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A little retail therapy

Posted on Sat Mar 23rd, 2019 @ 7:06pm by Camron Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,813 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Marketplace
Timeline: Cardassia (Prior to the Medical Emergency)

Aeryn headed for the marketplace on Cardassia. She was supposed to be resting but sitting around getting bored wasn’t helping her to relax. She’d only spent a few minutes walking around and she was already feeling drained, maybe she had been a bit quick in leaving the ship, she found herself a quiet little spot and sat down to rest.

Cameron had decided to give up on his search at least for the day maybe tomarrow he would find what he was looking for. As he glided along the walkway he noticed a member of the stations crew sitting alone. While not normally a person to but in on someone else who wanted to be alone she was pretty good looking and she appeared to be alone that could be a bad combo in some situations. He glided over to where she was seated. " Mind if I join you?" He asked softly hoping not to startle her

Ariana smiled as she looked up at the man in the hoverchair infront of her. "By all means. I'm guessing you're from Starbase 400?"

"Yah Cameron Wayne I am the owner of Intergalactic Mechanics." Said Cameron politely "And who may I inquire are you asside from the fact that I can tell your starfleet and part of either medical or science and also most likely from SB400." Said Cameron with a slight tease.

"You're quite correct" She smiled. "I'm Ariana Monroe, Chief Counsellor. It's nice to meet you Cameron. I was just considering getting a drink from that cafe over there would you care to join me?" She slowly started to stand up, there was no quick getting up in her condition.

"Delighted." Said Cameron as he backed away from the table and then moved around to her side offering her his hand to help her up.

"Thank you" Ariana smiled warmly as she took Cameron's hand. "I always wanted to have children but you don't realise how taxing it can be on the body” She grinned.

"I will have to take your word for that thankfully never had to deal with pregnancy. Though from what I remember when my younger sister was born well dad slept on the couch for a couple months after and was scared of mom for some reason for a while." Said Cameron with a chuckle as the moved toward the cafe.

Ariana couldn't help but grin. Walking over to the cafe she had motioned to Ariana chose what she wanted including a tray of salad. "What would you like?" She looked at Cameron.

"Hmm well since we are supposed to get exposure to other cultures here let's see a Targ steak with some Tuli with a glass of K'hava wine." Said Cameron calmly he would try almost anything once but he NEVER wanted Kanar again.

Ariana nodded to their server and they both moved over to a table to wait for their food to be brought out. "So tell me more about you." She looked at Cameron curiously.

"Not much to tell really a prank when I was 12 landed me in a chair like this so since I could not get to school I was homeschooled my dad was a mechanic and taught me how to fix or build just about anything I would ever need in life. However I hated the moutain so when I was 18 I left got a job helping in a repair shop in town a few years after that I inherited the shop from the owner after he died. Went to school for business at what would be called a community collage then left the planet and moved to earth. I built another shop from the ground up and got noticed by the SFCE with a contract to work with them I got my own ship and decided to move to SB400 and well the rest is yet to be written." Said Cameron flatly talking about his past was not exactly something he did alot of mainly because people either would take pity on him for the accident or think him a greedy tyrant for running a business that actually made hard money. His hope was that maybe this lady would be different then some of the others.

"You have made a very worthy life for yourself, a lot of people under the circumstances you faced would have just given up. I think you're amazing for picking up and making what you wanted of your life." She smiled warmly. "My husband was a marine, he passed away a month into my pregnancy. I also lost one of our twins but at least I have this little one left." She smiled warmly. "I promised Jonathon I would move on with my life so that's what I'm doing."

"Giving up was never really an option for me though trust me there were times I thought about it. Though it sounds to me like you have had to overcome more then your share of troubles yourself I can only imagine what losing your husband and one unborn child would be like. " Said Cameron calmly "Look I may not be the right person to make this offer I am not starfleet and definately not a councilor, however if you ever find yourself needing to talk or just vent flustrations after a long day my door is open." He added not really sure why he said that but knowing that he meant it all the same.

Ariana nodded as their server arrived with their food. "That's very thoughtful, I appreciate your offer. You might just find me on your doorstep sooner than you think!" She offered a brief smile and sipped her drink. "I'm sorry I have no idea why I'm even telling you everything! I'm don't normally pour my heart out to people I've just met!"

"I think that makes two of us cause I have told you more about myself in the last few minutes then anyone outside of my family or my late boss has ever known." Said Cameron as he cut into his steak it was not to bad but seemed to be missing something at least he thought so. "please do not think me forward when I suggest this but would you like an escort this afternoon. I only aske because I know that when you are just getting over being sick people tend to be a little weaker then normal and in your condition and well having an escort that could literally carry you away might not be a bad idea." He added

Ariana finished off the food she was eating before replying. "Actually I'd like that" She smiled the warmest smile yet. "To be honest I'm supposed to be resting but I'm fed up of sitting around staring at blank walls aboard ship so I thought I'd go look for some souvenirs of my visit. I'm just not sure what."

"Hmm give me a sec and I think I can make this outing of yours much much easier at least outside of the shops." Said Cameron as he started tapping a control panel on his chair. "Ok this is going to sound crazy as all get out but would you like a lift." he added as he came around the table having already finished his food. On the side of the hoverchair there was now a small bench and a place for her to put her feet as well.

"How on earth...?" Ariana beamed a smile as she looked at the hoverchair. "I think I'd like that." She stood and moved across taking a seat.

"I am sorry i can not make it softer for you but it should support your back and keep your feet off the ground while we look for what ever you want to look for." Said Cameron with a flourish.

"This is definitely a first for me but it's fun!" She laughed. "Let's just go wherever and if I see anything I like I'll tell you."

"my ladies wish is my command." Said Cameron with a chuckle. "Oh and in answer to your partially asked question remember I told you my dad tought me how to make whatever I needed. Well one of the things I built was this custom chair. your actually setting on my tool tray when I am in the shop but it works great for a seat to." He added

"Well I'm sure your dad is very proud of you." She smiled. "I know I would be." She paused and offered a smile. "Silly question...I thought of buying one of those automated swinging cribs for my baby but I haven't found one I like. I don't suppose you branch out that far in the mechanical line to do?"

"As a general business no I do not however I suppose if I was asked I could maybe come up with something. It would take time but who knows it might be an interesting challenge." Said Cameron as they looked around the shops in the marketplace.

“Really?” She paused. “I don’t want to be taking up your time if you have a lot of business to take care of. I do understand that your business is important.” She smiled warmly.

"I do not think you will be in any danger of hurting my business and it ould be fun to try and design something like that anyway. who knows you might have just given me the idea to start a side business. I can just see the sign now Interglactic Mechanics we fix everything from a cradle to a shuittlecraft." Said Cameron with a laugh it was after all a funny idea.

Ariana couldn't help but grin at Cameron's sense of humour. "Well if you do and you want a business partner just let me know! I always was good with the engineering side of things at the academy, I'm a fully trained Ops Officer as well as Counsellor so I'm good with my hands!" She grinned.

"I will keep that in mind. Though for now what say we head back to the ship I need to unload what I picked up and it is just about closing time for the shops around here so there is not much else we can do at least not today." Said Cameron calmly what he also did not say was that he was actually getting tired and it was getting late.

"Of course!" Ariana smiled warmly. "I'm a bit tired myself actually. You've been very kind taking me around the shops and I do appreciate it."

"Not a problem infact it has been very fun for me as well I honestly can not remember the last time I actually enjoyed just looking though stores. Maybe there is something to that whole retail therapy thing." Said Cameron while they waited for the transport back to the ship.


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