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Checking in.

Posted on Sat Nov 9th, 2019 @ 4:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Liam O'Connor

1,883 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Wayne Family Quarters
Timeline: MD1, 1530 hours

Following directions from the computer, Liam had made the journey to Counsellor Monroe’s quarters. It was a safer option than visiting the Brig and he had a delivery to make. Pressing the door chime he waited for an answer, his free hand running through his hair while the other held a sketch which had been rolled up and held in place with a baby pink bow.

Ariana was alone now Cameron had popped out so to save her getting up she called whoever was outside to enter.

Stepping inside, Liam offered an apologetic smile at the intrusion. “Sorry to intrude, I wanted to see how you were doing and Carolyn asked me to drop this off...”

Moving closer he handed over the gift. “She said it isn’t the proper gift but she’s off station. I don’t know too much about it but she wanted to know you and Stacie were doing okay.”

"That's very kind, thank you" Ariana smiled warmly as she accepted the gift and motioned for Liam to take a seat. She slowly unraveled the gift to see a beautiful drawing Carolyn had done for her. "'s beautiful." She turned it for Liam to see. "Where are my manners! Can I get you a drink?"

“Please, I’m good and you are supposed to be resting. Besides, I spend a lot of time in a bar, I get more than enough to drink. But you? Do you want something?”

"Actually a glass of cold milk would be lovely, thank you." She placed the sketch down on the seat beside her.

“Coming right up,” he promised, heading to the replicator. Within a minute he was handing the cold glass over, “anything to eat?”

"No thank you" Ariana smiled warmly as she took the glass of milk and drank some of it before putting it down on the floor by where she was sitting. "You can reassure Carolyn that I'm fine and that Stacie is doing okay. She's improving a day at a time. Oh and I have some news I think she'll love!"

“Now that is quite the smile you’ve got there,” Liam declared, sitting in the nearby seat. “And that’s a sight for sore eyes. After all that’s happened I’d wager you deserve some good news. May I ask what’s happened? I swear, I shall not ruin the surprise. Bartenders are excellent secret keepers.”

Ariana grinned as she flashed her engagement ring. "Cameron asked me to marry him!!"

“That’s quite the rock,” he complimented, returning the smile, “congratulations!”

"Thank you!" She was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "This is going to sound completely crazy but we're already planning on having another baby."

“I’d say you have some Irish in you,” he joked. “Do whatever makes you happy that’s what I say. Within reason of course!”

Ariana couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah well, I wasn't always one to do things within reason!" She grinned. "I doubt Doctor Hades will see it as being within reason after the birth I've just had. Anyway enough about me! How's Carolyn?"

“She is...” he paused, considering, “Carolyn.”

He shook his head, leaning back. “She said she doesn’t hurt so much. I think she slept about an hour last night. I found her drawing that,” he gestured to the picture, “at 3am. She was going to check in on your little lady and catch up on paperwork and next thing I know, she’s off on a mission. I’m not sure if it is stubbornness or insanity.”

"I think Carolyn has some demons of her own that she needs help with." Ariana sighed. "I can't and won't force her to talk about it but she needs you there for her Liam. Whatever is going on with Carolyn it's eventually going to catch up and when it does she'll need your strength and support to get through it. She saved my life in the holodeck. You both did and I won't ever forget that! I'm always here, for both of you."

Liam smiled, “once a marine .... but really, you thanked me already. If I’d done a better job he wouldn’t have hurt Kaden and his wife,” he pointed out. “As for the rest, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I know about having demons. I tried to drown mine in a whisky glass but didn’t work. Surprising right?”

He grinned, shaking his head. “Which may make being a bartender seem odd. But it keeps me busy, helps out my family and you meet some interesting folk. No matter what happens between Carolyn and I, I definitely do not regret coming here. Sure beats sleeping on my brothers couch!”

Ariana grinned. "Have you visited Kaden as yet? I take it from the use of his first name that the two of you are friends?"

“We’ve shared a few drinks so yeah, I’d say so,” Liam replied, “but I haven’t stopped by yet. He’s a good guy, a little crazy sometimes like taking on a brute as a wager for hostage releases and he seems a little down on himself - but so are lots of people. Most of those are checkboxes for any good marine. Loves his wife too and you gotta respect that.”

"Indeed, Freya is Kaden's wife, confidant and best friend rolled all into one. They're a match made in heaven and he'd be lost without her, the same can be said for Freya." Ariana smiled warmly. "Kaden runs himself down a lot, but underneath it all he's just soft hearted and extremely caring."

