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Medical Emergency - Part 3

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2019 @ 5:27pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Mutara Romaine
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2019 @ 5:41pm

2,239 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 05 0500 hours


USS Essex

While the ship traveled back, Dr. Romaine and Admiral T'Lar were talking. "So," T'Lar started out, "I see that you are still fooling people."

Dr. Romaine chuckled, "Hey, I didn't say a word. Everyone just assumed I was her so I just played along. I corrected that Captain but I'm sure that he wasn't listening. Oh well. No harm, no foul."

"True. It is good to see you again. I just wish that it was under better circumstances. They are lucky to have you." Deela sat in her chair.

"Thank you. I just hope that we aren't too late. I am going to go to your sickbay and make sure that everything is ready for when we get there."

"Good idea." She watched her leave. After some time, the Essex returned.

Hades stood at the door waiting to greet the Doctor that was coming along with the shipment of medication. It couldn't come sooner. This was gong to be tricky. Cardassians needed four times the dose, those in level three needed twice the dose if they were human ....there was a dosing for each species. What wasn't making it easier was that both the Cardassian team and his team was showing signs of stress.

He watched through the blocked off area as the items he'd been waiting for were wheeled in. He would wait for Romaine to suit up.

Freya had heard the news about Ariana being admitted as one of the Fever patients. Even though she had flu herself she wasnt going to let it stop her helping out, arriving at the quarantine area she was automatically checked out first by the Cardassian staff given her symptoms, before being allowed through grabbing herself a spare suit and suiting up.

“Doctor..” She walked over to Hades. “What can I do to help?”

He sighed, "You should be in bed." He said. "Never mind. Nobody listens to me these days. Maybe go keep Ariana company for now."

He turned to see Romaine coming. "Doctor Romaine! You have my Ryetalyn Please tell me that its processed."

Dr. Romaine nodded, "Yes it is. Now if you would point me in the right direction, I'd like to get started."

Freya did as she was told and headed off to Ariana’s room, she knew Hades was under pressure but she’d have sworn there was more to his demeanour. She made a mental note to speak to him once she was recovered from the flu herself.

Dr. Romaine waited for Dr. Hades to show her where to go.

Hades turned to Romaine. "Alright we need to treat down. Stage three is over there down the hall. If you'll start there please. I'll go get Carolyn and we'll get her started on Stage two. I'll meet you at stage three shortly. I'll gather all the doctors I can."

'Very good." She walked down the hall and found the patients. She stood there for a moment and observed them. It gave her flashbacks. They had lost 14 people from the desease. Her husband was one of them. Shaking off the sadness she was feeling, she walked over and began to treat them.

"Doctor Hades!" an urgent voice called out, as Girrala came hurrying into view. She paused for the briefest of moments, composing herself. "I think you should come. Doctor Kyren is - well, honestly, just being himself. I don't think Doctor Corrigan quite appreciates his temper -"

Without another word she hurried off, towards the room where Counsellor Monroe was sleeping fitfully. In the doorway she stopped again, pointing down the corridor towards the ICU. "I could hear him from your Earth," she all but growled. "If you feel the need to hit him, none of the nurses would mind."

With that she disappeared back into Monroe's room to tend to her patient.

Hades motioned for Braxton to go see about the commotion. Right now he needed a plan to get the medication out.

Medical Facility, Cardassia Prime, ICU

"... care that he is Starfleet, or that he is Human," Doctor Kyren fumed, his voice, almost impossibly, rising another few decibels. "This is a Cardassian medical facility! I am in command here, I say it is time!"

"If you aren't going to help me then back off!" Doctor Corrigan snapped, continuing to work with a single minded determination on her patient. Ignoring all of the displays which were diligiently reporting that the battle was already lost. But they weren't even prepared to try. To fight for him.

Ensign Hayman though, had nothing left to give. It was infuriating and it was unfair. The cure was so, so close.

Strong hands grabbed hold, unceremoniously hauling her away. "Let go of me!" she screamed, kicking out and hoping she managed to kick the unsufferable Kyren somewhere it would really hurt. It just seemed to annoy him even more and his grip tightened.

"Doctor Kyren please!" Doctor Ivkan interjected, her eyes wide. People who had been too busy with their own group of patients were now begining to look. One, one of the Starfleet group... Breton or seomething like that... was heading in their direction with a look she could not quite fathom. It did not look good. "Remember where you are and your position! Now please, let us not create a diplomatic incident to add to an already sad event."

Braxton had been just in time to see Kyren grab Carolyn. He bounded towards the Cardassian and with a flick of his wrist he broke his old on Carolyn. He pushed the doctor back taking a stance. "Never! I mean Never grab a Starfleet officer." He let Carolyn get back to the patient and took a fighting stance. If Kyren was going after her again he'd drop the jerk dang quick. He had been itching for a fight.

Freya stood in the doorway of Ariana's room, she didn't need to be Betazoid to feel the tension, frustration and anger in the air. She could have cut through the sheer thickness of it with a knife if it was a tangible thing you could see and touch. She sighed as she looked back at Ariana, what would she do? Straightening up she walked over to where all the commotion was. "Ladies and Gentlemen might I suggest we all take a breather! You're all medical professionals pushed to your limits by recent events. Do you think arguing is going to help? The youngest of your patients hasn't even been born yet!" She looked around. "Let's just try and get through this without losing anymore patients." She hoped she'd done Ariana justice with her little Counselling speech as she'd no doubt Ariana would have done much the same.

