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Artificial Intelligence

Posted on Wed Oct 30th, 2019 @ 5:19pm by Camron Wayne

658 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Vox gallery

Cameron rolled into the gallery and looked around. Most of what he was seeing did not interest him in the least. He was not here about the art though he had heard from Ariana that vox had set his personal ship up in a rather different manner using an AI and he was frankly curious if such a thing could be worked into his own ship. So here he was looking for the owner and looking to do business.

Walking through the gallery, Vox was checking the exhibits, making sure they were correctly positioned and priced correctly where appropriate.

#Rae, Are you busy?#

The voice of Tenaran, the AI of his ship, came over the speaker in his wrist communicator.

=^= Good morning Tenaran, what can I do for you?=^= Vox asked.

#Good morning Rae, it is nothing urgent at this time but I have detected a fluctuation in the power grid for my neural processing core, on Deck 3. I have isolated the cause to Bio-Neural Gell pack D3-187A. I have rerouted processing around this gel pack which has not affected my processing capacity, at this time. I recommend the procurement of a new one as soon as is convenient.# Tenaran replied.

=^=Hmm, I will talk with the engineer teams on the station and see what I can do. Thanks for letting me know. Rae out.=^=

#Thank you, Rae, have a pleasant day.# Tenaran replied.

Vox had a sudden sense that he was being watched. He turns to see a man looking at him with a curious look on his face.

"Excuse me vox but I could not help overhearing. My name is Cameron Wayne and I have an interest in procuring an AI like yours for my ship. Be assured I do not want yours but rather one purpose-built for my own ship." Said Cameron calmly

"I do have the original prototype that I used to create Tenaran. You are welcome to take a copy of it and see if that suits your needs." Vox replied.

"I am sure it would work if my ship were the same type as yours however I have a sydney class transport that is considerably older and probably twice as large as your ship. I may know my way around the mechanical side of things but I have no idea how to go about making something like this work. I just know it would be a huge help on longer trips and would likely boost the performance of my ship considerably." Said Cameron

"I am not familiar with that class of ship but if it is indeed older than the Aerie Class then you may also require some upgrades to handle the processing requirements for the AI. Happy to help as much as I can. " Vox replied.

Cameron reached into a pocket on his chair and pulled out a PADD. "Here are the specs on my ship take a look at them and see what you think. If there needs to be upgrades done let me know I will be happy to do them." Said Cameron as he handed over the PADD

"I will take a look. Can you come back tomorrow to give me some reading time?" Vox asked.

"Sure, or feel free to drop by my shop if you have any questions or need clarification on anything." Said Cameron

"Will do." Vox replied. "I will ask Tenaran to have a look also." He added.

"Okay never had that happen before she must be more then I thought she was." Said Cameron as he started to turn his chair. "See you later then vox and I look forward to doing business with you." he added

"It makes sense as Tenaran know a lot more about her own neural network than I do so I thought it wise. I will get back to you tomorrow." Vox replied

"Thanks till tomarrow then." Said Cameron as le headed out of the gallery


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