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Turned Around

Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2020 @ 9:34am by Ensign Aria Davis & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

811 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Sickbay/Marine country
Timeline: MD1, 0800 hours

Finally finished with rounds, faced with a million reports to update and a long morning ahead, Doctor Davis stopped at the nurses station to check in on General Hurd. He was in the best of hands and had no need of her personal attention but she had taken a liking to him. Even if their first meeting had been a little different.

Aria paused as she recalled her first encounter with the marine commanding officer, unaware they would meet again soon but under far worse circumstances.

(two days earlier)

She was lost.

Doctor Aria Davis paused in mid stride to check she was heading in the right direction. Hmm... turning the PADD this way and that she glanced up, biting her lower lip as she tried to gauge where she was in this maze of corridors. As first day goals went, getting lost was not high on her list.

And asking the computer (again) would be like admitting defeat over a simple task.

After a tour of sickbay and sitting in with the new cadets as they were given a pep talk by Doctor Reid, Aria had been tasked with visiting the triage facilities within the marine detachment. Or rather she had heard it needed done and volunteered. She was curious and it kept her out of trouble.

Aria’s planned shortcut, however, had turned her around. It was as she stood there, considering doubling back, that she noticed the uniforms. Marines! So she wasn’t as lost as she first thought. She had to be close.

With a bright smile she resolved to ask the next person she saw for directions and continued on. Rounding the corner, however, her quest came to an abrupt halt as she rounding the corner and ran straight into someone coming the other way. Momentum and the simple physics of hitting into something bigger and heavier than her had the young doctor crashing unceremoniously to the floor .

Reaching down to pull her up, Hurd said gently , "You must be more careful, some of my men are bigger than I am" "Names Brig . General David Hurd Sr ma'am nice to meet you". "So what brings you to Marine Coyntry!?'

“Thank you,” Aria offered as he pulled her effortlessly back to her feet.

“And sorry, again, Sir. Aria Davis. Doctor. Doctor Aria Davis,“ she said by way of introduction. Great. She sounded like an idiot. “I’m a new member of the medical team. They wanted someone to come down and make sure you had enough medical supplies and equipment so I volunteered. It’s my first week."

Laughing, Hurd said kindly, "so they threw you to the wolves eh?" Looking at her, he said again, "As a matter of cause and security I look at the files of all personnel entering Marine Country, and yours has by far impressed me the most." "So consider this a formal offer, would you like to be a member of my Marines Medical detachment on a perment basis?"

Aria’s jaw dropped open in shock. She heard the words but could not quite wrap her head around them. “I’m sorry,” she apologised when she realised she was just staring at him like an idiot, “but why? While my grandfather was a brilliant marine, I am definitely not. If it is that commendation in my file, you should know that I was terrified the entire time and after I got my patient handed over for surgery, I threw up for like an hour. I barely passed my basic self defence class.”

"My offer still stands"

“I’m flattered, really,” Aria assured him. “But I’m assigned to Doctor Hades’ medical staff. I can’t just transfer out, especially without speaking to my CO -“

"Well I can see that, sorry for speaking out of turn", Hurd said smiling faintly. "So what are you going to be doing now?"

“Oh, you didn’t, Sir. And to be honest my grandfather would have been thrilled to see me in green. As for me, I’m just finding my feet. I’m going to specialise in trauma medicine, I hope...”

Bowing his head slightly, Hurd said, "Unfortantly, If you want to do Trauma Medicine, you could not have picked a finer place to study or practice. We see over our fair share of action around here."

Aria offered a sad smile, “unfortunately a lot of places have experienced similar trials lately. I just want to do my part while I’m here, Sir. Hopefully without hitting into all of the senior staff on board. Thank you for your time, General.”


“Doctor Davis, Dr Reid is looking for you,” one of the nurses said as she came up beside the physician. “She is in the main bay. Good luck.”

Aria offered a small, tired smile. So much for escaping for the day.


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