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The wicked witch of the west

Posted on Wed Oct 30th, 2019 @ 6:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commander Hades,MD

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1 1005 hours

Just shy of her eighty-fifth birthday, Elise Corrigan cut a diminutive figure as she waited.

And waited.

Her full head of white hair was as immaculately styled as her clothing, her grey eyes piercing and undeniably cold. While far from physical imposing, she had lost none of the confidence, self assurance and fire which had made her a formidable ally to those fortunate enough to be in her good graces.

For now her expression was one of profound irritation.

While she had shown up, unannounced, she suspected the waiting game was deliberate. Thankfully she did not need to discuss an urgent medical matter or else she would surely have perished right here in this small part of the galaxy her granddaughter called home.

Her eyes swept the room again, attempting to paint a picture of the man she was waiting to see. Doctor Hades.

Naturally she had reviewed what information she could, and she knew of his reputation. Yet a good reputation did not always speak to the persons character. As a physician, his reputation was formidable but beyond that, she knew little.

When the door behind her opened, she stood and turned to face the man who had entered, “Dr. Hades, I presume? Professor Elise Corrigan.”

It took Hades' mind a moment to place it but as he studied the face before him the similarity was uncanny. "Related to Doctor Corrigan, you must be her grandmother." He held out his hand.

“Quite,” the woman commented as she shook his outstretched hand. “I apologise for arriving unannounced and I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.”

Hades motioned to the chair by his desk. "Please have a seat. How can I be of help? Also can I get you something to drink?"

“I’m quite alright, thank you,” Elise commented as she seated herself. “Two things. Business, first of all.

Before turning to research, I was a surgeon. A neurologist. In conjunction with Starfleet R&D, my university has been developing a new protocol around the post operative care of patients suffering from significant neurological damage.

After some ... persuasion on my part, Starfleet agreed with my recommendation to begin implementing the new protocol here. But only with your blessing of course.

I have sent you a file with all data and field testing. You will find patient outcomes are between ten and twenty percent higher. I do not need a decision immediately. You are a busy man. Tomorrow evening would suffice.”

Hades raised an eyebrow. He hid his amusement. "I shall of course give your file a read at the first available opportunity. I will also endeavour to get this to you by tomorrow evening. My apologies it has been a rather trying time with all that has happened on the station."

The woman’s expression hardened. “Quite,” she acknowledged with a nod. “I find most things trying when Starfleet are involved. And now the other matter. My granddaughter. From the computer I understand she is not aboard?”

"No. She is on an away mission."

“You think that wise?” she asked, her voice as cold as ice.

"No, but then I didn't order her on the mission. If you have issue with that I suggest, madam, that you take it up with Admiral Bremer."

His guest studied him for a moment, as if trying to decipher if he was being truthful or simply appeasing her. “She was hurt. Again,” the woman commented. It was clearly a statement and not a question. “I told her. Many times. Returning to Starfleet was a mistake. If I had my way, when I leave this station she would be leaving with me.”

"Carolyn is a good doctor. No she is a great doctor. One of my best and adman good surgeon. She has a way with patients and her paperwork skills are unmatched." He sighed. "Her returning to Starfleet was a gift. While I agree with you that she should have rested a bit before undertaking this away team post I have every confidence in her and I, for one, think that she will soon be offered her own CMO position."

“To be blunt, your confidence is based on the short time she has been on your staff,” Elise countered. “You presume to know her? I do not doubt her medical skills. Of course not. But whichever way you spin a situation- no matter how good the mask or how practiced the lie - the truth is, she needs to be home.”

Hades had little patience for this. He was feeling unwell. "And to be blunt she is entitled to live her own life without familial interference."

“I do not expect you to understand,” she replied curtly, rising from her seat. “But you did not have to witness what I did. See the aftermath of one bad decision after another by an incompetent captain... If you will review the proposal and let me know your decision?”

Hades smiled. "Of course. Why don't we set a meeting tomorrow evening?" Her proposal hinged on the fact that he allowed it. He'd review it and if it was gold then he had a bargaining chip.

“Until then,” she agreed. Heading to the door she stopped, turning back. “If you do happen to speak with her, I would appreciate it if you did not mention my arrival. I am sure she will be far from thrilled that the wicked witch has arrived.”

"Wicked witch?" He asked.

“It was her brother who came up with it, I believe. From the Wizard of Oz. Goodbye Doctor.”

"Goodbye." Hades watched her go.

He sighed giving himself a minute and then sat down. He hit a few buttons and waited as the Starfleet logo on his screen shifted to the face of his assistant ACMO.

"I know that you're in the hustle and bustle and shove off time is almost upon you but your grandmother is here."

There was a long, stunned silence. “She’s what?! How do you .... did she come and see you? Oh no... I am so so sorry,” Carolyn blurted out. “She is ... not there right now, is she?”

"Calm down. She's left but I have a meeting with her tomorrow. She wants to run some program of hers that I have to review."

“That manipulative...” Cutting herself off, Carolyn sighed. “Sorry. Again. You should read it, she never puts her name to things unless they are worth it and she had ridiculously high standards. Just be careful. She is ... difficult. And never does something out of the goodness of her heart.”

"Yes well I had thought to make a deal with her."

“A deal? With the devil?”

"Actually she said she was the wicked witch. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

Carolyn grinned, “that she is. And thank you. Maybe I can talk the admiral into a really long detour. And don’t say I didn’t warn you...”

He gave a nod. "I shall see you when you get back."

“Good luck,” she offered, waving before terminating the link and then adding, “You are sure gonna need it....”



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