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[Falcon] Coping in our own way

Posted on Thu Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 5:05pm by Commander Sarah Rodgers & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell & Lieutenant JG Aubrey Miller & Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Lieutenant Samuel Carrington & Lieutenant JG Dustin Reynolds

2,727 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Various
Timeline: MD02 - 0900

Anna had been home for a bit, having cleaned up and changed. She knew Zeke had a lot on his shoulders so she went and replicated them dinner. She had some candles that she put in the end table to light when he got there and waited for him. She wanted him to be able to relax, if even for a little while.

Zeke walked into the room, he immediately noticed the candle lit room. And walked over to the table. "Anna, you did not have to go through all of this effort." Zeke said, with a big smile on his face. He was touched by the thought.

“I wanted to,” Anna said with a smile as she walked up to him and kissed him. “I know you have a lot on your mind I thought maybe this would be a great way to relax for a bit.”

"Thank you Sweetie, you are to good to me." Zeke said, as he took a seat, and waited for her to do the same.

Anna took a seat. “I wish I could have cooked you a better dinner but at least I have one thing to help.” She held up. SMd and pepper shaker.

"This will pass over, when we get back, we should look at getting a micro kitchen in the mess hall, and a chef on board. We have been spending a lot of time on the Falcon." Zeke pointed out to her.

“That would be great!” Anna said with a smile. “We are here more than there these days.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “Welcome home.”

Zeke kissed her back, and smiled as he said. "It's good to be home with you. No place I rather be."Zeke told her, as he went for another kiss. After a small kiss, he held her hand for a moment. "What have you prepared for us?" He asked.

“You should know,” Anna said as she took the covers off their plates. “Your favorite meal, though I am afraid it won’t be as good as If it were homemade.”

"Thanks." Zeke said, as he wondered what she was having. "What did you choose?" He asked.

“I decided on Beef stew,” Anna confessed. “I grabbed some salt and pepper packets and figured I could season it enough to be okay.”

"I'll trade ya." Zeke called out, with a big grin on his face. He was only teasing her. He was curious to see what she was going to say.

Anna smiled at him. “You want to trade your favorite dish for beef stew? I don’t think so.” She leaned over as if to take his plate.

Zeke grinned as he pulled his tray back. "Fine, I guess your stuck with stew." He said, with a small chuckle to match his grin.

Anna laughed softly. She loved seeing that grin on his face it meant that her plan was working and he was relaxing. “I love being stuck.”

"Really, I thought you liked to be in control." Zeke suggested to her, for years they had both followed a structured control life together. Every step was slow, calculated and full filling. Now she was ready to throw that out the window?

“I am in control,” Anna replied with a smile. “And so are you. I was teasing you, Zeke. I didn’t mean that as literal being stuck.”

"Good, because I care to much about you, to ever make you feel stuck." Zeke said, trying his best to express his feelings. Which was not always an easy thing for him to do.

"You are the love of my life, Zeke," Anna murmured. "When I was a little girl I had this perfect prince in mind to marry when I grew up but fate did me one better. Fate gave me the perfect man for me. There is no where I would ever imagine to be than with you."

"Oh, not sure what to say. Your welcome seems self serving and egotistical of me to say." Zeke said, feeling very humbled.

Anna smiled. “Just by being by my side, through the food and bad is enough for me.”

"No place I rather be, besides by your side. Growing old together, sharing stories and ideas with one another." Zeke pointed out to her, with a big grin.

“See,” Anna said with a smile. “We are good together. Two souls together as one who share a structured life together, with the most essential ingredient.”

"What is that?" Rhetorically asked Zeke, as he pulled in close for another kiss. He wondered how she did this, make him feel whole and complete. Being in love, and being loved impacted his life, in ways he could not imagine.

“Love,” Anna whispered as their lips met. She didn’t have to say the word, Zeke knew. But she went ahead and did anyway.

"I can't wait to marry you." Zeke pointed out to her, as he reached in to give her a kiss. His heart and body, were filled with love. The same love, she shared for him.

“I know how you feel,” Anna murmured. “I am so ready to be your wife, the mother of our children.”

"Then what are we waiting for?" Zeke asked, feeling silly for asking her. But then he knew, it might be to soon. Someone else recently got married on the station. Back when they still had the station.

