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Scouting Romulan Defense Base 8

Posted on Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @ 9:59pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Tenu

465 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Vanguard
Timeline: MD3 0830hrs


The Vanguard sat cloaked just outside of RDB8's defense parameter. The ship was powered down and all nonessential systems were offline.

"That's the twenty-third d'Deridex type Warbird to arrive in the last hour to go along with thirty Valdores, twenty-seven Mogai, and a handful of old battlecruisers." Metsker said.

"Don't forget the Krazzle Tigris and Gramal squadron that arrived a few hours ago too." Cross added.

"This doesn't look like a defense force to me, these ships are about to go hunting." Mac commented.

"Sir, the IRW Hadargeros just arrived." Ballard reported. "Isn't that Admiral Vekon's ship?"

"No, he was killed just before the war started. That's Trevek's ship, he's a General in the Tal Shiar" Cross replied.

"Then this is definitely an attack force, but for where." Mac said as he stared at the screen.

A few minutes later Cross spoke up again, "Captain I've been keeping an eye on RDB8 itself. They're in the process of upgrading the station's defenses. Their shields are also ten to fifteen years behind the times. I don't think this base has seen a tactical upgrade since the Dominion War."

"Do you think it's a good target for an attack?" Mac asked.

"If we were attacking today, yes. Next week, probably not." Cross replied.

"Sir, we have a Valdore Type Warbird getting a little too close for company." Murphy reported from Flight Control.

"Slow and easy, move us away." Mac replied.

Metsker added, "They aren't actively scanning for ships, cloaked or otherwise. We must just be in their defensive orbital path."

"There's more ships inbound." Cross reported. "Forty-seven Gorn ship, various classes."

"The Romulan and Krazzle ships are breaking orbit and heading out to meet the Gorn ships." Metsker reported.

"Plot their course once they rendezvous." Mac ordered.

"At that range, we won't be able to unless we go to active senses and risk detection." Metsker replied.

Mac let out a breath and shook his head. He couldn't risk detection. "Alright, note it on the log. Let's see if we can get more information on the base itself."

The Vanguard slowly moved forward.

"Sir, without active sensors or even the use of a Class VII Probe we won't get much more data then we already have." Tenu said.

"I was able to spot their defense platforms, and they are currently all offline. It appears they are in the process of being upgraded." Cross added.

"Sir, another ship is inbound and actively scanning the area, a Valdore Type Warbird." Metsker reported.

"Alright, let's slowly clear the area and return to base. Hopefully Starfleet Command can put this information to good use...and we need to report that fleet's movement." MacLeod said.

Murphy nodded and the cloaked USS Vanguard turned away and headed back to Federation space.



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