“Sounds like you are good friends,” Liam observed.

Ariana grinned. "Didn't he tell you? Kaden and I used to be a couple in the days before he met Freya. Things didn't work out for us but I'm glad he's found happiness with Frey."

“Well good on you all, I don’t think I can be in the same star system as most of my former girlfriend- make that same dimension for the ex wives,” Liam laughed.

"Ex-wives? How many do you have? Or is that a bad question?" She grinned.

“More than one, less than five,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair. “What can I say? At the time I thought I was with someone I’d spend my life wife. The whole marriage, big family thing. That saying about love being blind? Boy is it true."

“Not that I think it’s a mistake with Carolyn,” he added quickly, realising his words could be misconstrued. “She’s beautiful and smart and - as I’m sure my brother would say - way out of my league. But hey, you gotta aim high, right? And I know if I mess this up I have my aunt to answer to, and then I’m sure Dr Hades would make me disappear. But she’s worth the risk.”

"If you're wanting an opinion, I think the two of you would make a wonderful couple!" Ariana smiled warmly. "Carolyn needs you Liam."

“Ha! Maybe you can convince her of that,” he grinned, “but thanks. I’m hoping when she gets back I can get her to take a few days away. I think it’ll do good and I doubt she’ll step foot in a holodeck for a while.”

"Same here! It gives me the creeps just thinking about it." Her smile faded a little. "I'll be glad when...he is off the station and gone!!"

“I get that. Everyone will. And I’m sure there will be lots of questions needing answered. Safe to say he is probably safer behind a force field in the Brig than anywhere else right now. So much evil in him... how did that happen? Nobody knew... but he won’t hurt you or anyone else again.”

"Good, Cameron has already been and had a...discussion, with the prisoner." She wasn't going to mention Andy's name if she didn't have to. "Let's just say he's warned him what will happen if he ever comes near us again!"

“I’m not sure I’d stop at a warning so I am trying to stay away from temptation,” Liam admitted. “But you should be focusing on being a new mum and obviously your wedding. Things worth spending your time on.”

"Well at the moment Stacie is permanently in neonatal care until her lungs are properly developed. As for the wedding, we haven't made a date as yet." She grinned. "We only just got engaged, not that I'm complaining!"

“She’ll be with you in no time if she’s even half as tough as you, and the wedding will be fine to. Do it the way you want. Big wedding, small wedding, whatever you both want. Plenty of time to recuperate and then plan.”

Ariana nodded. "For a moment there you sounded just like Carolyn!" She grinned. "You weren't channelling her spirit then were you?"

“Just good old Irish wisdom,” he grinned. “And hey, if it makes me sound smart, I’ll keep it up!”

She couldn't help but laugh. "Remind me to pop by the bar and listen to some of your Irish wisdom! I think it would come in handy in my line of work!"

“Oh you’d learn all sorts,” he grinned, “not sure you’d learn much that Starfleet would consider legit but sometimes a pint and bending an ear works wonders. Even have music on most nights. Ain’t an Irish bar without some music on the go.”

"I'll have Cameron come by with me one night, how's about we double date sometime?"

“I’m sure we could plan that,” he nodded, “let me know when you want to come by and I’ll save you the best table in the house. For now I should probably let you get some rest.”

"Thank you and I'll do that." Ariana nodded. "I guess I should be going for a lie down or Doctor Hades will have my guts for garters, as the saying goes!" She grinned playfully.

“Yeah, he’s ... I don’t quite know. I don’t know him really. But he is ... intense. I’m still trying to figure out him and Carolyn. I do know that I do not want to be on his bad side.”

"Trust me, Hades seems fierce but deep down inside he's a very caring man. He hides his feelings well but he doesn't fool everyone." She grinned. "He cares very much for Carolyn, he just doesn't want to see her get hurt that's all. Let's just say his bark is worse than his bite!"

“I’ll take your word for that,” he said, not entirely convinced. “But maybe he’ll figure out that we have the same goal.”

"Maybe!" Ariana grinned. "I guess we wait and see!"

“That we will,” he laughed. “Go get some sleep. Stop by the bar. I think you and my aunt will hit it off.”

"Sounds good!" Ariana nodded. "If you want to stop by and see Stacie feel free. Just tell them I said it would be okay."

“Will do,” Liam promised. “You take care now.”

“You too Liam!” Ariana waved him off.


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