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Posted on Tue Nov 5th, 2019 @ 10:19am by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

274 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: SS Ariel
Timeline: MD1, 1200

With little interest in touring a station, especially one which was undergoing extensive repairs, Elise Corrigan returned to the ship which was always her home from home. Small yet packed with research equipment and enough room to house her, and the other five people on board, comfortably.

Stepping down from the transporter pad she barely afforded the tall figure behind the controls a second glance. “Is he here yet?”

Arching an eyebrow at the clear irritation in her voice, the Romulan-Vulcan hybrid gave a curt nod. From experience the man knew such irritation was commonplace and was best allowed to fizzle out whenever possible. Falling into step beside the elderly woman, he followed her towards the crew lounge.

“Am I to assume, from your early return, that you encountered an unforeseen complication?” Stavek enquired.

“Indeed,” Elise replied, “it appears my granddaughter is away on a mission. Not that it matters, I can wait. I do, however, want to see what else you can find on Dr Hades.”

Stavek paused, “very well. I noticed you downloaded the previous version of the protocol -“

“I have my reasons. Flaws and all, it will be hard for him to refuse my request. Now that he has bothered to show up, I need to brief Mr Reyas.”

“The man is prone to using excessive measures and can be - as humans say - like a bull in a China shop. I do not understand the logic -“

Elise raised a hand. “When it comes to Carolyn subtlety will only go so far. I will need his skills. And yours, of course. Now, let’s get to work.”



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