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Checking in

Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2020 @ 12:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley

630 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Ops and Docking Port 31
Timeline: Concurrent to Ship Wrecks


Before he had come onboard the station he had made a point to familiarize himself with the station layout. It was nothing like Heyerdahl Station and he never liked getting lost. Making his way to OPs he looked around until he saw Commander Croesus. Making his over Tim said, “Commander Croesus, I’m Lieutenant O’Riley your new Assistant.

" Well thank Kahless, I have been very busy repairing all these ship's from the last battle. Welcome to the 400. Where did you come from Riley?" Croesus replied.

Smiling Tim replied, “Heyerdahl Station, it seemed like the station was always on the verge of falling apart, but me staff and I were able to keep it running.” Sighing at the thought his last posting Tim continued, “While my wife and twin came on ahead I stayed behind to help decommission the station, we both hated to go. We had so many close friends, but being reassigned here was the best thing for us.”

" Well you have come at a great time. Familiarize yourself with the station and docking bays and formulate your team. We need to have all assigned ships in dock back to duty as soon as possible." Croesus replied.

Croesus then handed him a padd containing the docking port layouts:
Starbase Support Ships (Assigned permanently to SB400);

" As you can see O'Riley the 400 is a big station." Croesus then stated. He had no more than said just that when his beeper webt off. USS Reprisal in port 31 mysteriously had lost its moorings and was beginning to lose its umbilical attachment.

" Transporter room two ship to ship beam out. EVA room on port 31." Croesus ordered looking to O'Riley for support.

Tim smiled a bit, finally time to get to work. He nodded as he let Croesus know that he was ready to assist.

They were immediately enveloped to the coordinates and quickly dressed out. This particular job would require going EVA and utilization of a work bee.

" Do you want to pilot or work the arm?" Croesus asked of O'Riley.

Without hesitation Tim replied, “I’ll pilot, while you work the arm.” O’Riley settled into the pilot seat of the work bee and set a course for where the umbilical was starting to break loose. Looking over Tim nodded that he was in position but he knew that he needed to keep an eye on the surroundings because anything could happen. Looking at Croesus, Tim said, “Your up.”

Wasting no time Croesus took the controls and secured the vessel first. " She's latched brings up back slowly. The magnetic bond has broken from the mooring cable. I'll have to attach one of them onto the cable. " Croesus added as a second arm extended to link the cable with the magnetic set.

" Normally I would have had to do this alone. Engineers usually wait for a work order to do this kind of repairs . Ok she's attached. Releasing arm. " Croesus added.

Croesus looked at his work and was pleased to have had O'Rileys help. Returning to the copilot spot Croesus added," That umbilical cable didn't just break. Something caused it to break."

Tim looked at him a bit surprised. “Could it of been a defect or do we have a saboteur onboard.” Tim sighed , “every ship and crew is in danger if this wasn’t a defect in the umbilical cable.”

" The security footaage will tell us." Croesus said as he used his Chiefs code to tapp into it from his padd.

" It seems the Reprisal had been used as someones hide out. A Klingon shuttle had attached itself to one of the umbilicals and severed it when it took off. Well we know the how but it will rake some sleuthing to find the who." Croesus replied to Tim



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