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Ambassadorial Meeting Pt1

Posted on Fri Nov 22nd, 2019 @ 7:52pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & First Ramata`tar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Bail Donovan & Jean-Luc Picard & Odo

2,150 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Pegasus/Dominion Planet
Timeline: MD2 -0330hrs


The clock showed that it was early, very early in the morning...but this wasn't a time for sleep. The Pegasus and her Jem'Hadar Attackship escort dropped out of warp near a small planet. In orbit was a dozen attackships, five battlecruisers, and two massive battleships. Also in orbit was the Vesta class USS Aventine, which had been on an exploration mission in the Gamma Quadrant when war broke out.

"The Founders you'll be meeting with are down there. It's a small facility, but will serve nicely. for our talks. The Founder you know as Odo is among them, so is Captain Dax of the Aventine." Yelgrun explained.

Mike looked at the screen for a moment, suddenly another Federation Starship, a Nubula class vessel, dropped out of warp and entered orbit.

"Ah, the USS Hera is here finally too." Yelgrun added.

"I think we'll be safe here." President Matthews said with a smirk.

"Pike, you have the Bridge. Garibaldi, Roebuck, Ramata'tar, Hannigan, and Doctor Corrigan you're with us." Mike said as he turned toward the turbolift. He allowed the President and Ambassadors Picard and Savak in first before he followed, followed by his officers.

Lee gave a curt nod "Aye Admiral." He stood there watching as all of them left.

Dominion Facility

A few minutes later the group from the Pegasus were beamed down. They were met by Odo, Captain Dax, Captain Shahwani of the USS Hera, four other Founders, a dozen or so Jem'Hadar and an equal number of Starfleet Marines and Security Officers.

"Odo, it's good to see you once again." Mike said to his former colleague.

Odo gave a respectful nod, "As it is you Admiral."

"Captain Dax, it's good to see you again as well." Mike then said.

Dax smiled, "Nice to see you again too Mike, um Admiral. It's been too long."

"Please allow me to present Federation President Slade Matthews, Ambassadors Savak and Jean-Luc Picard, my Chief of Security Commander Garibaldi, Commander Roebuck, Lieutenant Hannigan, Doctor Corrigan, and First Ramata'tar."

Several of the Jem'Hadar looked over at Ramata'tar, not knowing why a Jem'Hadar First was serving aboard a Federation Starship.

"We have a conference room set up through here." Odo said as he turned.

The group followed loosely. Dax stayed behind and pulled Mike aside for a moment.

"How's everyone on DS9?" Dax asked.

"Good, considering. They'll be working on repairs for a while, but the USS Challenger is there assisting. Nog is taking over a Chief of Station Operations now too." Mike paused a moment then added, "Quark, Sisko, and Doctor Bashir are all okay."

Dax smiled, "Good. And um, any news on Worf?"

"The USS Warrior was one of the first ships to respond to Starbase 247 when they were attacked and helped repulse the attackers. The Warrior should be wrapping up repairs soon, and Worf is fine." Mike replied.

"Good." Dax replied with a smile as the two finally entered the conference room. "Oh, we're having trouble with our lateral sensor array, trying to re-calibrate it after a system upgrade. Could you spare your science officer for a while?"

"Sure, have the Aventine contact the Pegasus and send Mister Coleman over. I'm sure he'll be happy to help." Mike replied.

Dax nodded and tapped her commbadge.

Towards the back of the group, Doctor Corrigan drank in every detail. While it had been an insane few days short on sleep, it was a worthwhile trade. Trying to stay cool and calm, she followed the group, reciting in her head every item in her kit bag. Just another day at the office ... yeah right...

The Founders took seats, then President Matthews, Picard, and Savak did as well. Roebuck and Ramata'tar stood behind and a few feet back from the Federation VIPs.

"First Ramata'tar, how has your time on Starbase 400 been?" Odo asked.

