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Posted on Thu Jan 23rd, 2020 @ 3:16pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Robert Harper

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 103 - In The Darkest Days...
Location: Peloi
Timeline: MD1 0240hrs


K’Temoc had walked off a few meters, looking out over the desert. He returned with bad news.

“Before my tricorder died I picked up five or six Romulans out in the desert, about ten kilometers away, coming this direction. That’ll put them arriving here just after dawn.” K’Temoc told Bremer and the others.

“We need to get defensive positions.” Harper said as the medic wrapped his burns.

“You said your tricorder died?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, this planet’s core is acting as a natural damping field. It’s low level, but after continued use our equipment will be powered down.” K’Temoc replied.

Mike looked at the engineering crewmen, “Find a way around this.”

The two young crewmen looked at each other for a moment.

“Come on, I’ll give you a hand.” K’Temoc said as he walked over to one of the pods.

“We’re going to lose light from the pods soon, I’ll scrounge up some greasewood for a fire. It’s getting cold, so we’ll need the warmth too.” Mike added as he walked off into the woods beyond the pods.

Mike wanted to rush off to the crash site of the Yuzhao’s pods to see if K’Wor was one of them, but he also had his own people to look after. He also knew K’Temoc said one Klingon as among the survivors, and the only Klingon or partial Klingon aboard the ship had been K’Wor. He could only pray he wasn’t hurt.

After making one trip back with wood and getting a small fire going, Mike went back into the woods to get some larger wood so the fire would burn throughout the night. As he went to pick up a log he heard a twig snap just behind him. Mike turned to see what the noise was when he was tackled by two people. He managed to push off one, the got to his feet and slung the other off and into a nearby bush. As he tried to draw his mek’leth he was tackled again.

“Jones, get his feet.” The people called out.



The struggling stopped and the two rose the feet. In the darkness, somehow, father and son we reunited. They embraced as Ensign Jones finally got up and walked over.

“Ensign, this is my father, Mike K’Wor Bremer.” K’Wor said.

“Fleet Admiral, I’m sorry sir, we thought you were one of the Romulans we saw.” Jones replied.

“We managed to get one tricorder working, briefly. We saw something enter the atmosphere over the desert, it was two escape pods from a Romulan ship. We then saw two more pods come down and assumed they were Romulan too since the tricorder crapped out again.” K’Wor explained.

“Captain Ro told us about the Yuzhao, so we brought the Laffey but were jumped by two Romulan ships. We destroyed one, the pods you saw came from it. The other Warbird was too much for the little ship and we lost power and had to abandon ship. The Warbird was heavily damaged and last we saw she was turning away.” Mike explained.

“We need to consolidate our assets. Do you have any wounded?” Mike asked.

“Just cuts and burns. We don’t have a doctor or medical supplies either.” K’Wor replied.

“One of our pods is also damaged sir, there’s a small radiation leak from the thruster assembly.” Jones added.

“Alright, let’s get your people and move to our camp. What about your Captain?” Mike asked.

“He stayed aboard to try and get all the pods launched, and was killed on the Bridge as we evacuated. We weren’t the only pods to get away, most shot away toward space, away from the planet.” K’Wor replied.

“The damn Rommies, sorry sir, the Romulans probably picked them up.” Jones said.

“Probably.” Mike replied, “They were using you as bait for any rescue ship that arrived.”

The three returned to the Yuzhao camp, gathered what they could, and then set out for the Laffey camp.

Mike had been gone about an hour, and K’Temoc was getting concerned. He got everyone into defensive positions and got ready to go looking for his brother when they heard footsteps approaching.

“At ease.” Mike said as they came into the small clearing.

K’Temoc and Harper stood from their positions. K’Temoc with his mek’leth and Harper with a sharpened stick.

“I guess you haven’t been able to get the phasers working?” Mike asked with a smirk.

“They work, but only for a few moments. If we don’t fire off a shot right away they lose power.” K’Temoc said.

K’Wor came from behind his dad, “I guess you better get that fixed then huh ‘Mister Former R&D Guy’.”

K’Temoc looked over and smiled. He gave his nephew a hug. “I’ll let that one slide, this once.”

“You found their camp huh?” K’Temoc asked.

“No, they found me.” Mike replied with a smirk.

The survivors of both ships said hello and talked for a moment, thankful they had a better chance of survival now.

“It’s going to be dawn in about three hours. Let’s do what we can with the phasers and at least one tricorder. Let’s also make sure everyone had some kind of weapon in case the Romulans get here before rescue.” Mike said.

“We have field rations for a few days.” Harper added.

“Our supplies were compromised, so we did a little hunting before you crashed. We have a couple of fish from the river and meat from a dear-like animal. We also have fresh water.” K’Wor patted the top of one of the containers they had carried over.

“Good. Let’s get cook, eat, and try to get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” Mike added.



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