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Searching For The Lost Pt1

Posted on Fri Nov 22nd, 2019 @ 8:08pm by Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab) & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Lieutenant David Hurd Jr & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Thy'kor Shrok

1,429 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Kearsarge and USS Saratoga
Timeline: MD2 -1130hrs


Lennox stood on the bridge of the USS Kearsarge. The Galaxy class ship, along with the Akira Class USS Saratoga, had dropped out of warp moments before as they neared the location of the distress calls from the transports that had carried the Ninth Marine Division to their training base before being attacked by the Typhon Pact.

"Bridge to General Hurd, please report to the Bridge." Lennox said over the comm.

"Taz, what are sensor showing?" Lennox asked of his Regiment XO who was assigned to Tactical for the mission.

"Debrrisss, a comm buoy, sssome bodiesss, a couple of drrifting ssshuttlesss, and the debrrisss frrom at leassst one Krrazzzle vesssel." The large Krazzle Lieutenant replied, the only Krazzle in Starfleet.

Walking out of his ready room, Hurd said, "Ok people, what do we have so far, I mean explain it to me".

Lennox looked over at the General. Lieutenant Taz has detected "Debris, a comm buoy, some bodies, a couple of drifting shuttles, and the debris from at least one Krrazzle vessel…so they took a bite out of whoever attacked them."

“I’m alsso picking up rressidual tachyons and a plassma wake.” Taz added. “And posssible esscape podss frrom the trranssporrt.”

“Krazzle don’t have cloaks, so they must be a Romulan ship.” Lennox stated.

Quan looked back from the Bridge’s Engineering station, “We should check out the pods for survivors first.”

"Agreed, Lennox get as close as we can to those pods, then run a full sensor sçan, also open a channel to the Saratoga, I need to speak with her CO".

"Aye sir." Lennox replied.

"Channel to the Saratoga open General." A voice from the bridge's back wall said.

"Hurd to Saratoga Actual, Ross, are you seeing what we are, and your appraisal of the Situation?"

USS Saratoga

Freya stood looking out of the window of the CO's quarters of the Saratoga, she'd been brought along at Kaden's request but she was feeling something of a spare wheel. Deciding to make herself useful she headed up to the bridge, she was on leave from her marine duties thanks to General Hurd but she still had her Counselling duties. At least she could advise Kaden if she sensed anything in the vaccinity.

Arriving on the bridge she made her way across to Kaden. "Anything yet Colonel?" She smiled warmly, it felt good to call her husband Colonel.

Kaden stood at the monitor displaying the sensor readings he wasn't in much in a chatty mood his mind on his old friends William Bergdhal and Kate Davis who was at his and Freya's wedding. He lowered his head feeling a bit sad that thus far the both of them may be dead.

Freya could see Kaden was deep in thought so she turned her attention and her own senses to the area outside the ship. Hopefully if there was anyone alive she might pick up on it.

"Lt. Gilmore, is there any known class M planets in this region?" Kaden asked as he turned to face the science officer.

Ariel tapped in a few commands, "There's a Class N, Pelagic, in the former Neutral Zone that could support life. The closest Class M is the planet Eden just inside Romulan territory."

Freya was in a world of her own as she was concentrating her Betazoid senses on the debris field. Given the close proximity of the other ships it was hard to filter out their crews as well as the crew of the Saratoga. She sighed as she looked round at Kaden. "I'm not having much luck searching with my senses this close to the other ships.

"Colonel Ross" A voice came from Ops. "You're being hailed it's General Hurd."

Kaden turned to face the view screen. "Open a channel." He began before the ops officer gave him the nod. "General Hurd?"

"Ross, are you seeing what we are, and your appraisal of the Situation?"

Kaden was a bit confused of what he was referring to. "Did you find something, Sir? I got my people looking for possible planets that survivors may have went to on our end."

"Probably just what you have picked up, what have you came up with planet wise?".

"Lt. Gilmore, has found two planets in the area able to support life that maybe survivors could of went to. One in the former neutral zone and the other in Romulan space as much as I like to take a closer look I rather not piss off our Romulan neighbors." Kaden replied.

Freya moved a little closer to the viewscreen that showed the debris field they were facing, there was something out there! "Colonel Ross!" She turned to look at Kaden knowing he was busy on comms. "Colonel...there's life out in the debris field!!"

Kaden turned to Freya. "What? Are you sure?" He asked.

Freya nodded. "It's hard to pinpoint with the close proximity to our other ships but..." She closed her eyes to focus her concentration. "I'm sure!"

A smile spreading over his face, Hurd said, "Colonel, since your ship is, shall we say, a bit more nimble than mine, move off, confirm where those survivors are, and rescue them, Hurd out."

""Yes sir." Kaden said as he took his seat in the command chair.

Freya turned to look at her husband. "Colonel If you can get us closer to the debris field and away from the other ships, I should be able to help pinpoint the survivors."

Kaden nodded leaning forward. "Mr. McDaniel, bring us about away from the other vessels nice and easy. Ms. Gilmore, adjust scans to on the area closer to the ship I want those survivors located as soon as possible. Sergeant Ross, work with Lieutenant Gilmore at her station she will need you to pinpoint those life readings you are sensing. Dr. Ventar, wake your people up down there let's get these survivors taken care of soon as they're on board. Time is of the essence here folks we got our people out there needing our help." He focused on the view screen.

“Aye Sir.” Freya nodded and offered Kaden a smile. She was proud of how he was doing considering this was his first Command. She walked over to Gilmore and pointed out as best as she could where they might need to search but it was difficult to be exact from so far away. "Colonel" Freya looked towards her husband. "I can only give a wide area from here, that'll take time to search. If you want a smaller search area I need to be outside the ship to get a better sense."

"Out of the question I am not risking you to go space walking in a place like this is there another way?" Kaden asked.

"It depends on how fast you want to locate people Sir" Freya looked at Kaden. "It's difficult for me to filter out the crew, but as we get closer the ship's sensors should give me some backup in locating whoever it is." She frowned. "I'll admit it does seem odd the sensors haven't picked up life signs already! Unless it's...the Reeman's again, trying to lure us deeper in."

Kaden gave Freya a long hard stare thinking in silence for a moment. "Hurd, will certainly be watching our backs for any trouble. But let us focus on our rescue before I consider sending you out to poke around I need other suggestions here people." He looked at the bridge crew.

Dr. Ventar reported that her sickbay staff was ready for any survivors if any and those fallen. She didn't know what to expect.

As the Saratoga got deeper into the field Freya had a sudden strong sense of life out in the field. She walked around to the Crewman at Ops and looked over her shoulder. "Are sensors picking up any life signs?"

The crewman tapped her console. "Colonel Ross! Sir we're picking up 2 seperate life signs directly ahead."

Kaden sighed feeling glad there was some positive outcome from this. "Good, pinpoint their location and get them on board." He said.

Freya smiled, glad they'd at least located some survivors amongst all the debris, yet there was something more. "Colonel...Something feels off out here. I can't put my finger on exactly what though.

"It's probably just the jitters, Sergeant, keep it together." Kaden replied although he was worried Freya was getting a bit stressed out. But just to be sure he decided to make sure the coast was clear. "Anything on sensors?"



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