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A sucker at the end

Posted on Wed Apr 1st, 2020 @ 6:19pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

1,448 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Mercy - Docked at SB23 - Sickbay
Timeline: MD02 - 1000


USS Mercy - Sickbay

Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri had two appointments this morning onboard the USS Mercy. This was his second appointment. He made his way to the ship's Sickbay and reported in to the attending Nurse staffing the desk, "Hi, I'm LTJG. Matthew Plumeri. Reporting in for my medical clearance please?"

After a routine verification of his orders and the download of his medical records from Starfleet Medical, Matt was led to a biobed. There was a chair nearby and he took a seat and waited. It looked like the place was still being put back together? Perhaps there were more wounded from the evacuation of Starbase 400 than the FNN let on he wondered to himself.

“Doctor Corrigan, sorry, but are you free?” Cadet Harper asked as she appeared in the doorway. “There is a lieutenant waiting on Sickbay for a physical. I could call Doctor Mendez but...”

“You don’t want the guy to suffer?” Carolyn suggested with a grin as she headed out of her office. It’s fine, I could use the break. Thank you. How are you doing?”

“Much better,” the young woman smiled. “Lieutenant Rol has been so kind. And being back, even on limited duties, has helped so much.”

“Just take a day at a time,” she urged, “and you’ll get there.”

Harper smiled, handing over the lieutenant’s file before heading away. Carolyn quickly scanned the file as she headed towards the man waiting nearby. “Lieutenant Pulmeri? I’m Doctor Corrigan.”

Matt nodded and politely corrected her, "Yes Commander, it's pronounced PLU-meri. Like 'blueberry'. I'm pleased to meet you Doctor Corrigan." He noticed again how busy it was today. A small group of three or four crewman walked into sickbay and made some noise as they greeted their assumed co-worker on a bio-bed some distance away. They were happy to see her and were obviously glad to see that the patient was on the mend. Matt indicated to that patient's direction with a nod of his head, "It's busy around here!"

“Apologies,” Carolyn offered. Following his gaze she shook her head, “this is quiet. A few weeks ago, that was crazy. We didn’t want to overwhelm the star base so we are sharing our staff and more focused on rehabilitation for those with more serious injuries. Before we do your physical, any issues affecting your health or any general concerns?”

Matthew nodded in agreement. He answered, "No, not really. I have some old injuries, previously broken bones that might show up. I play Parresis Squares and so I get my fair share of bumps and bruises. It's all in the medical record I'm sure. I'm half-Fontalan and previous doctors told me to be sure to inform the new medical staff and not rely on the med chart. I'm allergic to some beta-blockers that you give to Humans. I'm half-Human but I guess I didn't get that in my genome? Also, metoropan and axonol are toxic to me. Hyronaline doesn't work if I get radiation...and there's another one. Oh's a sedative...really common one that I cant handle either. Im...hin...something like that?" He searched for the word but had forgotten it. He looked to her hoping she might know.

“Improvoline,” she provided, holding up his file, “your file notes are very detailed. Okay, I’ll take the blood sample and get that running and we can do the rest while we wait.”

"Ah!" he said at the word. "Yes. That. Not fun." He filed that name away and then said. "You're in luck then. I am full of the stuff today" he said mildly joking.

“Don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit,” she assured him as she took the sample. “I’ll be right back...”

Setting up the sample to run, she returned and gestures to the biobed, “make yourself comfortable and it’ll be over before you know it. If your good, I’ll steal you a lollipop from paediatrics,” she teased.

He smiled and rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. Hopping up on the biobed he sat on it. His feet not touching the ground. It had been a while since he was in sickbay. He didn't particularly enjoy being in the medical bay to begin with. The sterile, computerized environment felt too cold to him. He much preferred the Astrometrics lab or the Stellar Cartography labs. Something about the bright lights and the lack of warm colors bothered him. Doctor Corrigan was nice enough though. Even so, he could feel his blood pressure rise. "Well, how can I refuse when there is a lollipop at the end?" He snickered and then straightened up, "I'm ready."

“You’d actually take a lollipop from the children?” She said in mock horror before grinning, “just kidding. I know people, I’ll get you the good red ones. Lie back for me and I’ll be done in a minute, promise.”

Doing as he was instructed, he laid back on the biobed and made himself comfortable. He wasn't sure if he should engage in idle chit-chat or not? Doctor Corrigan didn't seem adverse to 'small talk' and so Matt ventured on, "May I ask you a question sir?" he said as he lay looking over at her.

“As long as you drop the sir,” she agreed.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Do you think this...war...this season of war with the Typhon Pact is justified? You see lots of casualties I can imagine?" He watched her face and listened.

Carolyn pauses mid way through her scan, frowning. “I have,” she confirmed finally, returning her attention back to her work. “As for justified ... I don’t know the answer to that. What do you think?”

He replied after seeing her frown, "I haven't been out here long enough to know the situation really. And I don't know the dynamics of this region of space to intelligently speak to it." He looked at her again, "Perpetual war though? That's unsustainable. There has to be alternatives to endless war." He looked away, "I think so at least."

“It isn’t perpetual war though,” she countered gently, “and perhaps naive but I trust everyone in the positions to bring an end to it are as tired of war as we are. Sometimes, though, there is no alternative other than to defend your people and what you feel is right. And I have the pleasure of - hopefully- making sure our officers make it to tell the tale. And don’t worry, you will learn all about 400 in time. I’m still learning. You will be in good hands with your department head though. And we are always here if you do need us. For any reason.”

She closed over the tricorder, “All looks good, Lieutenant. Just let me check the blood sample and then you can escape.”

"Thank you" he smiled back at her. "I know I will too. I hope I never get used to it. You know? Never get used to constant warfare." He said and he was glad that the exam was over. Hospitals, medical wards gave Matt the 'haunting creeps'.

With a smile she left him be while she checked on his reports, returning quickly. “You pass with flying colours,” she assured him, holding out her hand, palm up. Three lollipops of different colours on display, “the kids reliably tell me the blue one is best while the yellow one is ... well, let’s just leave it at disgusting. Pick your poison, Lieutenant.”

He laughed out loud from deep within. A happy laugh, delightfully so that generally spread an inner joy to other people. He smiled, like a kid in a candy store, "Well, I was only kidding Doctor Corrigan. Save those for the wee chillen folk. Now, if they could make a single-malt scotch in sucker form; that'd be my speed." He slid off the biobed and was appreciative of her kindness.

“I’ll be sure to put it to a vote in the next staff meeting,” she promised. “While we are kind of displaced right now, welcome to the crew, Lieutenant. And, no offence, but I hope to never see you in our sickbay as a patient. You have a good day.”

"Thank you Doctor Corrigan. I hope never to be needing your services. But, if I do, I know I'm in good hands." He gave a slight bow of his head and with that he was off. Walking towards the door and then out of sickbay.


Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan, MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


LTJG Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
Starbase 400


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