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Darkness within

Posted on Sat Jan 25th, 2020 @ 6:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Gunnery Sergeant Christina Rivera-Hurd & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD
Edited on on Sat Jan 25th, 2020 @ 6:42pm

863 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD01

Christina had sat at her husband's bedside for a long time, her wounds were healed but she was still tender. She'd barely left David's side since the events that almost killed them all. As she headed off to their quarters her thoughts drifted back to the previous evening.

~ The previous evening ~

Walking over to her father's bedside Ariana offered Christina a smile. "How's about I take over for a while? You look like you could use the rest."

"If you're sure Ariana?" She moved slowly as she stood to move across to her own neighbouring biobed.

"I'm sure, go get some rest." Ariana sat beside her father gently placing her hand on his. "Dad, I'm here. Please come back to us." She cradled little Stacie who looked into her eyes with such adoration that it melted her heart every time. It was only when Hurd's hand flinched that she realised he was waking up.

Hurd's hands twiched then wrapped the one who hand around his Daughter’s.

"Dad?" She gently held his hand. "Can you hear me?"

Grunting in pain, Hurd let out a half moan and a barely perceptible head shake.

“Nurse!” Ariana motioned for a nurse having sensed her father was in pain. “My father is waking up but he seems to be in pain.”

The Nurse nodded and took some readings. “I’ll let Doctor Reid know the General is awake, she’ll give any extra pain relief he might need.” She smiled warmly and headed off to find Reid.

“We were so worried about you!” Ariana gently straightened the cover that was draped over her father. “Christina’s been sat here for ages, so I sent her to get some rest.” She stood aside so he could see his wife sleeping on the biobed next to his. “Her wounds are all healed but she’ll have some discomfort from those broken ribs for a while.”

Hurd grunted and cried, hurting too bad to speak.

Ariana looked around for Doctor Reid. “Dad, you said something before you originally passed out. About the vial that the operative used on me.” She looked at him curiously. “The doctors can’t find anything foreign in my system so what was it?”

Choking to get the words out, Hurd said, Activate, Something". The rest was lost in another scream of pain as Hurd's Heart and Lungs stopped again.

“Dammit!! Don’t do this Dad!!” She looked around as nurses and Doctor Reid came running at the sound of the biobed alarms. All Ariana could do was stand back out of the way cradling Stacie, hoping her father was going to pull through. She lowered her voice. “Please Dad...I need you!!”

Christina had been sleeping until she'd woken to hear Ariana's distressed voice, she was soon at her husband's side willing him to wake up. She would have been holding his hand but she knew she had to give the medical team room to work.

“Mendez get in here,” Doctor Reid bellowed as she worked. Barking out orders to the nursing staff she kept a careful eye on the General’s vital signs. While his initial surgery had been completely successful clearly they had an unexpected complication. On the overhead monitor the readings shifted as a few alarms fell silent. “Cardiac rhythm is back but irregular-“

“You called?” Doctor Mendez enquires as he approached the biobed.

“Cardiac and respiratory crisis,” Reid informed him.

“Let’s run a full body scan and see if we can track down the cause. In the meantime let’s utilise partial life support to help him out,” Mendez decided after reviewing the file.

All the two women could do was watch as Doctor Reid and her people worked to bring Hurd back from the brink of death. "Come on Dad...please!" Ariana looked at Christina whose total focus was on her husband.

“We will need a few moments to make him comfortable,” Doctor Reid advised both women. “Please. I’ll update you as soon as possible.”

Mendez sighed, little patience. Seeing both women were far enough away he activated the privacy screen. When Reid shot him a look he frowned, “What?!”

“Still a charmer, Mendez,” she sighed as she got to work.

~ A few minutes later ~

As the privacy screen finally came down Christina looked to Reid and Mendez. "Just what is going on? Is my husband alright?"

“Apologies for before,” Elle began as Mendez left the room. “And he will be fine. Complications from surgery and we have him comfortable and on increased pain medication. We are providing some additional life support to ease the strain on his heart and lungs and we will reduce it as and when.”

"Thank you Doctor Reid" Christina nodded.

"Yes, thank you so much." Ariana offered a warm smile. Now all they could do was wait and give Hurd the time he needed to recover.

~ Current time ~

Christina arrived in Sickbay, she'd been away long enough to get what sleep she could and to have a shower before returning to sit with her husband. No matter how long it took she'd be there at his bedside, waiting for him to recover.



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