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An important visitor

Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2019 @ 2:54pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar

971 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1300 hrs

Freya was alone in the Ross quarters now Kaden had gone out to get done what he to do, she had just finished lunch and was busy cleaning up when the door chime rang. Walking over to the door she smiled warmly as she saw Deela on the other side. "Admiral, Ma'am please come in."

Deela walked in, "Thank you." She glanced around her quarters for a moment, "I hope this is not a bad time. I came by to see how you are doing." She needed to keep herself occupied.

"I'm very well thank you Admiral" Freya smiled warmly. "Sickbay let me out on the premise that I rest so that's what I'm doing. Given my injuries I'm lucky to be here at all, we have one hell of a medical team! I'd reward every one of them with a medal if I could!"

"I agree and they will be." Deela briefly paused, then continued, "Everyone gave their all in this terrible and stressful situation." She softly smiled, "I am so glad that you survived this ordeal." Her emotions were all over the place. She was smiling one moment then frowning another, "We lost so many in this stupid war. Too many and for what?" Her Vulcan veneer was gone.

"Are you alright?" Freya looked at Deela concernedly. "Admiral please sit down." She motioned to an empty seat. "I think the real question is how are you feeling?"

Deela sat down, "I am an emotional wreck. If my father could see me now, he would be so disappointed in me. Everything he has taught me about being a Vulcan like controlling my emotions is out the window. I have tried Tai chi, yoga, Reiki, and Zen among other mediation techniques and none of them work. Now, my Betazoid mother on the other hand, would probably hug me and tell me it is okay to feel emotional."

"There is nothing wrong with being emotional Admiral" Freya smiled. "You can't bottle emotions all of the time or they'll come back to bite you! Even if you are part Vulcan." Freya smiled warmly. "Let yourself feel those emotions, you'll be stronger in the long run for it."

"I know but it is difficult. I have a station to command and I cannot afford to let my emotions run high, not right now. I can mourn later." She was referring to her longtime pet who was also considered a friend and protector.

"You have other staff here you can lean on as well Admiral" Freya offered a warm smile. "Try delegating some extra responsibility and take a little time to yourself or you will drive yourself into the floor."

"I hear what you are saying but I am terrible at following advice. And you are right. I just need a day to breathe and not have to deal with the stresses of this job. And my poor kids. They are also dealing with loss."

"What I suggest is when Commander Solomon is back on his feet, you all take a family holiday and spend the time you need to have a break and recover from your loss." Freya smiled warmly.

"I will. Most definitely." She turned the conversation back to her, "As for you, take as much time as you need to recover. Do not worry about General Hurd. I am sure he would feel the same."

"Actually General Hurd came to see me in Sickbay" Freya smiled warmly. "He's removed me from active duty for the duration of my pregnancy and for two months afterwards. I would like to continue with my counselling duties though, I'll go stir crazy otherwise!"

"Yes, most definitely." Deela smiled, "I used to love being a counselor. Then one day, I got the command bug and here I am today. Though, I have to admit that I miss talking to people and helping them with their problems. I guess with the way I am right now, you would never know that I used to be a counselor." She chuckled, "Looks like you are on the job now." She was a little embarrassed to admit that she was in need of one.

"I love being a Counsellor, it helps me as much as those I see." She smiled warmly. "Even we are not infallible though, I tend to confide in Kaden he's my love and my rock. I'd be lost without him."

She nodded in agreement, "Like I feel right now. I could talk to my friend, Alex but she is dealing with her own stuff so I really have no one to talk to except for Jack. He gets me."

"Well you can come and speak to me anytime you want, off the record!" Freya grinned. "I don't have that many friends on the station I'd like to make more, if that's alright with you of course?"

"Neither do I. People tend to not want to hang out with the brass. Not to mention the ability to read the occasional mind." She grinned, "But seriously, I could use another friend right now."

"Then friends it is." Freya smiled. "Just let me know what ice-cream you like and I'll make sure there's a chick flick and a whole tub of ice-cream waiting next time we get together!" She couldn't help but grin.

"You have a deal." She stood up, "I should get going. Again, I am happy that you are doing better."

"Thank you Admiral" Freya smiled warmly. "Anytime you want to drop in please feel free to do so."

"Thank you." She moved towards the door, "And you can call me Deela when I do." She smiled and walked out.

Freya watched Deela go before smiling to herself, she was happy to have made a new friend and was looking forward to getting to know Deela better.



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