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Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2020 @ 10:03pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Ensign Robert Harper

1,107 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Peloi / USS Calidorn
Timeline: MD1 0605hrs

Dawn was upon them and the small group of survivors were already awake. During the night they ate a hearty meal of fish and other meat, washed down by fresh spring water from the nearby river. They were all thankful to still be alive and assumed the Romulan Warbird had left the area since they hadn’t beamed down any troops or bombarded them from orbit.

Now, the only concern was the group of approaching Romulans that had crashed in the desert.

“They’ve entered the edge of the foothills. They’ll be at the tree line soon, then here about ten minutes later.” K’Temoc said as he returned from scouting the approaching Romulans. “A few of them have stones, others have disruptors.”

“Admiral, we have phasers ready, but they’ll only be good for two shots.” Jones said.

“That’ll have to do. Everyone have a PDW?” Mike asked.

Everyone nodded that they had some kind of personal defense weapon.

Suddenly they heard a rustle in the trees just ahead, then a green disruptor beam flashed passed Harper’s head and hit a tree behind him.

Four Romulans burst through the treeline and charged the Starfleet personnel. Bremer, Harper, and K’Temoc opened fire, dropping two of the Romulans. Another disruptor beam lanced our and hit Jones in the chest, killing him. Another hit one of the Engineering crewmen and dropped him. He clutched leg and the medic rushed over.

The rest of the Romulans charged now, carrying sticks and rocks. Bremer and Harper tried to fire again, but their phasers had lost power. K’Temoc was able to fire one more time, hitting another Romulan, wounding him.

Bremer drew his mek’leth while Harper pulled the d’k tagh Bremer’s let him barrow. “Protect them.” Bremer said to Harper.

K’Temoc also pulled his mek’leth and took a swing at a Romulan. She deflected it with her rifle then swung back with a sharpened stick. K’Temoc ducked, then countered the swing cutting the stick. The Romulan then swung with her rifle, missing again. As K’Temoc turned his mek’leth cut into the rifle. As he pulled back the Romulan lunged forward. K’Temoc caught her with an open handed hit to the chest, then punched down knocking her out.

Meanwhile Bremer was pulling his mek’leth out of a Romulan’s chest and turned to face another when an explosion hit the ground nearby.

“That came from orbit!” One of the Engineering crewman called out.

Another blast hit closer, killing a Romulan and one of the Yuzhao’s survivors.

“What’s that?” Harper said, pointing to the horizon. A small craft was approaching from the dessert. “They’ve sent a troop shuttle, get ready!”

“That’s not a Romulan craft.” Mike said as he looked up.

K’Temoc smiled, “No way!”

A second later the Starfleet survivors, as well the remaining Romulans were beamed aboard the small ship as he angled up and back out of the atmosphere and into space.

“Welcome aboard the USS Calidorn.” Captain Brunel said with a smile. He leveled his phaser at the Romulans. “Take them to the brig.”

Two security officers with him pointed to the door and escorted them away.

“Sick Bay is that way.” Brunel added as the medic nodded. She and Harper helped the wounded.

A moment later, Bremer, K’Temoc, and Brunel stepped out of the turbolift and onto the Bridge of the small ship. A prototype, one of a kind vessel designed to fight the Jem’Hadar twenty years before. K’Temoc had been the ship’s Operations Officer then Executive Officer for a short time at the start of the Dominion War under the command of the Admiral sitting in the center chair.

“Welcome aboard.” Jarovik said.

“We thought you were missing.” K’Temoc said.

“We’d taken damage from a couple of Breen ships, had to set down for repairs at an old Pirate base. We picked up Yuzhao’s distress call and were on our way here when you engaged the Romulans, but limited to warp five we couldn’t get here til now. Luckily got about the same time as that Warbird’s weapons came on line and they opened up on you.” Jarovik explained.

“We’re shorthanded, and we need eliminate that Warbird and a Breen ship that’s in route. I’m working on the cloak and the rest of the crew is working on the warp engines.” Brunel added.

“I’ll take Ops.” K’Temoc said, taking his old seat.

“Tactical is mine.” Bremer said.

“Silla, bring us about, 233 mark 29, full impulse.” Jarovik ordered.

“Ready sir.” The Lieutenant at Flight Control replied.

“Initiate.” Jarovik replied. “Ready phasers, and heat up the rail.”

K’Temoc smirked, been a long time since he heard that order.

“Phasers ready, anti-proton emitter rail heating up. Ready.” Bremer replied.

As the small Calidorn closed in on the Warbird her phasers lanced out, targeting the Romulan’s primary weapons. Once they got close enough a dark red beam of anti-proton energy reached out and hit the Warbird’s already damaged nacelle from its fight with the Laffey. This time, the nacelle and part of the wing were destroyed.

“Bring us about for another pass. Boost power to the forward shields.”

“Allocating power from life support…that’s all I can pull from.” K’Temoc replied.

As the Calidorn passed again her phasers raked the bigger Romulan ship while quantum torpedoes impacted the underside of the vessel. As she passed, two more torpedoes hit the forward nose of the Warbird.

Suddenly the Calidorn was rocked by a blast from the Breen ship that had arrived to assist their Romulan allies. The Calidorn maneuvered violently trying to shake the Breen ship.

“Someone’s opened the shuttlebay.” K’Temoc said.

“That’s me, a little trick my wife taught me.” Mike said with a smile, “Sometimes, you just have to throw a rock.”

Mike jettisoned the three shuttles from the bay. The first one hit the Breen ship in the right wing, but didn’t cause much damage. The Breen then turned to avoid the second shuttle, allowing the Calidorn to get further away. The third neared the Breen ship when it was exploded by the Calidorn’s phasers. The shock wave from the small craft pushed the Breen ship off course. A couple of quantum torpedoes later and the Breen vessel exploded.

Jarovik smirked.

“Cloak ready.” Brunel said.

“And engineering reports we have warp seven available.” Silla added.

“Cloak us and set course for Starbase 400. Initiate” Jarovik ordered.



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