“I have no idea,” Anna said with a laugh. “I will marry you right this minute if we have a way.”

Now, now Anna, don't tease me." Ezekiel said with a big grin on his face oh, he knew that she was serious. But right now they need to be focused.

"I shouldn't," Anna agreed with a smile of her own. "Let's focus on the present right now." She leaned over and kissed him. "I will be focused but I will also be looking forward to that day."

Ezekiel returned her kiss, as the scene starts to fade away.

Aubrey headed down the corridor to Dustin’s quarters. She had taken a shower and put on a pair of short shorts with a spaghetti strapped top. It hadn’t taken her long to get ready once she had taken a shower.

She pressed the buzzer to Dustin’s door and waited for him to call out or let her in. Aubrey was looking forward to spending some time with him, watching a movie, maybe she would steal a kiss or two.

Dustin opened the door, he was hoping she would stop by. He had been debating about stopping by and seeing her. He had replicated her a small teddy bear, a little bit a go and handed it to her, as he motioned for her to come in.

“Hi,” Aubrey said with a smile. “I was hoping you were home. I thought if you weren’t busy we could spend some time together.”

"I would like that, I don't have a reservation with the Holodeck, but you are welcome to come in, while we figure something out to do." Dustin said, being sincere. He wanted her to come in, to figure out, where they could go.

Aubrey smiled as she walked into his quarters. She wasn’t surprised to see everything neat and tidy. She would definitely clean hers the next day. “Are you feeling like a movie or something we can burn off some energy?”

"Burn off some energy?" Dustin asked, wondering what she had in mind. Deep down, he was assuming the gym. But he was not sure.

“Like exercise,” Aubrey replied. “Play some racquetball or workout, something to burn off some of our frustrations and energy.”

"I love racquetball." Dustin said, as he eyes grew big. He loved that idea. He hoped that Aubrey could keep up. If not, at least he could see her in a cute little outfit. That would be worth it.

“I am very good,” Aubrey confessed. “I love to play but it has been a while.” She grinned. “I can’t believe we both play and didn’t know until now.”

"Never came up, but I should warn you, I am very competitive." Dustin said, with a big grin on his face.

“That will make it more fun,”’Aubrey replied. “There is no sense in playing if you aren’t going to go all out.”

"You would be surprised, how many times partners will hold back. They do not want to hurt their partners feeling." Dustin said, hoping it was okay to say his partner.

“I have seen that as well,” Aubrey nodded. “But as your partner, I will never be hurt or upset if you beat me unless I threw the game.”

"Not true, we are human. And no one likes to loose." Dustin said, with a grin on his face. It was sweet of her to say that, but he liked being honest. It was not practical.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t be upset with myself,” Aubrey replied. “Just that I wouldn’t be mad at you over it.”

"Time will tell, if that is correct." Dustin said, with a nervous grin. As he debated about cancelling the game. They made it to the gym area.

“Let’s okay a set,” Aubrey suggested. “If you feel like it isn’t a good fit we will quit and never play again.”

"Sure, if you don't mind loosing." Dustin said, with a big grin on his face. Let the contest begin, he said to himself. He knew there was a chance he could loose, he hoped not, but there was still that chance.

"It is good to dream," Aubrey replied with a grin. "You keep on doing that, I just hope you aren't too disappointed when you lose."

"When you loose, I hope your good sport and give me a good win kiss." Dustin said, trying to be sly with his comment. He was hinting he wanted to kiss her.

“And when you lose,” Aubrey grinned. “It will be you that will show me what a good sport you are.”

"Depends what you want, if you win?" Dustin said, with a concerned look on his face. He was reasonably confident, he was going to win, and earn a kiss.

“A kiss,” Aubrey smiled. “And a massage. Fair enough?” She was sure it would be here walking out with the prize.”

"So if I win I get a massage and a kiss, deal." Dustin said, as he reached out to shake her hand. To seal their deal, they both had just made.

Aubrey took his hand and shook it. “You mean when I win but the deal is the same both ways.” Her eyes lit up. “Just to make you feel better.”

