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A Crowded Counseling Office

Posted on Thu Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 5:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Mercy - Docked at Starbase 23 - Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD02 - 0900


USS Mercy

LTJG Matthew Plumeri had never been on one of these before. 'These' being Olympic-class medical ships. For a ship docked at starbase, the Mercy sure was busy. Probably because it was still caring for the wounded and putting families back together. Matthew made his way to the Counselor's Offices by following the computer assisted direction guides. Some areas of the Mercy were quite crowded and other areas seemed lonesome. The Counseling section was more of the former and less of the latter. There was a small queue here and Matt waited in it. After a few people, he reported in and he was asked to take a seat. There were many civillians here; some of them were giving him an uneasy look. Matt supposed that these folks probably lost everything due to being evacuated. Home and business might be gone. And he was sure they blamed Starfleet for that.

Ariana had drafted in as many spare counselor's, or those with counselling qualifications as she could to deal with the influx of people wanting counselling. Stepping out of her office after her latest patient she looked at the list on her PADD, "Lieutenant Plumeri?"

Matthew stood up and stepped forward among the crowd, "Right here" he said with sincerity. The Counselor wore Lieutenant Commander pips and so he added, "Reporting as ordered Commander. These are my transfer orders sir" Plumeri added with Starfleet precision. She looked Betazoid. The dark eyes and the dark features were attractive. He handed her the PaDD in his hand.

Ariana smiled warmly, it still felt strange to be called Commander but she was slowly getting used to it. "Thank you Lieutenant, if you'll follow me please." She motioned to her office.

"Thank you" he said as he followed her down a short corridor to a row of offices. The doors swooshed open to her office and Matt followed her in.

As they walked inside Ariana motioned to the seats. "Please make yourself at home, would you like a drink before we start?"

"No, thank you though. Your office here is quite busy today. Is this the new normal around here lately?" he asked before taking a chair.

"It seems so" Ariana nodded as she took a seat. "I've had to draft in extra people just to cope with the workload. Anyway, please call me Ariana." She smiled warmly. "So how are you settling in?"

Matt nodded as he settled, "Thank you Commander" he paused and said, "Thank you Ariana. It's been a crazy couple of days. Trying to get all my to-do items checked off. Meeting new people and getting shown around. Going from ship to ship. I just got my berth assignment. Endeavour is a little tight on space so I'm in with three other junior officers. It's exciting for me, naturally. But I also sense a lot of hurt. And anger too. From the people I meet at having to leave Starbase 400. I can't say I really blame them."

Ariana looked at Plumeri curiously. "Is this an observation of other people or do you actually feel what others feel? I'll admit I know little about Fontalan's"

He shook his head 'no', "Oh no, nothing like that. Just an observation y'know? I can hear it in their voice. See it on their face. I know an ass-whooping when I see one."

Ariana nodded. "You're very observant. I didn't think I sensed anything empathic or telepathic from you." She smiled warmly. "It's not been easy for any of us but we're looking forward to getting home again."

Plumeri nodded and took a better look around the office. There were a few certifications framed and mounted to the wall attesting to the professional competence of the Counselor..err...Ariana. He looked back at her and asked, "What do you miss the most about your home?"

“If we’re talking about my home on the station then it’s just that, the station herself. A lot has happened to me there, not at all good but it’s become a part of me.” Ariana smiled warmly. “I’d give my life to protect the station if I had to, but not before making sure my family was safe.”

Matt nodded in agreement, "Yup. As they say, 'Home is where you hang your hat'. It's more than just a place isn't it? It's the people that come into our lives that make the job...bearable. Tolerable. It's tough out here. They leave that part out of the recruitment brochure I think. Still, all the same, I wouldn't trade it for anything. What happens though if they take the Starbase and won't give it up? Or destroy it? It will be difficult for so many to lose their homes and their businesses - their lives." He pondered his own question a moment and looked up, "I guess we all know how El Aurians feel huh?"

Ariana nodded. “Then I guess we’d all end up having somewhere new and no doubt Starfleet would have us all dispersed elsewhere. Something I seriously hope doesn’t happen.”

Nodding with raised eyebrows he said, "Yeah, here's to keeping our fingers crossed huh? How long have you been Counselor aboard Starbase 400? May I ask, if it's not too impersonal Commander?"

She paused. "It's two years this year, it doesn't feel that long though." She offered a warm smile. "So what made you want to be a part of a Starbase?"

Plumeri shifted in his chair a bit, settling in to a more comfortable position, "A couple of reasons I think. I was part of a planetary sciences crew. That was Galileo's mission profile and I did that for a year tour. I was happy there but when I saw this posting come up to be in this sector, I had to apply for it. Being in the Beta Quadrant and so close to Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, Tholian, and Krazzle space in the 'Ares Operational Theatre' might be an opportunity where some of my skills might come in handy? I don't know for sure. What I do know is that conflict, at the root of it, is a failure to communicate. People want to be understood, no matter your species, we want someone to 'get us'. To understand us. On a larger scale, my culture and the Cosmology that makes up my background helps me understand that the Universe of which we are all a part of in fact we are even made up of...wants to be understood. To understand itself. History and Science, I think, are the best tools we have yet discovered to help bring that about. And on a Starbase, serving with Commander Coleman. It'll be an experience I couldn't pass up."

"Well it certainly sounds like you're excited about this, which is great!" Ariana grinned at Matthew's enthusiasm. "I don't have any concerns about that. Is there anything in particular that you feel you need to talk about?"

He thought for a split-second about mentioning his loneliness and decided that it was just a feeling and that, given time and work, it too would pass. "No, no I think I'm all good. Doctor Corrigan gave me a lollipop after passing my physical. I don't suppose you have anything good for passing my counseling session?" A smile crept on his face despite his best efforts to try and squelch it.

"Perhaps, if you tell me what it is that's troubling you." Ariana grinned. "I can feel that you're holding something back, it might help to talk about it."

He hesitated, immediately, "Oh, I...uh..." then he thought ~Betazoid. Damn.~ and realized that there was no point to hiding his feelings annoying as they may be. He let out a long sigh coupled with an indignant grunt. The same kind of noise he made when having to deal with 'feelings'. *sighs* "I....struggle with loneliness. That's all. Not all the time. Not during work or when I'm on duty. Not at the gym and not when I'm relaxing. Just, sometimes, it comes on strong and it...hurts. In my heart it hurts." He brushed the pain away and said, "It's...just a feeling I know. But, I don't know. Sometimes I wish I could just be Vulcan and shut it off. Then there are times that I'm glad I'm one of the 'emoting species'. It's nothing. But...well...there it is."

"That's a perfectly normal feeling, I totally understand." Ariana smiled. "I take it you don't have a girlfriend? Our careers can interfere with relationships especially with all the moving around. Being lonely is understandable."

He nodded once, "Yeah, I'm sure I'll meet somebody. All the moving around; I'm just used to having 'roots' you know? I'm looking forward to staying here at this post a long time if I can. Well, thank you Counselor."

"My pleasure" Ariana smiled warmly. "I'm sure you'll find someone, there are plenty of women out there."

"Yes, thank you. Thanks for listening. I hope that the rest of your day goes smoothly." He said pleasantly. He waited until she dismissed him or otherwise gave indication that they were "done".

"I do too." Ariana smiled warmly. "Consider yourself cleared for duty as far as your evaluation is concerned. Thank you for coming to see me."

He nodded and then said, "Have a good rest of your day too. I'm sure I'll see you around. Thanks again."

"My pleasure" Ariana smiled warmly as she walked Matthew to the door to call in her next patient.



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