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My sickbay, is your sickbay

Posted on Fri Nov 1st, 2019 @ 1:21pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell

848 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay, SB400
Timeline: MD01 1100 hours


Zeke walked into main sickbay complex. He noticed that the Commander was occupied. "Commander Hades, I cam see if the Falcon's sickbay facilities could be of some use to you. Heard a rumor, that you are vastly running out of space, to host the wounded." Zeke called out, Anna was right to him. For the moment the area was secured, and he believed, his ship was still needed. This moment, was a real all hands on deck type of moment.

“I am certain we can help,” Anna spoke up. “And improvise where needed.”

"Our first priority should be to get everyone patched up, so we can get this station back in order. Repairs are coming along, but the pace is slow. a good portion of the crew is out injured." Zeke said as he looked to Anna and Hades.

“I am ready and able to help,” Anna added. “Put me to work and I will help get the crew back to one hundred percent.” She knew it wouldn’t be easy but this was why she had become a doctor, to help people.

Hades gave a nod to the two. "Actually more space is needed. Maybe you can help us with the post op care and moving people there." He studied Anna. "I could use the help with post op care with Carolyn being injured herself."

"I will have my crew, standing by, and ready to assist you." Zeke said with a big grin on his face. "I can not believe how we have lost, but we will heal our wounded, and rebuild the station. I hope the crew knows that." Zeke said, as he looked to Hades and Anna.

“I am certain they do,” Anna said quietly. “I will get to work immediately and we will take as many as we can.”

Hades gave a nod. "Great. It's very much appreciated." He studied the two before him. "How are you two doing after all this?"

“Honestly,” Anna said, a touch of sadness in her voice. “I am grateful for my training, otherwise I would be a basket case right now. I am focusing on the saving lives and the living. At some point, I know I am going to break down but we don’t have time for that right now.” Her eyes met Zeke’s then Hades. “I’m good and if I get to a point where I can’t be one hundred percent I will inform Commander Bagwell.”

"I am doing well, my special operations training, has prepared me for scenario's like this. It is hard, but as Anna said, we are trained on how to deal with this situation." Zeke said, trying to sound strong. Even though he was trained for this scenario, it did not make it hurt any less. It only allowed him to move forward, and not dwell on it.

"These are not easy times." He looked at Anne. "If either of you need to talk my door is open." He walked over to the wall picked up a PADD and entered some information. He handed Anne the PADD. "This is my personal authorization to raid the medical store rooms, which thankfully were not affected. Anything you need for your ship sickbay is at your disposal."

“Thank you,” Anna nodded. With them taking on patients it would make things so much easier to get what she needed without having to get authorization.

Hades studied the two. "Also let me know if you need any extra staff." He sighed, "Now then do you two want me to give you a quick check up? Have you any wounds I should worry about?"

“I am fine,” Anna replies. “Not a scratch on me. We were the lucky ones.” She would always be grateful that they had come through this with both of them okay. Her heart broke for the others, she could not imagine their loss.

"The crew of the Falcon, only had a few minor injuries, I have most of them helping station personal, kept a Skelton crew on the ship, incase the enemy returns." Zeke pointed out to Hades.

"Alright then. Anna why don't I help you get the first batch of supplies you need together."

“That sounds perfect,” Anna replied. “We will need a variety of things just in case of an emergency.”

"Might as well take advantage of this moment, and make the most of it." Zeke referring to the moment, where the Falcon was ready to go and so was her crew. He needed to keep them busy, so the would not focus on the attack. The starbase crew, needed their support.

Anna agreed with Zeke. She looked to Hades. “This shouldn’t take long. I know of things that will be useful. Once I am back on the Falcon I will assess my supplies Thoroughly and will come back for what is essential.”

Hades gave a nod. "Sounds like a plan." He was glad for any and all help he could get.

"Then lets get started." Zeke said with a big grin on his face.



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