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Ambassadorial Meeting Pt3

Posted on Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @ 9:54pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & First Ramata`tar & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Bail Donovan & Jean-Luc Picard & Odo

1,322 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD3 -810hrs


After the meeting in the Conference Lounge had concluded, Coleman made his way down to the Medical Lab on Deck 12. Becoming intrigued with the Tarothka Virus, Coleman wanted to figure out why it had mutated and started coming after species it hadn't beforehand.

Sitting at one of the consoles in the lab, Coleman pressed his combadge and said, "Coleman to Doctor Corrigan. Would you meet me down here on Deck 12, in the Medical Lab? I wanted to see if I could pick your brain about the Tarothka Virus and see if we can't figure out what's going on with it."

Abandoning her hot chocolate, albeit reluctantly, Doctor Corrigan made the short trip from sickbay to the lab. A place which had been like a second home yesterday. “You called?” she said as she approached, noting several displays already active. “What is it that has you so curious so early in the day?”

"Well, you mentioned something about the Tarothka Virus and a mutation, and I wanted to see if I could help you figure out what was going on. Do you have a moment to talk about it?" Coleman said, turning around to face Corrigan and hand her a cup of hot coffee.

"Oh. Thanks," Carolyn replied, taking the cup. "Well, there isn't too much to go on. We weren't given a live sample so everything has been based on the Dominion's own work. Given they had been boarding ships, I started with that and worked from there. May I?"

She slipped past him, setting aside the cup as she called up her files. "I read a research paper on the virus a few years ago, there were rumours that more outbreaks were being recorded in border colonies. From the gene sequencing, it was a 96% match. These sections here," she taped a button which highlighted sections of the DNA coding, "are the only factors differentiating it from one of the most common strains of the Tarothka virus. Either it is a variation we just didn't know about, or it has mutated. Most likely from contact with another virus or potentially it has been genetically altered. I'm going with the less paranoid option 1 as there was nothing in the data to suggest option 2."

Coleman looked over the data and saw what Corrigan was talking about. Knowing that he was hoping it was option one, Coleman learned to be cautious about jumping to conclusions before looking over all data available.

Tapping some controls on the console, it brought up the gene sequencing onto the screen. The data was from Deep Space Two, which bordered the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants. Several local colony worlds for the Federations that had recently become established had contracted viruses that were similar to the virus Corrigan had described. Reaching out to his collegue on the station, who happened to be the Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Coleman had gotten his hands on a live sample and its gene sequencing, even if the data was sent via subspace.

"I know the Assistant CMO on DS2, who came into contact with the virus or something close to it near the Gamma Quadrant boarder. There was a few breakouts on some colony worlds and I was able to get a bunch of data sent over, for your review, of course," Coleman said, allowing the doctor to see everything.

Observation Lounge

The morning secession was about to begin. It was supposed to be brief, and truth be told Mike was glad. Negotiations just wasn't his thing. It had been good seeing old friends, but he wanted to get back home. There was a war on and he wanted to be there to protect his family and crew.

Savak, Picard, and Matthews arrived in the Observation Lounge a few minutes after Mike had. Bremer and Picard stood near one of the windows and talked about some people they both knew and shared a sentiment that they remained save during what they hoped would be a brief war.

A few minutes later, Odo, Weyoun, and Yelgrun were escorted in. They all took they seats, said their pleasantries, then reaffirmed the previous day's agreements.

"Is there any word from your crew about that virus Admiral?" President Matthews asked.

"I believe they made some progress." Mike replied before tapping his comm-badge. "Doctor Corrigan, Mister Coleman, please report to the Observation Lounge with your data."

“On our way, Admiral,” Doctor Corrigan replied. After a few minutes the doors to the Observation Lounge opened and the physician and scientist entered. As audiences went, this was an impressive one. Daunting if you dwelled on it.

For her part, Carolyn didn’t. Instead she walked towards Bremer, handing him the latest analysis on the virus. “Our data, Sir. We have deconstructed the genetic coding and confirmed initial suspicions. The virus mutated, allowing it to infect both Vorta and Jem-Hadar. In fact, it would be just as contagious to Humans but with less severe side effects.”

"I had a collegue of mine, who is the Assistant CMO of DS2 send me some data on an outbreak that was similar to the virus. They originally thought it was an outbreak of an old virus that was called the 'common cold' on Earth, but it was found out to be a mutation of the Tarothka Virus, giving the less severe effects that Doctor Corrigan mentioned a moment ago," Coleman said, adding his bit of information, handing some PADDs to the other guests in the observation lounge.

Mike glanced at the PADD. Medical wasn't his field of expertise, so he passed them over to Odo. "I hope this helps."

Odo looked them over a moment, "Thank you."

Mike looked around, no one seemed to have anything to add at the moment. "Well then." He stood, "I believe the Pegasus and Aventine should be getting back to the Alpha Quadrant."

President Matthews and Ambassador Picard shook hands with everyone. Ambassador Savak and Odo gave respectful nods.

"All of your personnel things have been transferred to the USS Hera." One of the security officers that had followed the President since his arrival added.

"Very good, then we will reconvene there at 1200 hours to go over the particulars and start signing this agreement." President Matthews said.

"We look forward to it." Weyoun replied with a smile. Most people in the room looked away or rolled their eyes.

"And I should be getting to the Aventine for my trip to Deep Space Nine." Yelgrun said. He had been designated as the Dominion's observer they had previously discussed.

Mike gave a nod then motioned for the group to head out in the corridor for the short trip to the transporter room.

Once everyone was out, Mike stopped Doctor Corrigan and Mister Coleman. "Nice work, both of you."

USS Pegasus, Bridge

Several minutes later Mike arrived back on the Pegasus's Bridge. On the screen the USS Aventine had pulled ahead and was already going to warp heading for the wormhole. Now, no less than ten Federation ships and two Klingon vessels were in orbit of the Dominion planet. Some were receiving supplies the Pegasus had sent over and would transport them to colonies and outposts before they could return to the Alpha Quadrant themselves.

"I'm glad you decided to remain with us." Mike said to First Ramata'tar as he passed the big Jem'Hadar.

"It is the, new, order of things." Ramata'tar replied with a smirk.

Mike couldn't help but smile. It was the closest he'd seen humor from Ramata'tar since his arrival on SB400.

"Chief Branson, we can't let the Aventine beat us back to the Alpha Quadrant." Mike said as he took his seat.

Branson smirked, "No sir."

The Pegasus moved away from the planet and leaped to warp.

"We should arrive back at Starbase 400 by 1400 hours sir." Branson added.

Mike gave a nod, he was eager to get home...war and all.



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