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Klingon Counseling

Posted on Tue Nov 5th, 2019 @ 12:47pm by

648 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Klingon Ship Da'rah'goon
Timeline: MD 01 1400 hours


The darkness in the room was only broken by the twinkle of the stars outside. Inside, a figure sat in a rather uncomfortable chair staring out at the dark sea. It had been a very rough time. She didn’t know if she had energy to do anything and the idea of eating food that moved and slithered across her plate gave her stomach a pause.

“A good place to think.”

Kalani looked up at the tall Klingon woman. She was older, had a limp, but was still the warrior queen one would expect from a proud warrior people. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone had this room…”

The woman waved her hand. “Sit. I noted that you were absent from lunch.”

“Well I…”

“Do not like Klingon food.” The woman slid a place across the table. “A…what is it humans call it? Grilled cheese?”

Kalani examined the plate. “Yup. That’s a grilled cheese….It’s not Klingon cheese is it. Tell me it’s not from some poor Klingon animal.”

Drucila laughed, “No. It is moth zor eel a.”

Kalani supressed a laugh at the woman’s pronunciation. She took a placating bite but found it tasted like sawdust. It wasn’t the food but her mind.

“A warrior does not go into battle with a mind that is heavy. What is it that makes your mind heavy?”

Kalani thought about it. She thought about her own half-sister who was part Klingon. There was something about Drucila she trusted though. The old woman was steel yet there was both fire, water, and kindness inside this woman. “It has been a … rough few days and I’m not going into battle. I’m only hitching a ride.”

The woman shrugged. “Perhaps. My daughter is the communications officer here. I understand that your scientific expedition was cancelled. You have not booked passage back to the station so I am assuming that you are going to assist the Sage woman.”

Kalani smiled, “Yes. My sister-in-law.”

Drucila sat silently sensing that the woman needed to talk. It wasn’t long before Kalani told her the story of Hades and his forbidding her to go and the sleeping tea.

When all was done Drucila had a nice belly laugh. “I would have loved to have seen his face when he awoke.”

Kalani sighed, “I tried to call him but… he wouldn’t take my call.”

“Anger. He will cool down.” Drucila studied the woman. “Kalani you seem unhappy.”

She shrugged. “I guess in reality I am. I love Hades and in the beginning things were good. Now…I tries to protect me too much. He treats me as if I am made of glass and he’s so unhappy.”

“My husband was like that as well after we married. We had a glorious courtship. He would read bad Klingon poetry and I would throw things at him. It was glorious.”

Kalani supressed a chuckle.

“Marriage changed him. We did, however, work things out. It sounds to me that you are not happy, nor is he but you have not learned how to communicate properly. You must speak to him.”

Kalani studied the woman. “Are you and your husband still together?”

Drucila shook her head, “He died in battle only a year ago.”

Kalani’s eyes misted over at the thought of losing Hades. “I feel so lost.”

Drucila sighed, “Perhaps a part of it is that you’ve lost faith in yourself.”

Kalani looked at the woman for a long time. “I think I have.”

“Good, then this battle, this … quest shall bring your faith back, may the warrior within wake for you.”

Kalani smiled. She watched as the woman went and turned back to the stars. Drucila was right. Kalani needed this time away. She finished her grilled cheese and went in search of Splendora.



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