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Counselor in Session.

Posted on Wed Apr 1st, 2020 @ 11:36am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,742 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Counselor Monroe's Office
Timeline: MD 02 1330 HRS

Kaden hobbled up to Ariana's office door he had a rough few days dealing with his physical therapy. He was fighting the urge the shove his foot so deep in his physical therapist's ass the sweat on his knee alone would cuinch his thirst. Sure he be in a cell for a bit but honestly Kaden felt that it was going to worth it.

Ariana had set up their sessions again which would be a good change for once he needed to talk about his issues or he was going to go postal starting with that pain in physical therapy first. He rang the chime to his counselor's office then waited.

Ariana could sense Kaden coming a mile away, as he pressed the door chime she greeted him at the door with a smile. "Hi Kaden, I felt you coming all the way down the corridor. Hard day?" She motioned for him to enter and grab a seat.

Kaden walked in cane in hand as he had a bit of a scowl on his face. "You know I do hate when you and Freya do that sometimes." He said a bit annoyed.

"Trust me I didn't do it on purpose!" Ariana offered an apologetic smile. "I'm still learning to control my abilities, since my 'blending' my abilities are... hard to control, to say the least!"

Kaden couldn't stay mad at Ariana forever in truth the big fella had gotten accustomed to it. He made his way to the chair and took a seat setting his cane to the side. "It's okay, I can't stay mad at you." He told her.

"Good. You know I hate it when you're mad at me!" Ariana grinned. "Would you like anything to drink before we begin?"

"Could really use a tall cup of mint mocha latte with Betazoid chocolate sauce." Kaden replied.

"Sounds good" She smiled and headed over to the replicator. "Computer one cup of mint mocha latte with Betazoid chocolate sauce, and one decaf mint mocha latte with Betazoid sauce." She waited for the computer to dispense the two cups and tell her which was which before handing Kaden his and taking her seat.

Kaden stared at his drink in silence before he looked at Ariana with a straight face. "Sorry, about how I reacted to your news of having another kid." He said.

"That's okay" Ariana smiled warmly. "It must have come as quite a surprise."

Kaden slowly turned his drink on the table with his fingers as if inspecting the glass for defects. "I need to be honest here, I don't want to put off our sessions again not even on your maternity leave. I need to talk to someone I need you cause I trust you. I trust Freya yes but you know how it is she is my wife and get the idea."

"Of course I do. The only reason you see me is because Freya is your wife and it would be seen as a conflict of interest for her to be your counsellor." Ariana smiled warmly. "There won't be a problem with me seeing you when I eventually go onto maternity leave but that won't be for quite a few months yet."

Kaden smiled a little it was good Ariana did these type of things for him. Given their long history together it made sense they grew up together joined Starfleet together. It sadly still bothered Kaden they broke up it was hard to move on at times over it. "Thanks I appreciate you doing that for me." He finally said.

"Well stability is important and I don't want your counselling appointments messed about with. If for any reason I can't do it I'll either postpone or temporarily have you transfer to Rol." Ariana paused to look at Kaden. "Is that alright with you?"

"Not really, haven't I been on back burner long enough? Why have me go see someone else if you can't I am sure this Rol person is a good guy and all but I don't know him. You know all too well how hard it is for me to adjust to talking about my issues with a person I do not know." Kaden said sternly.

“It was just a question Kaden” Ariana offered a smile. “If you don’t want it then that’s fair enough.”

Kaden sighed before he slumped in his seat. "Sorry, it has been a long week it is are the second person to suggest this idea of me seeing this Rol fellow."

"Ohh I see" Ariana nodded understandingly. "Trust me he's not a bad guy infact Rol is the one I talk to if I need a Counsellor, as strange as that sounds. Anyway tell me how you're getting on."

"But I trust you and Freya both Ariana." Kaden sighed running his hand over the handle of his cane. "Things have been going okay the baby is getting bigger I for one wish she pop. Been a bit anxious as of recent to wanna hold him badly."