Focusing on the task at hand, Carolyn searched the monitors for any sign as she administered another hypo. Watching for anything that would give a glimmer of hope. But there was nothing.

"Do not lecture me," Kyren snarled, turning on his heels and storming away.

Watching him go, Ivkan sighed, shaking her head. "Believe it or not, that was him being calm. Last year he through a medical student out that window.... Doctor Corrigan, I - well, frankly, I have no excuses for his behaviour."

Carolyn nodded as she set aside the hypo spray, deactivating the suite of monitors which now fell dark and silent. She was angry at herself more than anyone. And she knew she was going to have a good few bruises in the morning. She looked up at Braxton as she passed, "thanks for helping. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go be unprofessional somewhere else for a bit."

Freya looked at Corrigan. “Doctor...wait!” She walked over to Carolyn. “I didn’t intend that to sound like I was criticising anyone. I apologise if that’s how it came across. None of us are up to scratch at the moment, we’re all tired and stressed I just wanted to try and help cool things down a little.” She was starting to wish she’d stayed aboard the Pegasus and taken Hades advice to rest. “I think I annoyed Doctor Hades by just being here instead of being in bed.”

"He would just be thinking of your best interests," Carolyn told her, not entirely mollified. Dear lord her side ached. But until they could safely work without them, they were stuck in the suits so she would make do. And at least the pain helped her focus a little. "And I should see what help Dr Hades needs to get the medicine out to our patients. Excuse me."

Braxton let out a roar and punched the wall. He looked at Freya clearly angry that she'd stopped the fight.

"You too huh?" Freya sighed as she looked at Braxton. Sure she was the newest Counsellor around but she did what she thought she needed to do. "Maybe I should have just let you all get into a fight. Who knows you all could have torn those suits and ended up infected like Ariana!" With that she turned and walked off to Ariana's room to sit down and put her feet up. She felt rotten enough herself.

Braxton walked away. He needed to cool down.

Entering the emergency room, Carolyn studiously ignored the slamming door as her new best friend stormed into his office. Instead she carefully negotiated her way through the crowd towards Dr Hades. "What do you need?" she asked as she came up beside him.

He looked at her. "Are you alright?" He wasn't restricted by a suit. "What happened?"

“Not really but it’s a long story. The only really important part is that Ensign Hayman didn’t make it,” she said quietly. She gestured towards the stockpile of vials being unpacked, “and we should get those to our patients before this day gets any worse. Where do you want me to start.”

"We've lost a few of ours. Doctor Romaine is with stage three and I need you to look after stage one and clear Ariana with her doses. I want her back to the ship in the Pegasus sickbay as soon as she's cleared. I'll take care of stage two. Also I need you to contact the Admiral and get our dead up on the ship." He sighed, "I can't believe we didn't have the medication on the ship."

“I could tell you thousand of things we couldn’t plan for, it doesn’t make it your fault,” Carolyn reminded him as she gathered what she would need. “I’ll make sure we get Ariana transferred to the ship as soon as possible and I’ll make the other arrangements.”

He sighed, "Thank you, Carolyn."

“All part of the outbreak package, special offer, this week only,” she grinned. “I’ll get to work.”

"Good work down here." He sighed. She could tell him a thousand times that it wasn't his fault but he would not believe it.

Meanwhile, on the Essex, Admiral T'Lar, Deela, was going to go to her quarters when she got word that they had fatalities...some of their own. Not knowing who, she felt the need to check on Jack to make sure that he was okay. After she heard his voice, she was relieved that it wasn't him. She left the Essex and made her way to the medical facilities. She went looking for Dr. Hades who would know who they lost.

Deela didn't have a suit so she had to contact him by their communicators, =^= Admiral T'Lar to Dr. Hades, I need to talk to you. =^=

Hades stepped into a private area. "Go ahead. Hades here." He wiped the sweat off his brow. After everything that had happened it had to be this too. He would hide it as long as he could. He didn't need his staff worrying about him too.

Deela was very concerned and it could be heard in her voice, "I understand that we have lost a few people due to this disease. I was wondering who we have lost so far?"

He sighed, "Ensign Rogers, Ensign Harris, Lieutenant Anderson and....I've just learned Lai'lira."

When she heard the last name, it felt as if she was stabbed in the stomach with a knife and couldn't breathe for a moment. Her Vulcan training went out the window as she fought the tears. She inhaled, then exhaled as she tried to regained her composure. She tried to speak but the lump in her throat made it difficult. She cleared her throat,"Thank you Dr. Hades. I will let you get back to your patients now. Please keep me updated and let me know if there is something I could do to help." She couldn't help but think that if they had not been delayed, that she would have still been alive.

"Yes Admiral...Admiral I shall come and speak with you when the quarantine is broken." his voice cracked a little. "I can understand what you are feeling."

He was right. The one thing that she had that Spock didn't was feelings which sometimes was overwhelming, "I appreciate it."

Deela started walking with no destination in mind. She tried to not let her emotions overtake her but she was fighting a losing battle. She just needed to be alone right now, so she retreated back to her quarters.



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