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Ambassadorial Meeting Pt2

Posted on Wed Nov 27th, 2019 @ 11:40pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & First Ramata`tar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Bail Donovan & Jean-Luc Picard & Odo

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD2 -1530hrs


It had been twelve hours since they had returned to the Pegasus. Matthews, Picard, and Savak had been in contact with members of the Federation Council via a secured and encrypted comm-channel relayed through the wormhole using the listening posts at both ends. They had all also taken time to rest. Picard was ninety years old now and while Humans could live well passed the century mark, he wasn't as young as he used to be. Savak was over one hundred and thirty years old herself, and while that was only middle-age for a Vulcan, she needed time to meditate and rest nonetheless.

Bremer had also taken some time to rest, getting a four hour nap before revealing Pike and allowing him time to rest as well.

Mike called Pike, Hannigan, Garabaldi, Corrigan, and Coleman to the Observation Lounge behind the Bridge. A few moments later the President, Picard, Savak, Ramata'tar, and Roebuck joined them. Dax and Shahwani followed behind, having beamed back to the Pegasus from their ships.

Matthews took a seat at the head of the table where Bremer usually sat during meetings. Picard was to his right, Savak to his left. Dax and Shahwani took seats as well.

"Commodore, Commander, would you please meet our guests in Transporter Room Three and escort them here?" Bremer asked.

An order was an order, so Peter nodded and said, "yes sir."

Lee nodded "Aye Admiral." He turned around and headed out of the room making his way to the transporder room.

Transporter Room Three

Once Pike and Garabaldi arrived, Odo, two other Founders, Weyoun, Yelgrun, and four Jem'Hadar beamed aboard.

In the transporter room, Peter had assembled the usual honor guard, 2 extra officers, to act as an escort. The honor guard had assembled and Peter stood as he waited for the Commodore to take the lead.

Lee stood there waiting "Hello everyone and welcome aboard the Pegasus, I am Commodore Lee Pike, if you all will follow me I shall lead you to the meeting."

Observation Lounge

Once the Dominion representatives arrived and were seated, President Matthews nodded to Picard and he stood. "We've been in contact with the Federation Council, and discussed it among ourselves. We believe we could convince the Cardassians to allow one Vorta aboard Deep Space Nine to observe and to be a liaison between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion. You're people suffered enough during the initial attack, and as much as we would appreciate your help during the war, the risk of isolating the Cardassians after we've worked so hard to form this alliance is too great. They will have to come around in their own time. We would also be grateful for any support or protection you provided our outposts during the conflict in the hopes that it can strengthen our relationship. Once this war is over, then we can return to peaceful exploration and further cooperation."

Odo took a moment. He glanced at the other Founders before standing. "Then I believe we are all in agreement."

"Then the logical thing to do would..." Savak was cut off by the Jem'Hadar Third.

"I can't remain silent! We are the Dominion. We do not cooperate with others, we conquer them! We have lost our way since the last war. We should send a fleet into the Alpha Quadrant and crush the Typhon Pact for their murder of our Founders! And if the Cardassians want to get in our way, we should finish what we started during the last war!"

The Jem'Hadar First looked back at the Third. "Silence!"

Bremer stood. "Mister Garabaldi, escort him to the transporter room and return him to the surface."

Peter walked over to the third and looked him right in the eyes, "Sir come with me." He gestured to the door.

The Third stood still.

"You are reduced in rank to Forth." The First said.

"Go." Odo said.

"I would suggest you do as he says. The Jem'Hadar do as the Founders wish." Yelgrun added.

"It is the order of things." Ramata'tar added.

After the Forth had been removed, Bremer looked over at Doctor Corrigan. "Where you able to make contact with our outposts and get a count on their provisions and anything they need?"

"Yes sir, I was," Carolyn confirmed, "most still have sufficient supplies and don't anticipate any shortages. Two have dealt with viral outbreaks so have requested additional medical supplies. I checked and we have sufficient stock amongst our ships to be able to accommodate the requests."

Mike nodded."Good. We'll beam over what we have to the USS Hera before we return to the Alpha Quadrant."

Captain Shahwani nodded, "Very well. We'll make sure they are delivered."

"Where you able to look at the virus we data we provided?" Weyoun asked.

“Yes, I did,” Carolyn nodded, “based on the analysis of the data it appears to be a variant of the Tarothka virus. Which we believed was species specific, until now. I have not had time to test anything beyond the lab but I have the data which will allow treatment.”

"Thank you Doctor." Odo replied.

Weyoun smiled, "Marvelous. This truly is a new day between the Dominion and the Federation Alliance."

Coleman had been listening in the background and once he heard something about the Tarothka virus, he was interested about hearing about it again. It had been over a decade or two since he heard anyone in the scientific or medical community around him actively talking about it.

Turning to Doctor Corrigan, Coleman said, "Doctor, would you like some help running some tests on those virus samples? I've got access to some data from the Vulcan Science Academy that might be of use in helping figure out why it has mutated and give some insight on why it managed to jump around to different species. If you'd like the help?"

“Of course,” Carolyn said with a nod.

"Well, I believe today was very productive. I would suggest we retire for the evening and resume tomorrow." President Matthews said.

"The USS Boone, USS Juárez, and USS Pacifica will arrive tomorrow." Dax said. "The Aventine will be returning to DS9 to assist in repairs and defense of the Bajorian sector."

"The Pegasus will also be departing tomorrow. We need to return to Starbase 400 for the same reasons." Bremer added.

"I understand." Odo said. "Please give every on the station my best."

Dax nodded.

"We'll transfer to the USS Hera when you're ready to leave Admiral." Picard said to Bremer.

"Yes sir." Mike replied. "Hopefully we'll have more data on that virus by then as well." Mike glanced back at Carolyn and Nicolas.

"There is, something us." Weyoun said. "The Founders would like to speak with the Female Founder that is still being held by the Federation as a war criminal." His tone was less friendly than before.

Mike looked over at Matthews, Picard, and Savak.

"Are you seeking her release?" Savak asked.

"Not at this time." One of the Founders said.

"I don't believe a brief subspace conversation will be a problem, but I'd like to discuss it with the Ambassadors and get back with you on that tomorrow." Matthews replied.

"That will be fine." Weyoun replied with a smile.

Picard stood, "Until tomorrow then." He flashed a smile.



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