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Catching up on Deathstalker time...

Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2020 @ 7:46pm by Captain Jack Solomon

1,964 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Starbase 400, Holodeck
Timeline: MD1 1530hrs

Jack was starting to enjoy his downtime aboard SB400 as he continued his leave from duty and his recovery from his injuries from the recent attack on the station. Having time to himself, Jack decided to take the chance to have a little "Solomon" time on one of the holodecks.

Once he had washed and gotten suitably changed for the programme he was using, Jack had made his way down to the nearest free Holodeck and typed in his authorisation code. "Computer, load program Solomon Deathstalker One - Chapter Two please," he requested.

The computer beeped in recognition and Jack entered the deck to see a familiar sight before him. He'd walked into what many would call a medieval-looking setting with a large four-poster bed stood before him. Drapes and Banners of the title characters family crest stood adorned on stone walls all around the room, which was dominated by a large open wood-burning fire that trickled subtle warmth into the room. With a large window looking out across the fields of the land owned by the character he was portraying, sunlight poured in, giving the feeling of a cold sunny morning with the sounds of people working outside.

Jack recalled that he was playing the main character of Owen Deathstalker, a librarian and researcher of noble standing within the Empire, who was located on a lush backwater world known as Virimonde which was owned by his family. On the bed before him laid Cathy DeVries, Owen's mistress and servant of long-standing. Cathy was of average height and compact build, giving her an athletic stunning look with her long blonde hair. Wearing a silk number that left little to the imagination, Cathy walked over to him and pulled him to her.

It had been quite a while since he'd played this chapter of the Holonovel and Jack reminded himself that this wasn't Deela, that Cathy was just a character in a holonovel...

Jack smiled as he held Cathy before him and they locked lips together. After climbing on the bed, the two of them became closer with Jack realising that Cathy's demeanour was slightly different as they lay on the bed together. She looked up for a moment, smiling wide at him.

"Is my master ready to enjoy another pleasurable session with his poor mistress?" she asked. Jack smiled as he responded back. "Of course my dear, men such as myself in this position can do nothing less than enjoy the pleasures that you bring to me." Having run this chapter before, Jack was prepared himself for what came next.

The first time he'd run this holonovel, he'd died because of enjoying Cathy DeVries attentions too much. In fact, he'd died another five times until going back and realising what he'd had to do next. Cathy rolled on top of him suddenly and pushed his hands down on the sheets. "In that case, I'll make sure this is my final and best performance," she said.

Jack was ready for the knife that she tried to drive into his chest and put both hands on hers, holding back the knife assault. As Cathy struggle atop of him, Jack then used his right knee to jab in her leg and forced Cathy back on the sheets. He rolled off the bed and looked for his sword and blaster, noticing them at the foot of the bed. Cathy screamed out loud as she leapt off the bed with a knife in hand to try and pursue her target.

"Is it something I said???" he asked as he rushed to get his pants on and then pull a top over his head. Jack managed to move to the side as Cathy thrust forth and caught the knife in the stone wall. He used a right hook to knock her out before moving to grab his weapons and effects. Once he was dressed and ready to go, Jack tied up Cathy to the bottom of the four-poster bed, making sure she was secure.

He took a breath for a moment as he realised that he was a little out of puff so far, part of his recovery catching up with him. He reminded himself that he needed to get down to the gym at some point soon. Then he looked up.

"Ozy, what the hell is going on?" he asked to thin air. Remembering that the Castle he lived in was also an effective starship that hasn't seen space travel in decades, Jack recalled that the Castle had a built-in AI called Ozymandias. Ozy was similar to modern starship computers with the ability to transfer himself to other ships and also a communicator device on his wrist.

"Ah, well, that would be the Royal decree that's been announced around an hour ago... You're now wanted dead or alive, preferably dead, by order of The Galactic Empress," he explained in his usual dry tone. "There are Imperial Warships settling into orbit of the planet and there seems to have been a planetwide message sent out as well. There's a bounty of 25 million credits on your head."

"Oh, is that all?" Jack answered in mock surprise, just before ducking as the large oak door to the room suddenly exploded, with his Security Chief and several officers trying to make their way in.

"Sir, please stop! You're under arrest! We have a warrant to terminate your life!" he called out as he tried to make his way into the room. Jack took a low aim and used his blaster on a stun setting to take out the Security Chief, before firing off a second shot and hitting one of the other officers. he was rather proud his aim was still good.

