have to do is wait.”

USS Lexington, Bridge

"Commander, we're being surrounded by Miradorn ships," Harper said as he franticly tapped buttons on the Tactical control.

"Get us back toward the rest of the fleet, we've strayed out too far." Stark said.

"Shields are down to sixty per cent." Wayne added.

The Sovereign-class ship turned and rolled to port as phasers flared from all of her arrays. Two of the smaller Miradorn ships exploded as the Lexington headed back toward the rest of the Federation fleet. After several tense moments, another Miradorn vessel exploded as a Klingon Quag Class class cruiser pulled alongside followed by two Birds of Prey.

Over comms, the Klingon Commander hailed, "USS Lexington, you're flank is now clear, keep it that way. IKS Gorkon out."

Stark smirked, "Thank you General Klag."

USS Enterprise-E, Bridge

The ship shook from a hit. "Report." Mike called.

"Shields holding, seventy-one percent." Ramata'tar said as he stood, having been knocked back from the last hit.

"There's damage to the port nacelle, but it's minor." Roebuck added.

Mike looked at Vox to make sure he was okay. "Still happy you came along?" Mike tried to smirk.

Vox laughed. "I have not this much excitement, danger and suspense for a long time. I am glad I came along Admiral. Thank you for the opportunity to be something more than an art dealer. " Vox replied.

"Admiral, two additional ships warping in, it's the Yorktown and Vanguard sir." Draven reported.

Mike then really smiled. He walked over behind Draven and looked at the tactical map. "Have the Klingons push forward. Send the Gladiator's wing to help them. If we can turn the Pact's flank they'll either pull ships from the center and left flanks to help or risk being surrounded."

"Admiral, the Essex has taken heavy fire." Roebuck announced.

"Tell the Houston to fall back and assist." Bremer said.

Mike walked back to his seat and tapped the comm, "Enterprise to Yorktown and Vanguard, form up on us, we're going to make a pull on the center."

While the Federation ships fought hard, the Klingons were able to break through the handful of Tholian ships and their supporting Krazzle forces, turning the enemy's right flank. Like clock work, Gorn and Order ships from the left flank pulled back to try and help keep their lines in tact, but this opened holes that the Cardassians, Romulan Republic, and Ferengi ships exploited and and the left flank also started to turn. As the Federation ships pushed forward at the center, the Typhon Pact started to become encircled. Several Romulan and Miradorn vessels started to pull back and run while the Krazzle and Gorn seemed intent on fighting to the death. Sadly for them, they were heavily out numbered.

USS Essex

Down on the lower decks Kah’lyn was attempting to help damage control and engineering teams. “Lieutenant! We could use ...” moments later there was a deafening sound as a lucky strike nearby got through failing shields. The entire section was blown out and all inside with it ...

Deela had stood up from her chair as she watched the view screen. When the ship got hit, it tossed Deela to the floor. She got back up immediately. She yelled over the red alert sound, "Damage report?!"

A voice came over the comms. It was an engineering officer who sounded stressed and out of breath, "Bridge! This is Ensign Rogers! There's been a hull breach on Deck 10. We lost a few people. An emergency force field has been activated but if we take another hit like that one, she won't survive." There was also some panic in his voice.

The ship was hit again but fortunately this time, it was weak, "Ensign! Ensign Rogers!" Nothing but silence from him.

The ship shook again, causing more damage to the Essex. Another Federation ship took out the one firing on them but it was too late. They were beyond help. Smoke started coming from one of the control panels. Deela looked over at Xalanth who was doing the best he could. The Essex was just about in the Romulan Warship's weapons range. She had to make the only decision she could make. They didn't have much time.

Deela calmly announced, "All hands to the emergency escape pods. Abandon ship." In her head, she was already calculating the number of crew members and pods. There would be some that wouldn't escape. She watched the viewscreen, waiting for their fate to be decided.

Romulan ship

“Commander! The Federation ship is taking severe damage, reading crew in the damage flotsam including one Romulan life sign!”