"Hey..." Ariana offered a warm smile. "It's perfectly normal to be nervous and anxious. This is yours and Freya's first baby, it's not just mothers that suffer from anxiety father's do too. Freya is what? Almost five months now isn't it?"

Kaden nodded before frowning resting his chin in his hand slowly shaking his head as looked out the window. "Yeah, she is." He replied sounding troubled.

Ariana looked at her friend curiously. "Is there something new that's troubling you about Freya being pregnant? Your old fears seem to have subsided since finding out your son was free of your condition. You seemed excited, now that's changed?"

Kaden snapped his focus back to Ariana clearly somewhat offended by such a question. "No it hasn't!" He shouted before pausing to calm himself. "I am sorry it's not that, I want to so badly have my son born now the idea of him and Stacie playing together. Me introducing him to the big thing called life teach him to be a good man is what I want."

Kaden shook his head recalling the moment that is troubling him. "I know I am not perfect having done stupid things and still at times do dumb things to this day. But biggest dumb thing I have done was try to avoid telling Freya goodbye before I almost died on the Saratoga." He hung his head.

"But you didn't die Kaden, granted it was close but you're still here to tell the tale." She offered a smile.

"Ariana, don't you understand the moment..." Kaden paused getting choked up a little. "The moment I saw that wave of fire come for me I realized I tried to leave Freya in tears cause it was hard to say to goodbye to her." A few tears rolled down his cheeks. "I felt so stupid for it leaving her like that knowing I was going to die right there. By herself raising my son who I was never going to even see all alone."

Ariana moved to sit a little closer placing her hand on Kaden's in support. "Every parent feels the way you do Kaden. Every parent fears the worst, me included!"

Kaden angrily ripped his hand out of Ariana's. "I should of done the smart thing the moment YOU ABADONED ME I should of just quit Starfleet." He stabbed his index finger on Ariana's chest. "You want to know why I never wanted kids with you? It wasn't just cause I was afraid they wind up a FREAK like me. No it was because I didn't want to not be around to see them grow and a part of their lives cause I was DEAD."

Despite how angry Kaden was he couldn't help but sob a little. "I didn't want join to Starfleet just to get away from my rich family or cause my counselor suggested it. I joined cause of you, Ariana, I loved you so much I came cause of you and you left me!" The pain was too much for Kaden to bare he cried even harder placing his face in his hands. "I should...of...died on the Saratoga! Why me?"

Ariana sat silent, she was completely taken aback by what Kaden had said to her. As a Counsellor she was used to difficult patients but on a personal level what he'd said about her hurt. "Kaden I..." She stood and moved across to her desk, picking up a box of tissues and passing them to Kaden. "I...I'm sorry." She stood uncertain what else to say.

Kaden didn't take the tissues all his pain and anger he had buried for a long time seemed to surface thanks to his near death experience. "I loved you I wanted to be with you forever and you left me. Like all the things we shared growing up together meant NOTHING to you. That I meant nothing to you just a piece of trash to throw away cause you was so obsessed for kids you didn't...think how I truly felt." He grabbed a PADD with a Starfleet logo on it and waved it in Ariana's face. "That I came here for YOU." Kaden tossed the PADD across the room in a bit of rage before falling silent his rant now over.

"Kaden I..." Ariana paused right now she was completely at a loss for what to say. "I err... I think we should end there for today. If you'll excuse me." She didn't usually leave the office before her clients but right now she needed some air away from Kaden.

Kaden ashamed of how he blew up like he just did didn't he wanted to chase after Ariana do something to make things right. But he was clueless on how to go from there yes he felt the way did for a long time but he loved Ariana even right now he still loved her. Still saddened he felt it was best to leave the woman alone he had done enough damage it seemed.

Ariana headed away from her office doing her best to hold her emotions together, right now she just wanted to burst into tears and get it all out of her system. She headed for her quarters knowing Cameron would be at work and with Stacie in nursery she'd have the time alone she needed.


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