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Behind Enemy Lines

Posted on Thu Nov 7th, 2019 @ 4:33pm by Captain Paul MacLeod

614 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 1030hrs


K'Temoc had watched the Pegasus depart from the Bridge of the USS Yorktown. He'd beamed over to his ship after his meeting with Fleet Admiral Bremer to assess the ship's condition, get a damage report, and check on the crew.

He also had another reason to be there, his office aboard Starbase 400 was damaged and exposed to working in there wasn't good for his health.

After looking over the Yorktown's condition and speaking with the crew aboard, he was happy that the ship was in good shape. Now, it was on to business. He sent a message to Commanders Bagwell and MacLeod, he had a mission for them.

Several minutes later, MacLeod had beamed over to the Defiant Class USS Yorktown-F from the the USS Vanguard. He made his way to K'Temoc's Ready Room and was grated access.

"Commander MacLeod reporting."

"Take a seat, feel free to get something to drink." K'Temoc replied to his old friend.

Mac ordered a green tea, hot, from the food slot.

"We'll wait for Zeke to arrive." K'Temoc added.

Almost on cue, Zeke made his way from the transporter padd, to the Admirals ready room. He made his way over to the desk, and snapped to the position of attention. Zeke was a stickler for protocol. "I'm here Admiral. Commander Bagwell, reporting as ordered." He said.

"Please, have a seat. Get something to drink if you'd like." K'Temoc replied, then waited for Bagwell to get settled.

"As I'm sure you're both aware, Starfleet and the rest of the Alliance wants to strike back at the Pact. However, they need updated intel, and with several of our sensor arrays that kept an eye open destroyed, we need to send ships on recon missions." K'Temoc paused a moment to let Mac and Bagwell take notes.

"Zeke, I want you to take the Falcon and see what's going on around Cha'Di Station. Mac, you and the Vanguard will do the same around Romulan Defense Base 8. They are the closest Romulan bases to the Federation border and Starbase 400. Remain cloaked at all times and take no chances. We need intel more than we need to destroy enemy ships right now." K'Temoc explained.

"I know it's only been days, but what are Starfleet's plans?" Mac asked.

K'Temoc took a breath, "Right now Starfleet and the rest of the Alliance members are taking toll of their losses, reorganizing their fleet deployments, and top brass are looking over options.

"The Falcon is operational and ready to go." Zeke said. He did not like leaving the station in this condition, but he knew they needed valuable intelligence. He needed to put his personal feelings aside, and carry out his new mission.

"Good." K'Temoc replied. "Depart when ready. Observe strict subspace radio silence until you're back in Federation territory. Don't return on the same path you took to cross the border either. I want this to be a quick mission, in and back in three days. Mac, it'll take you longer to reach RDB8, so remain in Federation space until you're DS6 before crossing the border. Any questions?"

A three day hop, seemed pretty routine for Zeke. He looked at K'Temoc and said "No sir." He was ready to get the mission underway. He was curious to learn why they were going, he assumed it was to track the enemy fleet, to make sure they were retreating.

Mac stood, "The Vanguard will depart in fifteen minutes." He gave a respectful nod, "Admiral, Commander", and departed.

"Will depart in a short time, estimated 30 minutes. Some of my crew are assisting medical. Will begin recall immediately." Zeke said, as he stood up and departed the room.


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