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Federation One

Posted on Sat Nov 9th, 2019 @ 1:01pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & First Ramata`tar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Bail Donovan & Jean-Luc Picard

980 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Pegasus/Earth
Timeline: MD1 - 1430hrs


The Pegasus dropped out of slipstream at the edge of the Sol system and proceeded to Earth at full impulse after receiving permission to enter the system. Once she was in orbit of Earth, Starfleet Command informed Bremer that the VIPs would be beaming up immediately so they could proceed to Deep Space Nine and the Wormhole.

Bremer took Roebuck and Ramata'tar with him to meet the VIPs in Transporter Room Three. Mike had wanted to be in dress whites to meet the VIPs, whoever they ended up being, but there wasn't time to change...and he hated that dress uniform.

Once in position, Mike looked back at the Transporter Chief. "Energize."

A moment later five people materialized on the pad. Mike immediately recognized three of the people. "Ambassador Savak, Ambassador Picard, President Matthews. Welcome aboard the USS Pegasus." The other two were obviously security guards. One of them eyed Ramata'tar and stepped off the pad and up to the Jem'Hadar First.

"I didn't know you had Jem'Hadar aboard your ship."

"First Ramata'tar was the first Dominion Exchange Officer in Starfleet and is a valued member of my crew. I trust him with my life." Bremer replied.

"That's good enough for me." President Matthews said as he stepped off the pad and shook Mike's hand. "It's nice to meet you again Admiral, I only wish it was under better circumstances."

Mike nodded, "Thank you Mister President, as do I." Mike paused, the tapped his commbadge. "Bremer to Bridge, inform orbital control that Federation One is departing. Engage cloak and once we're clear of the outer marker take us to warp nine, on course for Deep Space Nine."


Lee was sitting in the command chair "Aye sir." He tapped the comm then looked up "Engage cloak and head to Deep Space 9 at warp 9."

Chloe said the Commodore Pike as she engaged the cloak and entered the course to DS9, "Course to DS9 plotted and laid in and cloak is engaged."

TAG: Commodore Pike

Transporter Room Three

"Would you care for a brief tour of the ship?" Mike asked.

Savak nodded, Picard offered a smile, and Matthews replied, "I'd enjoy that."

About thirty minutes later, the group arrived on the Bridge. "She's a beautiful ship Admiral, brings back a lot of memories." Picard commented.

"She is a fine ship indeed. If we had another hundred like her, I'd have no worry that this war would be over in short order." President Matthews added.

Ambassador Savak had remained quiet during the tour. She walked around the Bridge for a moment before stopping beside the Flight Control station. She looked over the panel then looked at Bremer, "How long will it take us to get to Deep Space Nine?"

"At slipstream, it's about a six hour trip from Earth to Deep Space Nine." Bremer replied.

Savak nodded. She already knew the answer, she just wanted to make sure the Pegasus was in good order. "Five hours, fifty-three minutes, and forty-nine seconds precisely."

Bremer smirked.

"I would like to meditate." Savak stated.

"We have quarters assigned to you on deck nine." Bremer replied.

"I can show her the way." Picard said, offering a smile.

"I have some things to read over as well." Matthews added.

The VIPs stepped back into the turbolift followed by the security guards that beamed up with them, Roebuck, and Ramata'tar.

Once they left the Bridge Mike looked over at Pike and let out of deep breath. "If I'd of known the Federation President was coming aboard I'd of made sure everything was spit and polished."

Lee was standing there still with his arms clasped behind his back as he looked at Bremer "I would have made sure myself and that the crew was in their dress uniform as well sir."

Coleman had taken several active sensor scans before the Pegasus cloaked. As the VIP's left the bridge and Bremer walked over to Lee, Coleman grabbed a PADD and transferred some of the data to it.

Getting up from his seat, he walked over to Bremer and Pike, waiting for a moment to interject. "Sirs, I wanted to give you an update from Sciences. It looks as though we have a few minor fluctuations along our current route, which I've transferred to the helm, so we could avoid them," Coleman said as he handed the PADD to Lee.

Lee took the padd then looked it over for a minute then handed it over to Bremer "What do you think Admiral?"

"Best to avoid anything that would give us away, or could be cloaked scouts snooping around. Relay the locations to Starfleet Command Lee so they can send a ship to check them out." Bremer replied.

Lee nodded "I will do that right away Admiral." He turned to his chair and punched in on the arm controls the locations sending them straight to Starfleet command.

Coleman nodded too, looking at the Admiral and saying, "I'll run some analysis on the data to see if they are cloaked ships and how to get an early warning on them." Coleman relieved himself and went over to Science IV, along the wall, to gather more data and make sure that Federation One made it back to Earth without incident.

Mike looked around for a moment, "I'll be in my Ready Room."

After finishing Lee turned looking up "Aye Admiral." He stood his hands behind his back in front of the command chair.

Mike retired to his Ready Room and took a seat. It was obvious that at some point before the attack, Christopher had been in there again playing. There were a few crayons on the floor as well as a few little green 'Starfleet Marines' he'd been playing with. Mike smiled and put them away for his son before pulling up a report he needed to read.



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