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Movie Night

Posted on Thu Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 5:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,468 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate

Lights dimmed, a bowl of popcorn on her lap, the movie had only started rolling the opening credits when the door chime rang out. Ordering g the computer to pause, she set down the bowl on the floor before the sudden sound of paws made her rescue the snack just in time. “Not good for puppies,” she told the sad face looking up at her. She sighed, putting the bowl safely out of reach as she called for her visitor to enter.

In truth she was grateful for a distraction. She had fully kept to her word and been resting just as Hades and Dr Kelley ordered, but sleep had not been forthcoming. She had spent hours sketching pictures, playing with Bow and staring at the walls. Sitting still was not her thing.

Ariana walked in offering a warm smile. "I'm not interrupting you am I?" She motioned to the obvious movie night set up. "I can always come back!"

“No, come in,” she assured her. “It’s just an old movie. You are welcome to join me if you like? Save me eating all the popcorn myself.”

Ariana nodded. "Sure, I'd love to!" She grinned. "I heard what happened, are you and the baby okay?"

Carolyn rolled her eyes as she ordered a fruit juice for Ariana. “Was there some sort of news broadcast?” she asked as she handed Ariana a drink, picking up the popcorn as she sat on the couch. “I’m fine, really. I walked in at the wrong time and that was that. Had both Hades and Kelley in attendance so what could have gone wrong, right? Computer, reduce volume by twenty five percent and play movie?”

Ariana nodded. "Let's sit down and enjoy the movie, we can both rest and we can talk afterwards." She smiled warmly.

With a nod, Carolyn settled back as the movie got started. “I figured I’d keep going through the Marvel movie catalogue,” she confided in a low voice as she took a handful of popcorn. “My brother made me a list to work through. The baby tree is cute, right?”

Ariana kept her voice low as she replied. "Baby groot is the best!" she grinned. "I love these movies!!"

“Apparently there are lots of them,” Carolyn shrugged, “figured why not...”

At that they fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the movie right up to the extra scene on the end credits. “I hate it when I need to tell my brother he picked a good movie,” she lamented, “he will never let it go. Another drink?”

"Please!" Ariana nodded. "I'm as dry as anything today, I don't think I'm drinking enough fluids."

“Coming right up,” she promised, fetching another round. “It really isn’t the same when there is no alcohol involved.”

"Well alcohol is at a premium when you're pregnant as I'm sure you know already!" Ariana grinned. "The dietary suggestions don't include anything classed as being unhealthy." She shook her head. "All I can say is, go with what you enjoy where food is concerned. Don't let them put you off!"

“I’m sure I’ll manage,” she smiled, sitting down.

"Of that I've no doubt!" Ariana smiled as she picked up her drink and sipped it. "We should do this more often! It's a break away for me and company for you."

“Anytime,” Carolyn agreed. “Today has been ... hard. I think I offended Kaden Ross multiple times and then someone called Hades when I got hurt. It was exhausting. But on a positive I got an early birthday video message from my brother, sister and her kids. It was loud! But cute.”

"It's your birthday?!" Ariana looked at her friend in surprise. "I had no idea!! I haven't brought you a card or present!"

“Don’t be silly,” Carolyn chided her, “I don’t need a card or presents. For one thing we are in the middle of a war with bigger priorities. And it feels wrong. What with Harris and now Adari...”

Ariana nodded. "I know" She paused and looked at Carolyn. " know?"

“Kalani told me earlier today.”

Ariana nodded. "Hades told me. I wasn't sure if I should tell you after everything you'd been through."

“She was so kind. And I owe her so much,” Carolyn sighed. “Doesn’t seem fair, really.”

"I know!" Ariana sighed. "She helped both of us and I feel that I still owe her. I'm going to make her and all of you proud of me!"

“You already are,” Carolyn assured her.

Ariana smiled warmly. "Thank you my friend."

Carolyn shrugged, “it’s the truth.”

She paused, regarding Ariana for a moment. “Hades and I talked. Well, actually, Kalani mostly talked. He came down to Sickbay when someone told him what happened.”

"But you got to talk to him didn't you?" Ariana looked at her friend. "I hate to see the two of you not talking."

“I did. A little. I’m confused but it was a start, I guess?” She shrugged. “My head is spinning he says so many different things, how am I supposed to keep up or know which version is the actual truth? I don’t know... all I do know is that Harris is gone and this baby deserves to know about him and the rest of his family.”

"Now that I agree with" Ariana smiled warmly. "Just take it a day at a time and let things progress as they will. It'll all make sense in the end, that I promise you!"

“Ha! We will see. When it comes to family I learned to have zero expectations,” Carolyn confided. “What about you? You seem a little ... off. I can’t place it. Bad day?”

Arians sighed. "You could say that" her smile faded. "I had an argument with Kaden, or at least he had an argument with me!" She shook her head. "He's throwing every regret he's got at me and blaming me for it all." She hung her head. "I've never walked out on a counselling session before but I just...I couldn't stay in there any longer!"

“I’m so sorry that happened,” Carolyn said with a sympathetic smile. “I could never have your patience at the best of times. But you know you aren’t responsible for someone else’s regrets, right? I can replicate some chocolate if you’d like?”

"No it's alright" Ariana sighed. "If I eat much more chocolate I'll be as high as a kite!" She offered a little smile. "I'm just a bit confused how to handle it is all."

“Perhaps speak it over with Rol?” She suggested. “I hate talking work but ... I insisted he speak to someone. Although I recommended Rol as I felt it was unfair to you, since you had history.

That went down as well as my suggestion that he try a phased return starting with light administrative duties. I won’t sign off on his return to full duty - not yet and certainly not without counselling agreement that he is ready.

My meeting with him went better than yours, at least. Although he seemed to think I left the room at one point because I dislike him. In truth I left because I needed to throw up. Could hardly explain it was a case of morning sickness, could I? It was neither appropriate or any of his business.

She sighed, “and then he was trying to be nice and helpful but you know me. one, it was a medical exam and two, I don’t know him that well and in any case, what could I say? I’m just glad Kendall hasn’t quit.”

"I think you're all amazing for what you do here Carolyn" Ariana offered a smile. "Kaden is... Difficult sometimes. We didn't exactly break up under the best circumstances, there were faults on both sides. I had no idea he was holding onto so much from back then. I guess I do now."

“Hey, you witnessed me and Hades and we aren’t even ex’s,” Carolyn pointed out. “Still kind of regret not punching him in the face for that. What a mess, huh?”

Ariana shrugged her shoulders. "It happens, I guess I just let him get to me too much." She offered a more cheery smile. "Let's not let it spoil the here and now."

“Just promise me you will think about speaking to Rol if you need to. Maybe some couple counselling - for ex couples I guess? Is that a thing? Okay, okay, how about more popcorn, some more drinks and another movie?”

"That would be fun!" Ariana smiled. "And, I promise I'll talk to Rol if I need to."

“Good,” Carolyn nodded. “I’ll get the food, you start up the movie...”



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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Fri Apr 3rd, 2020 @ 9:44am

Nice Ladies!