"Then what's the point of playing. Win or loose, I get to do this." Dustin said, as he reached over, and started to kiss her, grabbing her hair gently and stroking it.

Aubrey felt his lips meet hers and kissed him back. She forgot what they were talking about, so lost in the moment.

The moment had completely taken them both by suprised. They were two adults, that got caught up in the moment. Locked in an emotional and physical connection. Like Aubrey, he forgot about everything. He just focused on this very moment.

Aubrey didn’t want this to end. She felt a passion growing like none she had ever felt. Who knew that one kiss would set in motion such deep intense feelings for one another.

Samuel's passion continued, as his lips pressed on with Hers. The scene starts to fade away.

Sarah wasn’t physically tired as she left the bridge to head off shift. She was worried about the crew’s morale. They had left the station which had been hard for them. She was trying to think of something to do that would make them feel better or forget for a little bit.

She turned a corner still lost in thought and almost ran straight into Sam. Smiling at him she spoke. “Where are you headed?”

"Gym, you?" Samuel asked, with his gym bag in hand. He was ready to burn off a few calories.

Sarah smiled. “I was trying to think of something to do and that is a good idea. You mind some company? I would have to stop and change.”

"The Gym has a replicator unit, you can change in the gym. I just prefer my own outfits. But I imagine, you would look cute in a Falcon workout set." Samuel said, knowing it was just a grey cotton shirt, with a ship on the left side, and small cute short grey shorts, that were a little short, with gray socks, bra and underwear.

“That will work,” Sarah smiled at him. “This was a good surprise. I have been thinking too much and I need something to get my mind off things.”

"I know how you feel, I felt the same way. Nothing like a good workout, can't fix." Samuel said, as they started to walk towards the gym together.

“What machinery do you use,” Sarah just realized they had never gone to the gym together before.

"All of them, I love to work out. What about you?" Samuel asked, as they made their way to the gym.

“I rotate around the room,” Sarah explained. “Though I haven’t lifted weights a lot.”

"I prefer to tone my body, versus bulking it up." Samuel said, hoping she was doing the same. He did not want his girl to have bigger muscles than him.

“I like the way I look,” Sarah replied with a smile. “I want to keep in shape but not look like a bodybuilder.” She shook her head. “If that is the way some want to look it’s fine with me, but I like being feminine.”

"I have no complaints, you are doing a remarkable job keeping tone. Do you do a lot of spinning?" Samuel asked. He hated the stationary spinning bike class.

“I haven’t,” Sarah replied. “Is it something you suggest? I have always felt like it might make me dizzy.”

"Dizzy no, but it does make your legs stiff, after words." Samuel said, not really looking forward to the spinning class.

“Let’s do it then,” Aubrey’s eyes lit up in excitement. “You have me interested.”

"Giddy." Samuel said, as they entered the gym. He walked over to a small room, with six stationary bikes, and put his towel on it. Then walked over to the matt, to start stretching. "trust me, your gonna wanna stretch out for this." Samuel tried to warn her.

Sarah nodded and started her stretching workout. She had been exercising enough to know the importance behind it. Her eyes wandered to Sam and she had to pull them off him. “Any other tips?”

"Don't push your limits on the tension bar, start off light. Build up your resistence, before you push yourself harder." Samuel said, as they both started to stretch.

"Got it," Sarah nodded, concentrating on stretching so that she didn't overdo it. She knew that if not done correctly she could pull a muscle. "You have been doing this for a long time."

"Sadly yes. But I am glad I have a partner, to do this with me." Samuel said, with a big grin.

“So am I,” Sarah agreed. “Having a partner makes it more enjoyable.”

"I love it, how we think alike." Samuel said, as he wrapped up his stretches, and walked over to the dreaded bike. He hated this part.

Sarah finished up and headed over to a bike a few feet from the one he was headed to. She waited for him to get started before she got on the bike and adjusted the settings and then started pedaling.

"I hope your ready, this will suck, but some water later, and a couple of bannas, you will be good to go." Samuel said, as he got on the bike, and adjusted the tension bar.

“I see what you mean,” Sarah called over. “This is intense already!” She was glad she had started on a lower tension setting.

"Oh it's just starting." Samuel called out with a big grin. She had no idea what was in store for her. The scene starts to fade.


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