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Posted on Mon Nov 4th, 2019 @ 4:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commander Hades,MD

957 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1, 1330 hours


Nursing a cup of hot chocolate until it had long since gone cold, Doctor Corrigan was lost in thought as she stared at the medical reports which had been forwarded from the station. On the desk beside her the toastie she had replicated for lunch was equally cold and now largely forgotten about, with little more than a bite from it.

While the Pegasus had now left the starbase far behind, the admin work she had started this morning still needed tending to. While no fault of anyone, well, nobody she wanted to really think about, her sign off on charts were behind schedule. And it was something she could do that wouldn’t hurt.

Except for the one report that had come up. The patient?

Andrew Ignatious.

Sign it and move on. That’s all she needed to do. Forget all about him. But every word, every time he touched her - leaning forward she deactivated the monitor, the report replaced by the dark screen and her own reflection.

Only as she sat back did she see someone standing in the doorway. She sighed, “something I can do for you, Doctor Harris? I’ve already sent Hades a report in case you were worried.”

"Yes well. You seemed like you were feeling sorry for yourself or some such useless emotion. If you want to be a good CMO some day you have to figure out how to block distractions."

“Who says I want to be a CMO, let alone a good one?” she shot back. “Did you come to provide career advice?”

"Guidance. I have trained many a CMO." It was true. Harris was of the same rank as Hades but once he'd been more. He didn't dwell on that. "What is it that keeps you so...." He waved his hand. "Well the way you are."

“You mean amazing? Gorgeous?” She offered, not entirely sure what he was getting at.

Harris snorted. "The force of something hot and airy is strong within you." He sighed. "You are distracted, distracted could be a problem."

Carolyn rolled her eyes, “could but won’t be. If you think otherwise, Admiral is that way.”

"Yes well I don't think I know. Now. Let's have it young lady," he said using a phrase that Hades was quite fond of and that he'd stolen from Harris. "Out with it."

“With...?” She challenged, eyes narrowing at his choice of words. Young lady indeed.

"Whatever it is that's bothering you. Honestly, I'm not Hades I won't pull teeth I'll simply talk to the admiral to say your distracted and he can pull it out of you. Hurry up then young lady. Out with it."

“It bothers me that you are here as a babysitter,” she snapped. “It bothers me that one of the reports I’m signing off is for the same man who later attacked me , Ariana and then Freya and Kaden. And it bothers me that if I’d gone to security after he came to sickbay, maybe none of the later stuff would have happened. Or the time before that in the turbolift.

So yes, I’m distracted because I messed up.”

He sighed. "Carolyn. You did not mess up. You could not have known who or what he was. As for the signing off sign off on it and be done with it. If you'd rather have Hades sign the report he would do it in a heartbeat. You have a real problem of carrying guilt on your shoulders that is not yours to carry."

“No, I’ll do it,” she said firmly. “And what do you know of my problems?”

He sighed, "Young lady I know a lot." He leaned back. "I know that you have a brilliant mind and I know that if you focused you could achieve so much. You dwell on things, you mull things over, you let your peace be taken from you and frankly you are always on the defensive. That will all be your undoing. You walk through life lost and you have to snap out of that."

“Thank you for the insight old man,” she quipped, “I’ll be sure to snap out of it right away.”

He smiled, "I see. Well I'll be monitoring that little fact then young lady. Hades is rubbing off on you and if I could whip him into shape I'll do miracles with you." He stood. "Now, you have to eat." He tossed a PADD down. "Hades' orders not mine."

She glanced at the PADD, “how can he know I didn’t like my lunch? Never mind... I’ll eat in a little while.”

"He said you'd say that." He placed another PADD on the table. "That is also from him. I know cause it carries a picture of him glowering...very scary."

Activating the PADD she made a face and rolled her eyes, “at least Halloween will be a walk in the park for him. I'll finish my reports then I’ll go to Ten Forward and eat, happy with that? Food and exercise for my aching back. He will be extra thrilled.”

Harris sighed, "Hades is never thrilled, always scary. It's a thing with him."

“And what’s your thing?” She countered. “Other than the Scooby Gang connection, why aren’t you off being CMO extraordinaire?”

Harris sighed. He turned at the door and smiled, "Good question. Now you are thinking on your toes." He smiled and then walked away.

“Bye!!!!” She shouted after him, shaking her head and sitting back in her seat. She eyed her cold lunch, stomach growling. With a sign she stood, giving in. Rolling her eyes she turned over Hades picture, “you win, stop looking so smug...”



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