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Recon One

Posted on Sat Nov 9th, 2019 @ 4:22pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Tenu

243 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Vanguard
Timeline: MD1 - 1445hrs


MacLeod stepped onto the Bridge of the USS Vanguard and looked around. His Chief Engineer and Chief Ops Officers were aboard the Pegasus on their mission, so the Vanguard would be a little shorthanded on its covert recon mission. He put Ballard at Ops and Lieutenant JG Dye Heron would be coming along as Chief Engineer.

“Alright, listen up. We’re heading behind enemy lines, scouting for a possible offensive. We’re going in and coming out cloaked, no subspace communications. We’re going to nose around Romulan Defense Base 8, see what assets are there, ship deployment, and so forth.” MacLeod explained.

“Metsker, go ahead and cloak us. Once we’re cloaked we’ll move out. Course two-seven-nine mark three-one-zero, Murphy. Once we clear the outer marker take us to slipstream until we near DS6 and the Qualor system, then we’ll proceed at warp six to the Neutral Zone. A Romulan Republic task group already destroyed the Star Empire’s sensor arrays along the border to give us a clear path into Romulan Star Empire space. We’ll ease up on RDB8 and have a look around.”

“And if we’re spotted?” Patel asked.

“Then something went wrong. Our job is to gather intel, not inflict damage or destroy ships. I promote, that’ll come soon enough.” Mac replied.

After a moment, everyone returned to their stations. The ship cloaked and after a few moments the USS Vanguard moved out.



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