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A little advice

Posted on Sun Nov 24th, 2019 @ 12:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Liam O'Connor

977 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Wayne family Quarters
Timeline: MD02 1140 hrs

Perhaps, Liam O’Connor realised as he pressed the door chime, this was a mistake. Not too long ago, he’d have sought answers and solutions at the bottom of a whisky glass. Those were different times and he at least liked to think he was making better choices these days. Or he had been.

Hearing a ‘come in!’ the former marine entered. “Sorry to intrude. If it is a bad time I can come back?”

Ariana shook her head. "It's fine Liam, come on in" she motioned to the seats. "Make yourself at home, can I get you anything?"

“Actually I’m after some advice,” Liam admitted as he sat. “It’s been a ... well, insane. A girl I dated showed up, out the blue. With a baby. My son. Joshua. And he is just the most perfect thing I have ever seen.”

As he spoke a broad grin appeared on his face. Shaking his head, he sighed. “I know being a dad is wonderful, a privilege and a blessing. But at the same time it feels surreal. Like a dream. I mean a big family is something I’d thought about but I wanted to do it right.”

Ariana nodded and smiled, baby Stacie was sleeping quietly not far from her. "So you're wondering if you should do the right thing in becoming a full time father to your son?"

“Pretty much. Emily, his mum, isn’t planning on staying here. Her family is back home so I get that. It’s hard, I know that. But I wasn’t planning on leaving the station anytime soon. Or at least I wasn’t. But now I know about him, and met the little guy ...”

"You don't relish being away from him." She nodded. "I totally understand. What does Emily say about it all? Are the two of you ready for a relationship? One based on love not just a desire to be a father."

“She gets that we aren’t together anymore, and she knows I’ve started seeing someone,” Liam said slowly, “and she said that is okay. That she should have told me sooner. We only went on two dates, it wasn’t exactly head over heels in love, you know?”

Ariana nodded. "Nonetheless you're thinking about returning to Earth so you can be nearer your son?"

“Yeah,” he admitted, “wouldn’t anyone? Doctor Hades gave me the names of some people who might be able to help but after speaking with Carolyn I think it would be easier.”

"I totally understand" She looked at Stacie. "If I was separated from Stacie, I'd do anything to be back with her." She looked back at Liam. "So you've sat down with Carolyn and discussed this?"

“In a manner of speaking - she was assigned to the Pegasus for a mission. Which was mad but I said nothing. Anyway... we spoke and she was so calm about it all. She listened and then she threw me because she said I got this big goofy smile whenever I said his name and that should tell me everything I needed to know.”

"Did it?" Ariana looked at Liam curiously. "I believe she was trying to tell you that, that big goofy smile means you're far more in love with your son than you realise."

“Oh yeah, from the second I laid eyes on him,” Liam grinned.

"Then do what your heart tells you Liam." Ariana smiled warmly. "If you want to be there to raise your son then be there."

“But I’d be leaving Carolyn behind,” he countered. “And it isn’t just Hades threatening air locks... I really like her.”

Ariana smiled. "That's something only the two of you can sort out Liam. I suggest you speak to her again when she gets back."

“She already said that if I even think of using her as an excuse to stay on the station that she’d break my nose, then my jaw,” Liam said with a rueful smile. “And I believe it.”

"Well in that case it's your decision Liam, I'm not going to talk you around one way or the other. The decision has to be yours for the right reasons." Ariana offered a friendly smile. "I know it's difficult."

“I don’t think there is a right thing,” he sighed. “Or maybe I’m over complicating things. Maybe I’m reading more in to me & Carolyn than there really is...”

Ariana could sense his confusion. "Liam...Carolyn is my friend, as are you I know she likes you but I can't...won't advise you what you should do. Only you know how you feel towards Carolyn, perhaps you should ask her how she really feels."

“She said something... about Joshua being something she couldn’t promise me,” Liam confided, not sure why his voice had dropped to a whisper. “I’ve seen some of the scars. I don’t even know what to think. I need her to be here. Because I’m worried she is gonna decide to just end whatever we have. She’s a little stubborn.”

"I see" Ariana nodded. "Perhaps I should speak to Carolyn when she comes back, let me get this story from both sides."

“No, that’s hardly fair, putting you in the middle,” Liam sighed. “I shouldn’t have said anything. You listened and that’s enough.”

"Fair enough" Ariana nodded. "All I can do is wish you luck and be here if you need to talk again."

"Thanks for listening to my rambling," he said as he stood. He headed for the door and paused, "if I do go, would you do me a favour? Keep an eye out for her?"

"Of course I will" Ariana smiled warmly. "Don't worry." Watching him go she hoped he'd find happiness in whatever decision he made.



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