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A friend in need

Posted on Thu Jan 23rd, 2020 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,204 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Various (Memory Post)
Timeline: MD1 0900 hrs


The night was long. Kalani had just finished her shift in the early morning hours. She was now strolling through the promenade that was just waking up. She was voiding having a conversation with her husband that she should have had a long time ago. Kitana was with her father, she'd take to being by his side all the time now and she'd taken to cooking breakfast for them all. Kalani had to smile. The cooking wasn't good but Hades ate I and was quite encouraging. He was a good father.

Thinking about that point brought forth a soar spot for her. She wondered how he could be so good with Kitana but how he could have not wanted their child.

As Kalani walked she recalled a conversation she had with Ariana.

=/\= A few Days ago =/\=

Ariana was sitting with feet up at home with Cameron and Stacey, she hadn't long given Stacey her evening feed and was enjoying a rest while Stacey was snoozing when the feeling that something was very wrong crossed her mind. Uncertain exactly what it was she had a feeling that it was something to do with Hades, explaining her sense to Cameron she headed out of their quarters to follow up on her sense.

It wasn't long before the station rumour mill confirmed her sense, Hades had indeed collapsed. She quickly headed for Sickbay, if the rumours were correct Kalani would be needing a friend. Arriving at Sickbay Ariana looked around, eventually finding Kalani.

Kalani, in her misery had been sitting staring at the same spot on the wall. She was scared and numb at the same time but she knew she had to hold on. She had to make sure that Hades was alright and that Kitana was alright.

Admiral T'Lar had gone to fill out a report promising to return shortly. Now Kalani at there alone with her mind going to places where she didn't want it to go.

She heard the door hiss and looked up. "Ariana?"

"Hello Kalani" Ariana offered a warm smile. "I had a feeling.." She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't completely understand it, but it felt like something was wrong with Hades."

Kalani let out a shuddered breath. "Yeah...he ...his heart. He's in surgery."

Ariana nodded and took a seat by Kalani. "He's been under a lot of pressure lately, I know there's a lot going on with him that he doesn't talk about. He won't even talk to me! Before I knew about you he had me sign his Counselling care over to Splendora."

She sighed, "That does indeed sound like my husband."

"The hard part about all of this is, Hades has been trying to help me." Ariana fiddled nervously with her fingers. She wasn't sure how much Kalani knew about section 31. "There's something going on with me, I'm changing somehow and Hades was going to pass on his tests to someone else to check out. As stupid as it sounds I'd be lost without Hades here to help me! I trust Carolyn and the other doctors but one could ever replace him."

Kalani felt a prickling behind her eyes. "He hid his condition from me. From everyone. He might not make it through this." She covered her face with her hands. "And if something happens to Kitana..."

"Kitana?" Ariana looked at Kalani curiously.

"Oh...this was all so new. Kitana is Hades' daughter. She's providing blood for the surgery."

"Daughter" Ariana nodded. "As I said there's so much Hades keeps to himself, not that I can blame him given what you've all been through. Splendora's change, Hades history...what little I know of it, Section 31 and what I know of them from Hades and my father." She shrugged her shoulders. "Hades and Kitana are in the best of hands Kalani, they'll do all they can to save him."

She shook her head. "I know that...logically but...I just feel so wrung out. So much has happened and frankly...It's just one thing after another."

"I know the feeling!" Ariana offered a smile. "You've both been through a lot Kalani, I'd say you've both come out stronger on the other side but that would obviously be wrong. Hades will recover Kalani, with you and Kitana there for him. I'll be here to provide you with all the support you need, if there's anything you want all you have to do is ask!"

She sighed and stood up. She began to pace. "We should never have gotten married."

"No...don't think like that!" Ariana sat forward on the edge of her seat. "You love Hades and he loves you, you didn't see the state he was in when you were in a coma. He was devastated!! Without you he'd lose his will to live, that's how much you mean to him."

"Yes we have love but we don't know how to be together."

Ariana offered a smile. "That's something you can only learn Kalani, at least give your marriage a chance! I'm lucky I have Cameron now but there were times before I met Cameron that I'd have given anything to have Jonathon back! My husband died but you still have a chance with Hades, he'll pull through he's strong. Just talk to him, explain how you feel and if you're still not happy then see someone together. It doesn't have to be me, Hades trusts Splendora or there's Rol."

She sighed. "Splendora is his half sister and Rol had a thing for him. Safe to say they will protect his interests." She sighed and sat down. "Ariana this is so complicated."

“I know it is Kalani but I’m on your side. Hades is going to have to get used to having me hanging around pestering him!” She grinned. “If you need my help once you’ve spoken with Hades all you have to do is ask okay?”

She gave a nod. "Thank you." She rubbed her face and tired eyes. "I don't think he wanted our baby." She said.

“Oh Kalani! Of course he did!!” Ariana placed her hand on Kalani’s for a moment. “It might have come as a shock but he’d have loved your child no matter what, he was devastated when you lost the baby! You know Hades, he bottles everything up until he can’t bottle it anymore.”

"I just don't know." She sighed. "Whatever it is we'll have to deal with it later. Right now he needs me."

Ariana nodded. "He does indeed. I'll be here for both of you whenever you need me." She smiled warmly. "All you have to do is call."

Kalani smiled at the counselor. "Thank you."

"My pleasure Kalani" Ariana smiled warmly.

=/\= Present Time=/\=

When she shook the memory loose she realized that her thoughts and wanderings had brought her home. She sighed and stared at the door a little. She had to face him. She had to know the truth.

Kalani entered her quarters and found that Kitana was not there and it was the perfect time for her to have the conversation that he'd been avoiding. "Hades we have to talk...."


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