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The Adventure begins

Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2020 @ 9:49am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Vox's Gallery
Timeline: MD1 0930 hrs

Varena had arrived at Vox's gallery pretty early, she'd spent a pleasant night with Vox before departing in the early hours to get her things sorted for the adventure ahead. She was carrying just the necessities, her equipment was ready to be transported to Vox's ship.

A young Trill woman appeared from the back office of the Gallery and approached Varena.

"Can I help you? Vox is in Hanger 94 sorting out his ship if it's whom you are looking for." She advised.

Kaden was walking along the promenade heading to the Betazoid restaurant Freya liked to stop by in order to get a taste of home to get a treat for her. As he was passing Vox's gallery he didn't see Varena at first as she was talking to some Trill but the moment she turned her head he stopped dead in his tracks. She hadn't seen him and judging by the things she was carrying he could tell the woman planning to go somewhere.

Varena looked at the man who was staring at her before she recognised him, they had met before. "Can I help you Colonel?" She gave him a long hard look over, he was quite muscular someone who could come in very handy on a treasure hunt.

Kaden walked over to Varena crossing his large arms. "I knew it! What are you doing here, Varena?" He took a closer look at her things. "Okay, what sort of mischief are you up to this time? Planning to rob, Mr. Vox, of all his valuables?"

"Not at all, Infact Vox and I are...old acquaintances." She smiled as she looked towards the shop. "We have plans."

"Let me guess helping poor orphans on Draylon II? Plauge victims on Thanos? Food shortages on Giedi Prime? Must think I am stupid enough to fall for those tricks again." Kaden grabbed her arm and started to pull her out of Vox's Gallery. "Come along, Verena, only place you are going is Security and hopefully a cell."

"Get your hands off me Ross!" Varena pulled her arm away. "I have plans to meet with Vox!" She looked towards the gallery. "Vox! Get out here!!"

The young Trill woman from earlier looked up. "Madam, Vox is in Hanger 94 with his ship. Do you want me to call him on the com system?" She asked. Before Verena could respond... "Oh hang on here he comes now." the lady announced as Vox appeared heading up the promenade.

He quickened his pace when he saw Kaden man handling Verena. "Hey Kaden, what do think you're doing? Let her go, she's with me " Vox stated.

"Sorry, Vox, but she is going to Security I am certain they will find a number of warrants there seeking her arrest," Kaden replied again glaring at Verena before placing his hand on her shoulder nudging her towards the direction the Security office.

"Hold on a minute Ross." Varena smiled as she tried the opposite tactic and turned on the charm. "Vox and I have plans to go on a..." She paused and looked at Vox, then back at Ross. "Adventure, how's about you come along with us? We could use a man of your...shall we say, physique?"

Kaden stopped and turned to Varena clearly disgusted. "Verena, I am a married man now!" He exclaimed.

"That's not what I meant Ross!!" She shook her head. "Why don't you bring the little wife along too and have a romantic break away?"

"We could do with your help Kaden. Varena has a good point." Vox replied.

Kaden raised an eyebrow still sceptical but was a bit curious. "Adventure? May I ask what sort of Adventure she has you signed for exactly?." He asked.

"Well, Varena has a map which, if totally genuine, may lead the whereabouts of something that was thought to be just a story, a legend. The Chalice of Taroonah. Its a chalice made by an artist and sculptor centuries ago. Its made from a solid peice of a precious stone called a Taroo. If it is real, its priceless." Vox explained.

Kaden rubbed his chin in thought. "What if your friend here is just leading you on a wild goose chase? What if this chalice is just a lie?"

"Oh it's no lie Ross!" Varena grinned. "I don't waste my time on anything that's not worth the trouble."

Kaden was conflicted on the one side he wanted to see Varena in a cell answering for her past misdeeds. But on the other Kaden wasn't security he was military he didn't really like over stepping his bounds. Then of course there was Vox now here was a guy that went out of his way to look after Ariana while Kaden was busy fighting to the death a rather large brute. He owed it to himself and Ariana to least to thank him somehow maybe this could be a way.

Groaning in agony at the thought Kaden sighed rubbing his forehead. "Alright, fine...I will go with you and Vox but not cause I believe you but to make sure you don't try anything to him." He conceded.

“Oh don’t worry I won’t!” Varena grinned.

Kaden picked up a PADD entering in some information before handing it to Vox. "I need you to delay your launch for a while but have these items I entered on this PADD brought onto your ship if you, please." He said.

Vox takes the padd. "Hmmm, might take a couple of days to get all this. I will get on it. " Vox replied.

Kaden merely grinned as he gave a friendly slap on the back to Vox. "There is a saying in my family always be prepared for anything they all are in cargo bay 34 in ArmaDyne marked crates see you two in a few hours." He told him as he walked away glaring at Varena one last time as he passed her.

Vox smiled. 'That guy is just too good at prepping for anything' he thought. He turned to Varena. " Are you coming to Bay 34 or are you going to stand in my shop?" Vox asked.

“I’ve been ready since I got here Rae. Let’s get going!” She motioned for him to lead on.


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