"It had been, interesting. I've learned a lot from them. I am grateful you allowed me to serve Founder." Ramata'tar replied.

Two Vorta walked in from another door. Weyoun was one of them. Dax and Bremer eyed him for a moment, and even though they both knew this Weyoun wasn't one they knew from the Dominion was another clone that had been in the Gamma Quadrant and activated after the war still brought up old feelings.

"Founder, here is the information you requested." Weyoun said handing a pad to one of the Founders.

USS Pegasus, Science Lab 2

Coleman was working in Science Lab 2, finishing up some cultures with one of the Biologist when his combadge started chirping. Tapping it, it was Lieutenant Archer calling from the Bridge.

"Archer to Commander Coleman. You've got an incoming message from the USS Aventine, from their Chief of Operations. Shall I patch it through down to the lab?" Archer said, giving a brief pause for Coleman to answer. Curious as to why the Aventine would be contacting him, Coleman replied with a simple and sweet yes as he walked over to the comm station in the corner of the lab.

Punching in his command codes, the Federation Emblem came up with the logo for the USS Aventine underneath. Moments later, a male figure came up on the screen and said, "Lieutenant Commander Coleman, I presume?"

"Yes, that's right? What can I do for you?" Coleman said, offering a small smile to the officer wearing a blue uniform with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Realizing that he was speaking to the right person, the Commander said, "Sir, my name is Lieutenant Commander Gruhn Helkara. I'm the Chief Science Officer for the USS Aventine. Captain Dax spoke with Admiral Bremer and said that you might be able to offer some assistance repairing some of our scientific equipment, such as our sensor array. Would you mind being drafted for the project?"

Coleman couldn't help but laugh. He remembered back to his first meeting with a Dax. His name was Tobin Dax and he was working on the Earth Starship Columbia and Enterprise, but was also a nervous wreck. Now, the newest host was the Commanding Officer of a Starship. It just made him chuckle and want to meet the newest host.

"Yeah, let me gather a few supplies and I'll transport over. I'll be over in about fifteen minutes, if that works for you?" Coleman said and Commander Helkara nodded. Helkara replied, "Fifteen minutes, it is. I'm excited to begin working with you!" With that, the comm line cut and Coleman closed it from his end.

Walking back over to the Biologist, he gave her the task of completing the work for the time being and he gathered his supplies. Heading to the transporter room, he was excited to see what was waiting on the Aventine.

Pegasus, Bridge

Branson tapped in a few commands and changed the Pegasus's orbital path. "Commodore, any idea how long we'll be here in the Delta Quadrant?

Lee looked at the officer "No idea how long we will be here, could be a few hours or couple days."

Branson nodded.

Archer let out a breath as he tapped in a few commands at Ops. "Well, let's hope it's only hours."

Planet, Conferance Room

One of the Founders spoke up, "The Jem'Hadar have already eliminated the enemy ships that were here in the Gamma Quadrant when war began."

Mike glanced at the President and Picard. He knew Savak would have no reaction to the news, but she was the first to speak.

"That was a logical course of action." Savak said.

The Founder continued, "Some of our Jem'Hadar and Vorta contracted some virus while they boarded a Warbird and we haven't been able to isolate it or cure it."

Weyoun handed Bremer a data pad with the intel they gathered from the Romulan ship. Bremer passed it back to Hannigan.

"Give your medical data to Doctor Corrigan here, maybe she has some ideas and perhaps we can help." Bremer replied.

“Of course,” Doctor Corrigan replied, in truth grateful to be able to contribute something.

"We had allowed the Romulans access to the wormhole under the conditions of the Dominion War Peace Treaty, however now Starfleet will be setting up a detection grid to spot any cloaked ships that try to gain access." Picard added.

"I assume Admiral Sisko and DS9 will be in charge of that, as well and monitoring and defending the wormhole." Odo asked.

"Absolutely." Matthews replied.

Odo nodded in approval.

