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Leap Frogging to the Future

Posted on Thu Oct 31st, 2019 @ 7:29pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,496 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1200 hrs

Kaden sat in his recliner his cat Artemis asleep in his lap purring away. However as for Kaden himself he sat with a glass of Saurian brandy in his left hand a bottle in his right. He spent some time after the meeting with both Hurd and Bremer just staring at the rank pins of his uniform. Contemplating about what he should do when it came to his career as a Marine this sudden promotion the Admiral offered was a huge step Kaden had no idea what to do.

Freya walked into the living area, she hadn't long been released from Sickbay and had been lying down on the bed getting some rest. Walking over to Kaden she smiled as she sat down on the sofa. "Are you okay Imzadi?"

Kaden had been lost in thought he didn't hear Freya came home which surprised him. He turned to his lovely Betazoid goddess of a wife and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Freya, what would you do if you was offered a promotion?" The large Marine set his cat down on the floor and watched him gracefully walk out of the room. "I need your advice right now."

"A promotion?" She sat down beside him cuddling up against his arm. "If it was me I'd probably take it but it's not about me is it?" She smiled. "Have you been offered a promotion?"

Kaden lowered his head in shame. "Admiral Bremmer, wishes to make me a Lieutenant Colonel and General Hurd's right hand man. Would also like me to assume command of the USS Saratoga as well but..." He paused. "I don't think I am a wise choice."

"Kaden that's amazing!!" Freya grinned as she sat up and faced him. "Why don't you think it's a wise choice?"

"Cause I guess I don't feel I deserve such praise I don't want these people to see me as someone I am not. I am a loser, Freya, I God I can't handle the uncertainty of our child's future. What in the world makes them think I am going to be a good leader?" Kaden replied.

"Now those are two very different situations Imzadi and you know it!" Freya held his hands gently. "You know very well when you're out there leading your marines you're a man in control who knows what to do!" She paused. "You saved a lot of lives during the boarding of the station, that's something you should be proud of bad if my opinion carries any weight for you then I say take that promotion!" She smiled as she gently brushed her hand against his cheek. "Have faith in yourself Kaden, I have faith in you."

Kaden raised an eyebrow. "Really? You think I should? But...what if it requires me to be away from you and the baby a lot?"

"I don't see why it would. You'd still be based here and you'd only be out on a ship when necessary and once the baby is born and my maternity leave is over I'll be back to my duties too. Speaking of which...General Hurd has relieved me of my marine duties for the duration of my pregnancy until two months after the baby is born, he wants me to enjoy my pregnancy!"

Kaden sat down patted on his lap for Freya come straddle his lap so he could hold her. "Oh yeah? So that mean I get to see you at home more? So they having you least keep up on your counseling duties?"

"That goes without saying!" She smiled as she sat straddling his lap. "I'll be on full time Counselling duties until later in my pregnancy when I'll drop back to less hours. With Ariana on maternity leave I'll be needed to help Rol with the counselling duties. She smiled as she leant forward kiss Kaden, giving him a romantic kiss. "Why don't we talk about things bed?" She smiled as she got up and pulled him up off the sofa.

Kaden smiled he could always benefit from a bit of cuddling. "I don't see why not." He replied letting Freya lead him.

"I'm still recovering so I might not be up to our usual amount of fun, plus you are recovering too but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy each other for a little while." She lead him into the bedroom and over to the bed.

Kaden stopped his eyes widened now cuddling was one thing but he didn't think she was in 'the mood' as well. "Uh, Freya, wait I still am a bit worried about us getting frisky with a kid inside you." He flat out confessed not that he didn't find her hot still.

Freya nodded. "In that case, how's about we just cuddle? You always liked cuddling up with me in bed to talk. It was usually the best time to get anything out of you!" She grinned as she stepped out of her clothes and slid under the bedsheets in the warm.

Seeing Freya get naked was always a welcoming sight he removed his clothes and put on his red silk pajamas. But didn't bother to button up his shirt leaving his bare torso exposed before joining Freya under the sheets.

Freya cuddled up on her husband's shoulder her fingers gently tracing the knife scars that had yet to fade from where he was treated, very much like her own. "You almost died trying to save me, I held on because I knew you'd come for us!" She wiped away a few tears that welled up in her eyes. "I don't know what I'd have done if I had lost you Imzadi!!"

"Hey, I am hard to kill that dirtbag wasn't going to take me away from you." Kaden wiped a tear from her face. "I hope he rots in his cell cause that is where he belongs."

"I...spoke to Garibaldi, Andy told me that he.." She paused knowing what she was about to say would make Kaden explode. "He was the one who...raped me!"
She waited for the inevitable explosion of anger from Kaden.

Kaden sat up. "He what?" Shaking his head He wanted to get out out of the bed but could feel Freya take hold of his arm prompting him to stay. Despite the flow of anger swelling up inside Kaden just sat in the bed falling silent.

"Garibaldi said I'd have to testify at the court martial. I don't know when it'll be but I'll need you there with me." She could feel his anger inside. "You're not angry with me are you?"

Kaden shook his head but felt a need a roll on top of Freya and gently pin her hands over her head before giving her a long romantic kiss helping calm him down. "How about we not talk about it and just focus on good things right now?" He asked with a grin.

Freya smiled as she willingly let him restrain her, she'd never been afraid of Kaden infact she enjoyed it when he held her down. "That sounds good to me my love!"

"So you think I am a good choice for promotion?" Kaden asked as he gently kissed along Freya's neck and shoulder.