“Then don’t just sit here! Get them onboard!!” Kah’lyn’s father paced. “Now was the time for his plan to come into fruition. First he needed to save as many of those adrift as he could to make his plan a reality. Admittedly he hadn’t expected his daughter to be amongst those he was having to save, but so much the better.

USS Ark Royal-A

On the Bridge, Jack held onto the helm as Raven piloted the Vesta Class starship into the battle, giving Korso on Tactical as many targets as he pleased to start opening up onto. Korso didn't disappoint and soon both Quantum Torpedoes and Phasers were unleashed as the new Ark Royal bared her teeth in battle for the first time.

The ship shuddered as a Breen Warship fired upon and Jack held on as the shields held back the brunt of the impact.

"Report!" he yelled above the din.

"That was a hard hit sir, Shields are down to ninety per cent," reported Korso.

"Lock targets on that ship and fire at will, take it out!" Jack ordered. Korso responded at the Tactical station and sent several volleys of Quantum Torpedoes at the Breen ship. After the first volley hit, he then followed that with concentrated phaser fire and along with the impact of the second volley, that was enough to take out the Breen warship.

Jack smiled as he saw the good work ahead of them, however, he didn't smile for long.

"Captain, The Essex, she's taken heavy damage and has a Romulan Warship closing on her position, the Houston has been ordered to assist but they are moving through the fleet to get to her," Taloris reported in her stoic Vulcan fashion.

Jack stood for a moment and thought of Deela. she'd almost lost him when the original Ark Royal went up and now he was faced with the same situation. Jack patted Raven on the shoulder. "Get us over there, full impulse power, we need to provide support, especially if she's taken heavy damage and also see if he can recover any of the crew if we can't protect the ship," he said before heading back to his seat.

"I'm coming," he whispered as Raven steered the Ark Royal-A to her new course.

Deela's thought went to Jack. She didn't know if she'd see him or the kids again.

USS Essex

The escape pods were released and a good deal of the crew was off. The others waited together in one part of the ship, hoping that they'd join their fellow crew members. The Romulan Warbird was fast approaching and was set to fire upon them. Seconds remained.

Romulan ship

“Commander we’ve got company! there’s a starship looking to engage us!”

Terrh looked at his subordinate. “Status of the Federation crew and my daughter?”

There was a momentary silence. “They’re aboard Commander! They’re in the doctors care.”

“Good” Terrh smiled. “Cloak and get us out of range! We can save our surprise for later!” The smile on his face said it all, his plan was just beginning.

USS Ark Royal-A

The Ark Royal made her way across the combat zone as fast as her new impulse engines would allow whilst also trying to avoid attracting further weapons fire from the enemy. As soon as he was happy that they were in range, Jack moved to the font of the Bridge to get everyone's attention.

"Alright people, here's the plan, this will take crackerjack timing once we are in range," he began. "Once we're in range of the Essex, Tactical will drop shields, but be ready to raise them as soon as I give the order, Operations, tie in all of the Transporters on board, including Cargo Bay transporters and get every life sign you can that's out there from the Essex. As soon as that's complete, we'll raise shields and get back in formation with the rest of the fleet, is that understood?"

Seeing heads nod in response, Jack moved back to the helm. "Lt Raven, are we in range yet?"

"Almost sir, we're ten seconds away," she replied.

From the Operations station, Taloris looked up. "Captain, The Romulan Vessel they've cloaked!! I can't see them on sensors anymore!"

"Focus on the Essex, there are plenty more targets out there to deal with," Jack responded. Look ing up from the helm, Raven nodded.

"This is it! Helm full stop! Tactical, drop shields! Operations, engage all transporters! now" Jack ordered. As he stood watching the viewscreen, Jack could see that the Essex was listing and was in a bad way and his thoughts were not only on rescuing the crew but also making sure that Deela wasn't hurt.

Taloris looked up from her console. "Captain, we've recovered 147 Starfleet signatures on board, transport is complete."