As they tried to make their way through, Jack ran for a far wall, pressing his thumb against a specific stone and watching as a secret hatch opened up. He ducked for cover as a blast hit the wall just above him. Looking back to see how the security patrol had gotten in so quickly, he saw the half-naked Cathy with a blaster in hand, already trying to get it to recharge sooner. Admiring her form for a moment, Jack made his way into the passage and ran down the winding staircase.

He could feel his increased heartbeat as he ran and the thrill of the chase and suddenly he was reminded of why he'd enjoyed this holonovel series so much. The thrill of the chase, the on the hop thinking required and the need to survive each chapter before going on to the next. It had been a good long while since he'd activated this and Jack was glad he'd decided to give this a go again. He also reminded himself that he should get Deela involved some time.

By the end of the chapter, Jack had managed to escape the castle and make his way to a secret landing platform underneath the massive lake that stood outside of the Deathstalker grounds. On the platform stood the characters personal starship: The Sunstrider.

Jack had a smile on his face as the programme moved on to the holding pattern aboard the Sunstrider. He happily watched as one of the screens before him in the pilot's position showed the shrinking visual of an Imperial Starfleet settled around Virimonde, having evaded them easily. "Hyperdrive engaged Owen," Ozymandias reported. The stars blurred through the massive acceleration of the ship to Hyperspace velocities.

"I never ever get bored of completing this chapter," said a familiar voice. Owen swung the command chair around and saw his friend Sam Korso standing against the console on the rear bulkhead of the bridge. "I think it has something to do with the escaping of the castle, even though the castle is a starship... I never get past that one," he explained.

Jack smiled. "I'll take The Sunstrider over the Castle any day. It's faster, better armed and has some fantastic living space. I'm working on making a runabout out of this design one day. I need to find another Engineer as nuts as I am to work on this and build it."

Sam smiled. "Oh, I know already know the Chief Engineer and some say he's nuts enough already to go it alone," he offered. "Got a few minutes to talk?"

Jack smiled. "Sam, for you, anytime. I'm still on leave from duty, I have plenty of time! What do you need?" he laughed as he walked over to the lounge area on the Sunstrider. Jack indicated to a seat and Sam duly walked over and took it.

"What can I do you? and what can I get for you?" Jack asked as he walked over to the Replicator.

"Black coffee for me," Sam committed to. "My recent duty shifts have been almost known stop after the recent assault on the station, we're working around the clock whilst the fleet is repaired and we prepare for more hostile action from the Typhon Pact and her allies. Its been busy and not a type of busy that I enjoy."

Jack walked over with the drinks and handed them out before he took a seat. "So what's on your mind?".

"I wanted to come and see how you were doing, it's been a while since we caught up and I know you've been through a lot with your injuries during the assault and your recovery" Sam explained.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that, I really do," Jack admitted. "The injuries seem to be all healed up and is just a case of resting up until I'm given the all-clear by Medical. It was touch and go for a while as I came back from the coma, but I'm feeling better now."

"That's good, I wanted to come and see you because I was part of the security team that got you to the Infirmary after the explosion in Engineering...bloody scary stuff I ca tell you...but also scary to see a good friend in a bad way too. It's taken a while for me to get around that" explained Sam.

Jack took a sip of his drink. "Well, thank you, I mean that. Without your help and the rest of your team, I wouldn't be here and the thought of leaving Deela and the kids on their own after what they have been through is too much to consider."

"Well, its good to see you back in here on this simulation, I know its one of your favourites," Sam said. "I'll have to come and have a go at some point with you, join in on all of the fun again."

Now there's an idea, I could always use someone to play Jack Random sometime," Jack agreed. "Also, having a sparring partner will help me get back to fitness again."

"Let me guess, Cathy is taking it out of you again?" asked Sam.

"Well, almost this time... I'm a little out of practice... but its all good exercise to get back into shape again, especially as this chapter is pretty full-on." Jack smiled as he answered.

"Now that sounds like a plan," said Sam. "I'll check my rota and check in with you for some spare holodeck time, I could use the practice with hand to hand combat weapons and keeping the martial arts up to scratch."

"Perfect, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go freshen up and get back into some civvies. I'm due back in here for chapter three later tonight and that's when it gets interesting," Jack admitted.

"Ah yes, Hazel D'Ark... very interesting. Well, I'll leave you to it, and thanks for the drink," Sam said. Both men made their way towards the exit, as Jack called out "Computer, save progress and end programme."


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