"Mmmm of course I do!" She smiled as he kept holding her down. "Don't be afraid of promotion Imzadi, take it while you have the chance. You've earned this and I have...Ohhh every faith in you!"

Kaden released one of Freya's hands as he disappeared under the sheet kissing his way down her body. "Then it is settled I will take it." He replied under the sheet.

Freya's breathing was getting heavier by the minute as he kissed his way down her body, her free hand was running through his hair encouraging him. "Good."

Kaden released his hold on Freya's other hand still kissing Freya all over her body under the sheet. "Freya, I never did understand though why you enlisted and not become a officer yourself." He popped his head out from under the sheet. "I think you make a good officer."

"I wanted to be a marine, to be like you!" She offered him a smile. "I could have gone at it differently but this way I get the best of both worlds. There's always the possibility of becoming an officer but I'm happy as I am right now although I'm going to miss not being out in the field with you for the next nine months of my pregnancy and the other two months the General gave me on top of that!"

"Just enjoy yourself and the time we can spend together now." Kaden replied. "I was never able to get the time to ask you but how you do feel being a god parent to Ariana's kid?"

"A god parent? That's the Earth custom of being a guardian if anything happens to the parents right?" She nodded and smiled. "I'd be honoured. Why did Ariana ask you if we wanted to be god parents?"

Kaden laid back down on his side of the bed. "Why not? I mean she feels in case something happens we would look after her kid would we not?" He smiled. "Point is she trusts us and I for one be honored to look after my friends kid for her."

"Then you can tell Arianna that we accept!" Freya grinned as she snuggled up against Kaden's chest.

Kaden laid in silence for a moment thinking about the things him and Freya discussed. "It's strange you know, I want to be a General one day but I guess I wanted to enjoy my time getting there. Plus I was thinking about us and what it would mean if I had leave you behind a lot I would miss you." He looked at Freya. "You are right I will settle in to a bigger leadership role but I just was afraid I'd be away from you too much."

"I understand. I really hope this promotion won't take you away from me a lot especially while I'm pregnant, but I know you'll have new duties to settle into. So does this mean that you'll get your own office too? If it does then you might just find me camped out on your sofa! If your have a sofa!" She grinned.

Kaden ran his hand thru Freya's hair he enjoyed these moments with her made him very relaxed and stress less. "I don't see why not but I think the goal is for me to be helping, Hurd, not have my wife babysitting me." He said with a slight teasing tone.

"Did I say babysitting? I was talking about helping you! This promotion is going to come with plenty of paperwork and reports for you to do, I'm offering to be your secretary if you need one!" She grinned as she enjoyed the relaxing feel of his fingers running through her hair.

Kaden paused for moment pondering on Freya's offer. "Are you asking for a transfer to marine division administration?" He asked.

"I...wasn't planning on it but I guess I have to start considering my options especially as we're going to have a baby to take care of." She offered a smile.

Kaden fixed himself into a sitting position on the bed his pillow acting as a back rest. "You will giving up your role as medic and counselor you know." He pointed out.

"In that case I'm not transferring." She gave him one of her stubborn looks. "I like my role as Counsellor it helps me as much as it helps others. I'll stay as I am and figure things out as we go along."

"You're a good counselor, Freya, you worked hard for it but if you need a new position I can talk to, General Hurd, maybe get you a post in the administration for a woman with your skills." Kaden suggested he liked the idea of helping Freya find a new job to be able to spend time with him and their kid.

"How's about if we can arrange a transfer from my medic duties to the administration division and still keep my role here as station Counsellor? I'd be willing to do that." She gave him a smile. "I guess you'll be the one I have to talk to about it anyway."

"Let me talk to, Hurd, see what he might have in mind for a lady with your skills." Kaden replied before kissing Freya on the cheek.

Freya nodded. "No giving up my Counselling duties okay? Promise me Kaden!" She gave him that serious look she always gave.

Kaden knew that look she was giving him he seen it quite a few times before. "Hey I promise I will make sure you keep counseling duties, okay?"

Freya nodded giving him a romantic kiss. "Thank you handsome. So do you...want to get to know our baby a little?" She looked at him concernedly. "Just...lay your head on my stomach and be close?"

Kaden pondered on her offer for a moment before resting his hand on her belly. "I think it is safer just resting my hand on it so I don't crush the little one inside you with my big head." He smiled thinking about the day he could hold the baby in his arms.

"Is that what you think?" Freya smiled warmly. "To hurt our baby you'd have to crush me first, my body is...the outer protective shell, well kind of!" She grinned. "You can't hurt him or her so don't be afraid of that."

"Let me just do it this way I feel more comfortable with it." Kaden replied rubbing his wife's bare tummy.

"Of course" Freya smiled. She was just happy that he was accepting the pregnancy and not running away in fear like he had before. "So when do you plan on telling General Hurd?"

Kaden was still a bit hesitant about the baby but after their tussle with both the attack on the starbase and with Freya's ex. He just wanted to focus on the fact him and the woman of his life was still breathing. "Well, probably after my visit to sickbay to get the last of these scars from your ex taken care of."

Freya nodded running her fingers over his scars. "I know I need to get mine taken care of as well." She ran her fingers over the plethora of scars she had on her chest and rib cage. "It's a good job he didn't get me any lower! I'd have been devastated if we'd have lost our baby!"

Kaden ran his hand thru Freya's lovely black hair. "Hey, don't worry the little one is fine as are the both of us that is all that matters." He told her.

"Indeed it is" Freya nodded in agreement. "I have you and our baby and that is all I need."

Tag/wrap :)


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