Jack looked over at Korso. "Sam, get our shields back up and prepare for any incoming fire, just in case someone out there wants to try and scratch the paintwork on my new ship." Looking at Raven, Jack patted her shoulder again. "Get us back in formation with the fleet. Once we're settled, we'll get back into an attack formation unless ordered otherwise."

Jack returned back to his seat and sat back down as the Vesta Class starship made her way back towards the Alliance Fleet. As he calmed for a moment, Jack then opened a channel to Sickbay.

"Bridge to Sickbay, Dr. Celes, please report," he requested.

Down in Sickbay, The Ark Royal-A's newest Chief Medical Officer was up to her eyes in patients as she ordered her teams to the most vital casualties that had beamed aboard.

"We're a little busy down here Captain, will update you when I have clearer information, but we have a lot of people who are wounded down here, Celes out."

Deela wanted to see Jack but she needed to check on her crew first. She made her way to Sickbay. Her heart sank seeing those who were hurt.

USS Enterprise-E, Bridge

"Admiral, we all put have the Typhon Pact fleet surrounded." Roebuck said from the XO's chair, looking at his sensor display. "And the Essex has been abandoned, Admiral T'Lar and most of the crew are aboard the Ark Royal."

Mike let out a breath, happy Deela was rescued. There would be more time for tears over the Essex soon enough.

The Enterprise fired another torpedo salvo and a phaser burst, destroying a Scimitar type warbird that had been on fire and trying to limp away.

"What the hell." Roebcuk said. "Admiral, the Cardassians, they're pulling out!"

Mike stood and walked to the Tactical station behind Ramata'tar.

"Mike, you've got to see this." Draven added.

Bremer walked over behind Draven at the Intel station and read the message from Starfleet Intelligence. 'Breen and Romulans forces have attacked several Cardassian positions within Cardassian territory. These include the Torros III Shipyards, the Monac IV Shipyards, bases at Chin'Toka and Regulak, and Sheva Nor. Cardassia Prime was also fired upon. In response, the Cardassian Military has ordered their ships from the Beta Quadrant to return to Cardassian territory at once to bolster their defenses.'

Mike hung his head for a moment, with the Cadassians pulling back it would be a serious blow to the Alliance forces trying to push into Romulan space. Even with this battle coming to an end and a fleet of nearly five hundred Typhon Pact ships destroyed, it seems fate was trying to steal defeat from the jaws of victory.

What was left of the Typhon Pact fleet was in no position to fight and the surviving ships lowered their ships and disarmed their weapons.

"Most of the enemy ships that fled seem to be falling back to the parameter around New Romulus." Draven said. "The rest of the Federation and Klingon reserve groups will be here soon."

Mike nodded. "Have the Ferengi task force with the USS Griffin's wing and the most heavily damaged ships remain here, collect POWs and start repairs. Have all other ships form up on us, we're pressing on toward New Romulus."

Draven send the message and within twenty minutes over a thousand Federation, Klingon, and Romulan Republic ships shot off at warp.

Two Hours Later

"Admiral, we're receiving a message from Deep Space Nine, they're under attack by Breen, Romulan, and Gorn forces. I believe it's the same force that attacked the Cardassians." Draven announced.

"Tell Admiral Sisko to take his wing and assist." Mike replied. He knew it would take hours at warp, and nearly thirty minutes at slipstream for them to get within range of DS9 to assist.

"He just signaled and the Defiant, Aventine, and their wing are already breaking formation and heading for DS9" Draven replied, "but they might not be needed."

Mike stood and walked over behind Draven. "DS9 reports a fleet of over two hundred Dominion ships are coming through the wormhole, engaging the Typhon Pact forces and defending DS9!"

Mike glanced back at Ramata'tar, then looked back at the sensor display from DS9.

They watched the display for several minutes, and finally what was left of the attacking force started to withdraw from the Bajorian system and area around DS9 with most of the Dominion fleet in pursuit.

"The Cardassians are going to have a fit." Roebuck said.