"We would like to send Jem'Hadar or at least Vorta back with you, to observe the war effort." A female changeling said.

"I'm not sure that would be appropriate." Picard replied. "The Cardassians have made it perfectly clear they are opposed to any Dominion forces becoming active combatants in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants." Picard replied.

One Jem'Hadar, an elder, behind the Founders grunted and shook his head, "The Cardassians."

"Third, you will remain silent." The First of the squad said.

"You fought in the Dominion War?" Captain Shahwani asked.

The Third nodded.

"So did I." Captain Shahwani replied. "Most of us here did."

"There's no point in opening that wound." Dax added.

"Agreed." Bremer said. "Our fight is with the Typhon Pact, our focus should be on them."

"Yes, it should." Odo said.

The room was silent for a moment, the tension could be felt.

One of the Founders spoke up, "What would the Cardassians do if we did send a fleet into the Alpha Quadrant?"

"They have threatened to either seek a separate peace with the Typhon Pact, or they might even join them." Matthews replied sternly. "I'm not sure anyone is really ready for a Dominion fleet in the Alpha Quadrant. They have even protested First Ramata'tar's presence."

"Probably not." Odo replied. "However, an observer isn't too much to ask I would think."

Savak and Picard glanced at each other, then Picard whispered something to her.

The Third grunted again, "The Cardassians are good and changing sides in the middle of a war."

"Leave." The First said and Odo looked back at him.

The Third's displeasure was clear on his face, then he turned and left the room.

"We will guarantee the Dominion's safety, keeping out all threats." Matthews replied.

"What if Bajor is attacked? Deep Space Nine and the Federation will respond, leaving the wormhole open. What would you do if Bajor is attacked then the Typhon Pact used that moment to send ships though the wormhole?" The female Founder asked.

"We could mine the wormhole again." Hannigan blurted out.

All eyes looked at the Intelligence Officer.

"Like during the Dominion War?" Odo asked.

Hannigan paused a moment, then replied. "Yes. Why not? DS9 isn't going anywhere, even if Bajor is attacked, the station is guarding the wormhole. We can set up a minefield around the opening for additional protection."

"We could modify the mines as well. Instead of just a closed door, we can set up a way of opening a path for Federation and Klingon ships in the Gamma Quadrant to come back through, or to send cargo ships to our outposts and colonies from the Alpha Quadrant." Dax added.

"If you're willing to go that far to keep the Typhon Pact out of the Alpha Quadrant, then the Dominion would be willing to protect those Federation and Klingon outposts and colonies here in the Gamma Quadrant, until the war is over." Odo replied.

Matthews paused, taking a breath. "I'd like to talk with my Ambassadors about this, alone."

"Of course" Odo said as he stood. "We'll return in one hour."

"That'll be fine." Matthews replied.

Everyone respectfully stood and waited for the Dominion personnel to leave.

"Thank God Weyoun hasn't said a word." Roebuck said.

Bremer smirked. "If this is going to work, we need to take stock on what our colonies and outposts have and may needed. Doctor, return to the Pegasus. Find out from them their medical and food supplies. See if they need anything, or foresee the need. Hannigan, go with her and contact all Federation and Klingon ships in the quadrant. Get a status report from them. Find out how soon they could return to the Alpha Quardrant if recalled.

“Yes sir,” Carolyn nodded as she headed for the door leading out of the conference room. Within seconds she was back aboard the Pegasus and wasted no time getting to work.

An hour passed and Weyoun returned, alone. "Excuse me. The Founders wanted to know if you were ready to proceed."

Matthews stood. "We need more time to discuss things. We'll return to the Pegasus for now and we can resume our meeting there in twelve hours."

Weyoun smiled, "That would be acceptable."

Bremer tapped his comm badge. "Bremer to Pegasus, twelve to be aboard."

Moments later President Matthews, Ambassadors Picard and Savak, Bremer, his staff, Dax, Shahwani, and the President's two guards were all beamed aboard.



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