"Probab..." Mike started by a beep from the Intel station stopped him.

"Cardassian Military Command is sending out a message on Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Dominion channels. They won't object to the Dominion's presence as long as they remain outside Cardassian space and engage the Typhon Pact forces in the Beta Quadrant, then depart when the war is over."

Mike was taken aback, he let out a breath and a slight smile flashed across his face. "Home by Christmas."

Mike walked back to the Captain's chair and stood in front of it. "Chief, how long until we reach the Mol'Rihan system and the New Romulan Defensive Parameter?"

Branson tapped in a few commands. "Two hours, ten minutes. The Dominion fleet with the Defiant's group will take longer but they are coming at warp nine."

"Signal the fleet to drop out of warp." Mike said.

Moments later the Allied fleet dropped out of warp and took up a defensive formation.

"Open a channel to both the Romulan Civilian Government and to their Fleet Command." Mike ordered.

"Channels open." Ramata'tar replied.

"This is Fleet Admiral Bremer aboard the starship Enterprise. Further bloodshed isn't needed. This war is over, you've lost, and we have fresh re-enforcements on the way...and we all know how well the Dominion can fight. Let's end this conflict here and now." Mike said. After a brief pause he added, "We've all already lost so much in his needless fight! Do you want me to tell those Federation and Dominion ships to form us on us, and we all come in firing, or to stand down?"

After a moment of silence he looked over to Vox. "Go ahead, they might listen to civilian."

"This is Raekwon Vox, a civilian, I represent the ordinary people, those whose very way of life is threatened by continuing further bloodshed. I do not deny your right to fight and die how you choose but I implore you to consider what you do next. I shall end with simply this...." He cleared his throat and in perfect Romulan "Feldor staam toreht." (Please, friends. Choose to live.)

After a few tense and quiet moments, several Romulan Senators and a female civilian appeared on the right side of the screen while a Romulan Admiral and a Tal Shiar General appeared.

"The time has come for peace." One of the Senators said. He looked at the civilian and the woman nodded.

Mike then noticed she was carrying a sword on her back and new she was a member of the Qowat Milat, and he knew Vox's words much of really struck home with her.

"We can call a cessation to hostilities here, now. End the fighting, the bloodshed, and the dying. Diplomates and Politicians can do the easy work of drawing up a last peace and a document we can all sign. But the hard work, the jobs of warriors like us, will be over, and we can rest." Mike said.

"Let me guess, you'll want that done at Starbase 400?" The General said with sarcasm.

"No. That can be decided for the Diplomats. For now, we should agree to stand fast on our current positions and call a cease-fire." Mike replied.

"Withdraw from Romulan space, then we'll discuss it." The Romulan Admiral suggested.

"We are not in a position to make demands Admiral Talek. Fleet Admiral Bremer's suggestion is fair." The Qowat Milat member replied.

Mike looked over at Vox to see if he had anything else to add.

Looking back at the Fleet Admiral. Vox paused for a moment. "I am grateful that we can come together and cease hostilities. But, despite all that has happened here, and what happens across the galaxy, we must remember that certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burn, but cold were life without them. " He said, adding a final Romulan proverb.

After a few moments the Senators shared a look and a nod, then one spoke up. "Admiral, stand down. A cease fire is in affect. Signal all ships and bases at once."

"The Gorn and Krazzle won't like it." The Tal Shiar General added.

"They don't have much of a choice General." The Qowal Milat member replied.

"Draven, signal all ships and send to Starfleet Command, Klingon Defense Force command, Cardassian Central Command, and the Ferengi that we're under a ceasefire. Also let Admiral Sisko know he and the Dominion ships can return to DS9." Mike said.

Dranven nodded.

"And us?" Roebuck asked.

"Fleet Admiral Sevlek can take over here, the Enterprise and SB400's ships will escort the damaged ships and medical ships back to the station." Mike replied.

The war wasn't over, officially, but the fighting seemed to be, and that was the victory they all needed.



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